Dr. Theresa Long, medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime’s mandate
This needs to be shared by all. These are heinous crimes inflicted upon all of us including our military. The world sees our position of weakness, that's when danger strikes. How does a medically compromised military defend its country?
Biden and the other G20 traitors are all preparing the western nations to lose their WW3.
The CCP-UN-WEF, and their traitorous Young Global Leader puppets, and Biden are all playing charades in order to create WW3.
And their attacks on humanity - Covid-19, the climate change hoax, destroying the US energy independence, arming the Taliban in Afghanistan-leaving $85 billion of weapons and equipment to flow out to the world, the war in Ukraine - draining hundreds of billions more, destroying equipment and using up ammunition of the NATO countries, while draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserves of America - and selling some of it to China in fact - attacking food and fertlizer and creating meltdowns all over the world and cost of living crises - all of this is designed to smash up the western countries and set the stage to lose.
Simple - global communism, or as I prefer to call it Marxist Fascism, under the United Nations, World Economic Forum, and Chinese Communist Party alliance - it needs a new world war so they can claim that the world needs to be managed by a world government to keep the peace - which would be under the united nations in a multi-polar world.
This is why Biden is destroying America, and other western traitors are destroying their nations - because the biggest obstacles to global communism are the citizens of the western countries who have long history of rejecting it, and the Constitution of the United States and all it stands for as it is truly the biggest single obstacle to the power of monarchies, tyrants, and totalitarians.
And to answer your question - how do we defend our countries - it is going to come down to the same thing as the 1776 war of independence - we are going to end up in civil wars against our own Marxist totalitarian governments.
The second amendment is the only defense - but it needs to be used on the traitors internally because the threat within is greater than the threat without.
Exactly. I was disappointed that Bolsonaro and the military didn't launch and action against them. It was a foolish move. The Argentina journalist outlined the fraud in great detail. They stole it like Biden with Dominion machines. And that is worth going to war over. A lot of people, Bolsonaro supporters, are going to die under Lula.
Yes, I know.... and in the US, people aren't even aware there was an election!! Colombia now run by a Marxist, Chile, Nicaragua with Ortega back, Argentina still doing its 100 year dance with failed socialism, despite being naturally rich in just about every resource one can imaging. It's so sad, isn't it!
Yes it is very sad. And I suspect this type of thinking originates with the European-British fascist monarchial families. One of their prime weapons for "managing" the colonies, and bear in mind this was done by corporations like the East India Company, was to use famine as a weapon of depopulating the locals and keeping them weak and unable to fight back. And when you cast your mind across almost all the nations colonized by western powers this is what they did to the indigenous tribes - even the Red Indians. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, Africa, India, the list is long.
Before I started reading up on the British empire's history of genocides I had worked out that it appears the British Commonwealth countries, and America have a history of treating veterans badly - and I think the reason is to keep the dangerous men weak and incapable of fighting tyranny if it occurs - And I think that is what the 100 years of attacks on our health through the public health bureaucracy, vaccines, drugs, and the contamination of our food is what it is about. After WW2 our western socieities were filled with dangerous men, and women, and I believe it is part of the reason we had safe prosperous societies, as a society filled with men capable of fighting is one where mutual respect keeps you civilized - but it is not good for elites who have ambitions to become fascist overlords again. And so they have devised devious ways to destroy the health of our people.
Look at America. 1900 - it was the top of the healthiest nations in the world. 2023 - what a sorry state. As Ron DeSantis said this week "Decline is a choice."
Except it's the globalists and their corrupt puppets making those choices.
You might also enjoy reading Matthew Ehret out of Canadian Patriot (out of Montreal). He talks a lot about Malthusianism as the base of all this. Don't agree with all he says, but the man is absolutely brilliant. One point of contention is that he supports the Belt and Road initiative. While I agree this is an anti-Malthusian approach, I just cannot even remotely support anything from Xi, not now, not ever. E.g. Hitler also did many good things (e.g., building autobahns), but that doesn't mean I support him. Anyhow, I always try to read Ehret... only problem is, he is so smart, everything is always l-o-n-g.
Persons born prior to the first World War, 1914 to 1918, and during this period, fought off natural diseases with natural strong immunities.
They were mostly home births and would be left intact, no tying or cutting off their placental umbilical cord. There were then no tied off or cut cord infection, when left as Biological Reciprocal and Sealed Unit.
The babies were not anaemic babies and many lived past their 100th Birthdays.
When in, 1901, they discovered BLOOD TYPES. ABO, they began to experiment with immediate umbilical cord clamping, and then sought to harvest the babies born in Institutions for stealing their placenta cord blood, by clamping off before the placenta was birthed and all pulsation had ceased in the umbilical cord.
The weaker anemic babies began to have Autism and ADHD, and behavior and learning disorders, blood cancers and tumors.
The doctors and midwives did not actually seek to kill the babies by a policy they followed, Active Management, they just were required to make sure all babies had blood samples and DNA samples sent to the labs, now mostly private run labs in public institutions.
This Active Management Policy, by MERCK and ACOG and SOGC, and WHO, is a cause of the National Defense to investigate the medical instructors on child labor and delivery drugs and early umbilical cord clamping followed by immediate vaccinations, too..
Here is my take on the dominion machines. I suspect that the Pentagon or the CIA forced Fox News into accepting the $800 million agreement with Dominion to avoid a trial and prevent a justice court from hearing the case pertaining to the fraud that most likely occurred with those machines.
What do you think? Any commentators or Substack author wrote about it?
I also read at the CIA Director went to Brazil one year before the election to warn Bolsonaro, that he better accepts the result of the coming election...?!?! Strange way to proceed on the part of this agency, no? Maybe they’re getting lazy and didn’t want to have to organize a coup d’état...
There is a nice lady on spaced trying to tell Brazils story one guy said he’d help. But another sells stuff. https://twitter.com/phoenixlioness3/status/1613066119912251392?s=46&t=osulGQPpAp35kIAOb4HjsQ Follow her I’m so dumb I thought she spoke Spanish! It’s Portuguese! Anyway she only had 4 people in her space hopefully the one guy will help her get more listeners!
Amen sir ! This is the truth and we need to come to the aid of our country, or our children will have nothing , live in poverty , no food , we will be a third world country in shame . Traitors and power hungry thieves , mentally incompetent fools . Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do ,Jesus
"because the biggest obstacles to global communism are the citizens of the western countries who have long history of rejecting it, and the Constitution of the United States and all it stands for"
If you like my writing sign up for my existing Substack-which has gone quiet as I am going to launch a new one shortly - and reorientate my personal blog back to positive subjects - But if you want insights on the global war on humanity sign up for my blog and I'll notify you when the new one starts as that will be its sole focus. (Assuming you haven't already) Cheers Ivan
Dr. Ana I totally agree I served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War not only were we given many shots but we were also I believe victims of disbursal experiments of one organism or another. I experienced this on a base with many others at the time.
The military has been conducting germ warfare tests over those serving and populated areas for many years. Because of this I have followed outbreaks around the world to this day.
Thankyou for being proactive and sharing your passion to wake up those who don't know these things. I say this with with love and light.
The answer is they do not defend it because we have lost it already. Globalization is just that, and the enemies they give us are just a distraction. A one world government does not need a military, what they need is for all of us useless eater to die, be rendered sterol so we cannot breed. The vaccine is the tool to first kill millions, maim millions, prevent billions from having offspring, and this will assure the 500,000,000-population goal they want to maintain. They keep giving us China and Russia as the dangerous enemies to fear and this keeps us distracted when the reality is that China is working with these same players to enslave us all, how else could a virus be weaponized and released in China, paid for by American taxpayers. China is not the enemy as we understand it, it is a farce. The powers that run the world look at Chinas control over their population with envy so do not be fooled any longer with the enemy lie, it is deception. Take the red pill. Remember that a one world government will control the whole world, get it?
You are right IMO Jack - 3 solid years of research and thinking led me to the same conclusion. The 5 'great powers' that formed the original security council for the United Nations in 1946 are all on the same team - and it is the traitors within our nations that have been building the global and offshore infrastructure since 1946 to seize control of the world through global fascism - we the patriots are opposed by the globalist traitors within who often through disinformation and mass psychosis convince the nations that their enemies are other nations - but their wars are to enrich the traitors and to kill us off and weaken us.
Agree. The Globalists taking China along, as an active working partner, in their Globalisation Coup of every democracy in the world are extremely naïve if they think China, maybe joined by Russia, will not jointly seize the opportunity to take out the hugely enriched, but incompetent, Globalists at the first opportunity once the country Coups by the insider traitors have accomplished their take overs of the democracies all in lockstep of treachery.
Evidence is emerging that a "signal" can trigger a cardiac episode. Turns out china is a partner with pfizer biotechnology and can control the manufacturing process. See army doctor whistleblower Dr Sigolof on Rumble. He discloses the connection between pharma and the DOD and ccp. NIH is not the lead agency for the covid vax..the DOD is.
Don't worry... the fasco-Marxist left will call this "conspiracy theory." Right along with their other cliches du jour, such as "23 skidoo" and donning bell bottoms and calling others "groovy."
There was two Flight Surgeons with the rank of Colonel that came out and said the same thing. The military has suspended the mandatory jabs now as well and this is telling. I go to the VA for my medical care, and we still have to wear masks while inside the buildings lol. My Doc. said to me do you have your covid vaccine yet and I said no, then he says you can get it here it's safe and effective I got mine and I said you can have mine also. He didn't ask again, same thing with the flu shot. The new ones contain the same Spike protein gene altering poison as the covid jab. It is important to understand that with so many vaxed people the blood supply is tainted as well so they plan to get this shit into everyone by hook or by crook, well crook actually as it is a criminal enterprise. Notice that every drug store, Walmart has signs up for free covid and flu shots? Nothing is free so who is paying for this? the government and we are the government, and we are paying the drug dealers to offer it free whoopee. Let us walk the flat earth and eat the cheese that awaits us on the moon lol.
Exactly!!! This!! Spread the truth of the evil corrupt sick minded people in charge. Vote them all out. And all the Paramedics got the poison Jab too. How they supposed to come rescue the public if they are sick too?
В России в городе Тверь, лично я , знаю двух полицейских, которые пострадали от вакцины: один умер от инсульта, а у другог развалились два тазобедренных сустава ...
"glitch" the response to troubling data, e.g. DMED & CDC, equivalent to the politician's answer of, "no recollection." At least Clinton was colorful in his deceit. "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is."
The military and the government would like to explain away this data as a glitch. But there are too many adverse events and what it is not, is a glitch, isolated incident, collateral damage. But VAERS, and the CDC, DMED parallel one another and there is an obvious pattern.
One does not request a religious exemption. One 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙨 it. One invokes it 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙚𝙭𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨. Because this right exists, the employer must honor it unless they can prove that doing so would create an undue hardship. What "hardship" could the military (or any employer) possibly prove that would make accommodation of this right beyond its capacity?
I am a member of the Tennessee Army National Guard. I applied for a religious exemption. I and all the other soldiers in my unit who were not vaccinated were ordered today to turn in all of our gear. However, I haven't officially been denied my exemption request. It's due to happen any day as we have a deadline of June 30th. I'm afraid my career of 13 years is about to be up if I don't go to court. I've always been proud to serve and wished to one day retire, but it's very difficult to watch. I am an attorney as well, but I practice almost entirely in state court. Even I am confused as to how to proceed.
What was the outcome of your struggle? I'd be inclined to say that you're better off just writing off the 13 years and being done with the military. And this is coming from a 26 year retired army soldier... I've about had it with this government and their tyranny. I want no part of it. I hope you get things figured out, and I'd be interested in how your struggle is working out.
William, I'm a freelance journalist. I'm going to write a story on National Guard members who were forced out because they refused to be vaccinated. Could I interview you for this story? My email is: wjricejunior@gmail. com. I also just started my own Substack Newsletter, which you can find by clicking on the link above next to my name. Thanks!
Listen to Scott Horton. The U.S. military isn’t such a noble organization. And you’re getting out right before World War 3. We need to stop being an empire.
I’m sure you have thought of every angle. Will they accept a medical exemption? If so, I know a legitimate way to get one. This is not a scam. My cell is +16194334215.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
By keeping it out of the mainstream media, and censoring the shit out of the Internet, and labelling anyone who disagrees with official narratives with vile labels, it has kept 50% of the population ignorant - essentially the group they called 'essential workers' - working and living their lives as normal and kept them ignorant - and let's face it who has the time when they are leading their 'essential' life as normal, going to work, running your business, to do the type of research people who know about Substack have done. Try asking family and friends who haven't researched whether they know what Substack is, what Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, Parler, Telegram or Signal are. They can't tell you 99% of the time.
Precise! I am fortunate enough to work part time… and have an activist sister to inform me of news. My adult children are intelligent and successful…however. Just as you stated, they have little time to research or fact check. I inform them best I can, I’m not sure they believe half of what I tell them because it sounds like it is all from the “twilight” zone. They do trust me, thank God, but 2 of my children did get the jab. My middle daughter, an RN, lost her job because she stood up for what she SAW taking place in the hospital… young adults with myocarditis! She was “warned” not to talk. I am sooo proud of her!
A select few have grave concerns that vaccine related deaths are being categorized as suicides. The number of these deaths has skyrocketed y-o-y with numbers not seen in decades... Not sure who might be able to access the numbers and causes of death but many look like sudden deaths due to stroke or heart attack but they are being called drug overdoses despite the autopsies still outstanding... and a drug overdose is often called a suicide but the patterns don't match data from all prior years... I'm happy to research if someone who might be able to get the info would be willing to work with me on this? I truly appreciate this; families are and will continue to be devastated by these events.
When this first started ( people dying ) young people would arrive at the morgue for autopsy & the real cause of death was given they were told they were wrong. And the embalmers were stunned by the length and width of the clots removed from veins ( for embalming purposes ) it was obvious that people above them knew what was happening …. Mostly in Canada , from what I read , I was stunned . I was aware then it was a conspiracy from above .
National Guard troops are getting hit the hardest; check out Alaska and along the Southern Border where are NG has been assisting with the shocking influx of illegal migrants...
I'm a freelance journalist who would love to write a story on the spike in suicides in the last 30 months. I would need to quantify this increase with as many credible and available sources as possible. So, yes, I'd love your help with the research on this project. You can contact me by email at: wjricejunior@gmail. com. I also have started my own Substack site, which you can find by clicking on the link above next to my name. Thanks for your interest in this topic and any help you might be able to offer.
The DoD kicks the can down the road ignoring the fact that more military are injured by the vax than by covid, we can't believe anything our govt tells us...
The DOD is behind all of this nonsense. They developed the virus, and the clot shots. DARPA developed them years before they released the virus. Make no mistake, they will release another virus, now that millions of people have taken these jabs, and compromised their immune systems. I believe the next virus will make COVID look like a walk in the park.
And that will allow their much desired introduction of police state and ID cards thus facilitating their Coups of every democracy that has implanted traitors as leaders and leaders of all Federal and Government Agencies as witnessed FBI and DoJ offences.
This is gut wrenching. Every Head of every branch of the Military should be fired for going along with this unconstitutional mandate and unlawful order.
Any elected politician, or government bureaucrat who fails to stand up for the interests of serving members of our armed forces should be immediately dismissed. Any elected politician, or government bureaucrat who actively acts against the interests of members of our armed forces should be jailed.
It is obvious that the Commander in Chief who is responsible for forcing everyone outside the military to be vaccinated including, if possible, young children with the lowest level of susceptibility to adverse outcomes from infection. Is using his full authority to FORCE vaccinations upon military personnel, against their objections, including their lawful protected religious objections, knowing full well that the authority of the chain of command, unlike civilian occupations, has the power to severely limit and deny any personal protections from abuse of authority, that would be afforded civilians working in civilian employment. Biden is giving the orders and his ranks of purged, woke Flag officers are sold out to his agenda with no regard for the health consequences of those who are compelled to serve under them.
With properly tested vaccines. This shot is none of that, not properly tested, nor a vaccine. Nice try, though, trying to say that anyone that joins the military is just a human pin cushion and gives up all of their human rights. Good one...
This needs to be shared by all. These are heinous crimes inflicted upon all of us including our military. The world sees our position of weakness, that's when danger strikes. How does a medically compromised military defend its country?
It makes it hard and that is the point.
Biden and the other G20 traitors are all preparing the western nations to lose their WW3.
The CCP-UN-WEF, and their traitorous Young Global Leader puppets, and Biden are all playing charades in order to create WW3.
And their attacks on humanity - Covid-19, the climate change hoax, destroying the US energy independence, arming the Taliban in Afghanistan-leaving $85 billion of weapons and equipment to flow out to the world, the war in Ukraine - draining hundreds of billions more, destroying equipment and using up ammunition of the NATO countries, while draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserves of America - and selling some of it to China in fact - attacking food and fertlizer and creating meltdowns all over the world and cost of living crises - all of this is designed to smash up the western countries and set the stage to lose.
Simple - global communism, or as I prefer to call it Marxist Fascism, under the United Nations, World Economic Forum, and Chinese Communist Party alliance - it needs a new world war so they can claim that the world needs to be managed by a world government to keep the peace - which would be under the united nations in a multi-polar world.
This is why Biden is destroying America, and other western traitors are destroying their nations - because the biggest obstacles to global communism are the citizens of the western countries who have long history of rejecting it, and the Constitution of the United States and all it stands for as it is truly the biggest single obstacle to the power of monarchies, tyrants, and totalitarians.
And to answer your question - how do we defend our countries - it is going to come down to the same thing as the 1776 war of independence - we are going to end up in civil wars against our own Marxist totalitarian governments.
The second amendment is the only defense - but it needs to be used on the traitors internally because the threat within is greater than the threat without.
... and now in Brazil, same thing, with another fasco-Marxist takeover and fake votes
Exactly. I was disappointed that Bolsonaro and the military didn't launch and action against them. It was a foolish move. The Argentina journalist outlined the fraud in great detail. They stole it like Biden with Dominion machines. And that is worth going to war over. A lot of people, Bolsonaro supporters, are going to die under Lula.
Yes, I know.... and in the US, people aren't even aware there was an election!! Colombia now run by a Marxist, Chile, Nicaragua with Ortega back, Argentina still doing its 100 year dance with failed socialism, despite being naturally rich in just about every resource one can imaging. It's so sad, isn't it!
Yes it is very sad. And I suspect this type of thinking originates with the European-British fascist monarchial families. One of their prime weapons for "managing" the colonies, and bear in mind this was done by corporations like the East India Company, was to use famine as a weapon of depopulating the locals and keeping them weak and unable to fight back. And when you cast your mind across almost all the nations colonized by western powers this is what they did to the indigenous tribes - even the Red Indians. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, Africa, India, the list is long.
Before I started reading up on the British empire's history of genocides I had worked out that it appears the British Commonwealth countries, and America have a history of treating veterans badly - and I think the reason is to keep the dangerous men weak and incapable of fighting tyranny if it occurs - And I think that is what the 100 years of attacks on our health through the public health bureaucracy, vaccines, drugs, and the contamination of our food is what it is about. After WW2 our western socieities were filled with dangerous men, and women, and I believe it is part of the reason we had safe prosperous societies, as a society filled with men capable of fighting is one where mutual respect keeps you civilized - but it is not good for elites who have ambitions to become fascist overlords again. And so they have devised devious ways to destroy the health of our people.
Look at America. 1900 - it was the top of the healthiest nations in the world. 2023 - what a sorry state. As Ron DeSantis said this week "Decline is a choice."
Except it's the globalists and their corrupt puppets making those choices.
It really is domestic warfare. A civil war.
You might also enjoy reading Matthew Ehret out of Canadian Patriot (out of Montreal). He talks a lot about Malthusianism as the base of all this. Don't agree with all he says, but the man is absolutely brilliant. One point of contention is that he supports the Belt and Road initiative. While I agree this is an anti-Malthusian approach, I just cannot even remotely support anything from Xi, not now, not ever. E.g. Hitler also did many good things (e.g., building autobahns), but that doesn't mean I support him. Anyhow, I always try to read Ehret... only problem is, he is so smart, everything is always l-o-n-g.
More truth.
A weakened and fatter society exists, today.
Persons born prior to the first World War, 1914 to 1918, and during this period, fought off natural diseases with natural strong immunities.
They were mostly home births and would be left intact, no tying or cutting off their placental umbilical cord. There were then no tied off or cut cord infection, when left as Biological Reciprocal and Sealed Unit.
The babies were not anaemic babies and many lived past their 100th Birthdays.
When in, 1901, they discovered BLOOD TYPES. ABO, they began to experiment with immediate umbilical cord clamping, and then sought to harvest the babies born in Institutions for stealing their placenta cord blood, by clamping off before the placenta was birthed and all pulsation had ceased in the umbilical cord.
The weaker anemic babies began to have Autism and ADHD, and behavior and learning disorders, blood cancers and tumors.
The doctors and midwives did not actually seek to kill the babies by a policy they followed, Active Management, they just were required to make sure all babies had blood samples and DNA samples sent to the labs, now mostly private run labs in public institutions.
This Active Management Policy, by MERCK and ACOG and SOGC, and WHO, is a cause of the National Defense to investigate the medical instructors on child labor and delivery drugs and early umbilical cord clamping followed by immediate vaccinations, too..
You’re 100% correct!
French were just as bad as Britain
Thank Kissinger
The CIA and Kissinger killed the best leader that Chile ever had .and installed a Murderous CIA puppet.
Here is my take on the dominion machines. I suspect that the Pentagon or the CIA forced Fox News into accepting the $800 million agreement with Dominion to avoid a trial and prevent a justice court from hearing the case pertaining to the fraud that most likely occurred with those machines.
What do you think? Any commentators or Substack author wrote about it?
I also read at the CIA Director went to Brazil one year before the election to warn Bolsonaro, that he better accepts the result of the coming election...?!?! Strange way to proceed on the part of this agency, no? Maybe they’re getting lazy and didn’t want to have to organize a coup d’état...
And a lot of people have died under Biden.
https://twitter.com/lordfabriccio/status/1612801766239907841?s=46&t=osulGQPpAp35kIAOb4HjsQ Translate and look at the thread! We are going to die too in communist/globalist USA!
It's Fascism,not Communism. The Yanks Repatriated the Eugenist Third Reich Skum to the US now we have the Riech .
There a guy on substack, Libor Soural, who writes about the communist dsytopia in Nicaragua. He's pretty good.
There is a nice lady on spaced trying to tell Brazils story one guy said he’d help. But another sells stuff. https://twitter.com/phoenixlioness3/status/1613066119912251392?s=46&t=osulGQPpAp35kIAOb4HjsQ Follow her I’m so dumb I thought she spoke Spanish! It’s Portuguese! Anyway she only had 4 people in her space hopefully the one guy will help her get more listeners!
Thank You for you spot on assessment, you have covered all ! So glad to finally hear it said , The truth be told , Amen
Yes it was Sir ! I feel strongly on defending ourselves, never giving in or giving up on our Country!
Then I thank you Midge for your appreciation. :)
Was your comment in response to mine Midge?
hard to tell. Lol.
Yes Mr Paton , my comment was for you , Marjorie ( Midge )
Schwab bust of Lenin in his office 3 second mark, 1:17 mark to 1:30 and 2 min mark.
Yes, he indeed WAS that stupid to remember it was there. Or maybe it's to rub our noses in it. Either way, he's a vile, evil, disgusting man
My overview on fasco-Marxism is here: https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism
I have two short articles on fasco-Marxism here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism if interested, which is what you allude to above
Blaise - thanks for the links. I'll read them. Always interested in background on this. The western disinformation state works to keep it hidden.
Did you see Lara Logan reports. Fox fired her! Still on YouTube but for how long?
Amen sir ! This is the truth and we need to come to the aid of our country, or our children will have nothing , live in poverty , no food , we will be a third world country in shame . Traitors and power hungry thieves , mentally incompetent fools . Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do ,Jesus
"because the biggest obstacles to global communism are the citizens of the western countries who have long history of rejecting it, and the Constitution of the United States and all it stands for"
Thanks David. :)
Thank you.
You may appreciate my Climate Change post, as it is designed for proponents of GW, that only hear NPR etc…
I tried to like, but am unable
Thanks Lisa - I have often had that problem too.
If you like my writing sign up for my existing Substack-which has gone quiet as I am going to launch a new one shortly - and reorientate my personal blog back to positive subjects - But if you want insights on the global war on humanity sign up for my blog and I'll notify you when the new one starts as that will be its sole focus. (Assuming you haven't already) Cheers Ivan
Totally and entirely correct
The following links share an interesting perspective on this topic and may explain why the mandates are enforced:
China's Woman Spy Fatal Reason | Chinese Women Spies Reveal | Fact Check
Bill Gates Fall in Chinese Honey | Bill's 4th Child | China's Son-in-law?
Dr. Ana I totally agree I served in the US Navy during the Vietnam War not only were we given many shots but we were also I believe victims of disbursal experiments of one organism or another. I experienced this on a base with many others at the time.
The military has been conducting germ warfare tests over those serving and populated areas for many years. Because of this I have followed outbreaks around the world to this day.
Thankyou for being proactive and sharing your passion to wake up those who don't know these things. I say this with with love and light.
Devolution...they want America to appear weak.
The answer is they do not defend it because we have lost it already. Globalization is just that, and the enemies they give us are just a distraction. A one world government does not need a military, what they need is for all of us useless eater to die, be rendered sterol so we cannot breed. The vaccine is the tool to first kill millions, maim millions, prevent billions from having offspring, and this will assure the 500,000,000-population goal they want to maintain. They keep giving us China and Russia as the dangerous enemies to fear and this keeps us distracted when the reality is that China is working with these same players to enslave us all, how else could a virus be weaponized and released in China, paid for by American taxpayers. China is not the enemy as we understand it, it is a farce. The powers that run the world look at Chinas control over their population with envy so do not be fooled any longer with the enemy lie, it is deception. Take the red pill. Remember that a one world government will control the whole world, get it?
You are right IMO Jack - 3 solid years of research and thinking led me to the same conclusion. The 5 'great powers' that formed the original security council for the United Nations in 1946 are all on the same team - and it is the traitors within our nations that have been building the global and offshore infrastructure since 1946 to seize control of the world through global fascism - we the patriots are opposed by the globalist traitors within who often through disinformation and mass psychosis convince the nations that their enemies are other nations - but their wars are to enrich the traitors and to kill us off and weaken us.
Agree. The Globalists taking China along, as an active working partner, in their Globalisation Coup of every democracy in the world are extremely naïve if they think China, maybe joined by Russia, will not jointly seize the opportunity to take out the hugely enriched, but incompetent, Globalists at the first opportunity once the country Coups by the insider traitors have accomplished their take overs of the democracies all in lockstep of treachery.
Well the US Government have been killing their people to for years .
Your paid off Politicians are your Enemy.
Evidence is emerging that a "signal" can trigger a cardiac episode. Turns out china is a partner with pfizer biotechnology and can control the manufacturing process. See army doctor whistleblower Dr Sigolof on Rumble. He discloses the connection between pharma and the DOD and ccp. NIH is not the lead agency for the covid vax..the DOD is.
Don't worry... the fasco-Marxist left will call this "conspiracy theory." Right along with their other cliches du jour, such as "23 skidoo" and donning bell bottoms and calling others "groovy."
There was two Flight Surgeons with the rank of Colonel that came out and said the same thing. The military has suspended the mandatory jabs now as well and this is telling. I go to the VA for my medical care, and we still have to wear masks while inside the buildings lol. My Doc. said to me do you have your covid vaccine yet and I said no, then he says you can get it here it's safe and effective I got mine and I said you can have mine also. He didn't ask again, same thing with the flu shot. The new ones contain the same Spike protein gene altering poison as the covid jab. It is important to understand that with so many vaxed people the blood supply is tainted as well so they plan to get this shit into everyone by hook or by crook, well crook actually as it is a criminal enterprise. Notice that every drug store, Walmart has signs up for free covid and flu shots? Nothing is free so who is paying for this? the government and we are the government, and we are paying the drug dealers to offer it free whoopee. Let us walk the flat earth and eat the cheese that awaits us on the moon lol.
Exactly!!! This!! Spread the truth of the evil corrupt sick minded people in charge. Vote them all out. And all the Paramedics got the poison Jab too. How they supposed to come rescue the public if they are sick too?
В России в городе Тверь, лично я , знаю двух полицейских, которые пострадали от вакцины: один умер от инсульта, а у другог развалились два тазобедренных сустава ...
"glitch" the response to troubling data, e.g. DMED & CDC, equivalent to the politician's answer of, "no recollection." At least Clinton was colorful in his deceit. "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is."
The military and the government would like to explain away this data as a glitch. But there are too many adverse events and what it is not, is a glitch, isolated incident, collateral damage. But VAERS, and the CDC, DMED parallel one another and there is an obvious pattern.
One does not request a religious exemption. One 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙨 it. One invokes it 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙚𝙭𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙨. Because this right exists, the employer must honor it unless they can prove that doing so would create an undue hardship. What "hardship" could the military (or any employer) possibly prove that would make accommodation of this right beyond its capacity?
Nice distinction, very important. Exactly right.
Take medical advice from this lady that believes in talking snakes and resurrected carpenters.
May you rest in his Peace Ashli
I am a member of the Tennessee Army National Guard. I applied for a religious exemption. I and all the other soldiers in my unit who were not vaccinated were ordered today to turn in all of our gear. However, I haven't officially been denied my exemption request. It's due to happen any day as we have a deadline of June 30th. I'm afraid my career of 13 years is about to be up if I don't go to court. I've always been proud to serve and wished to one day retire, but it's very difficult to watch. I am an attorney as well, but I practice almost entirely in state court. Even I am confused as to how to proceed.
Please keep standing! When you stand, it is for ALL of us and I consider you a hero.
What was the outcome of your struggle? I'd be inclined to say that you're better off just writing off the 13 years and being done with the military. And this is coming from a 26 year retired army soldier... I've about had it with this government and their tyranny. I want no part of it. I hope you get things figured out, and I'd be interested in how your struggle is working out.
William, I'm a freelance journalist. I'm going to write a story on National Guard members who were forced out because they refused to be vaccinated. Could I interview you for this story? My email is: wjricejunior@gmail. com. I also just started my own Substack Newsletter, which you can find by clicking on the link above next to my name. Thanks!
Listen to Scott Horton. The U.S. military isn’t such a noble organization. And you’re getting out right before World War 3. We need to stop being an empire.
I’m sure you have thought of every angle. Will they accept a medical exemption? If so, I know a legitimate way to get one. This is not a scam. My cell is +16194334215.
Hi William, I was taking a look back and saw this, I was wondering if you were able to stay in the guard?
Dr. Theresa Long is a courageous hero and should be treated as such!
When will these evil people be brought to justice?
When we stop typing, and begin acting. Civility is our greatest weakness, and they exploit it.
I cannot answer that but it is written that they WILL
Thank you for your honesty and courage, and committment to ethical principles.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io
Truth be told
Yes. I learned to ask "who benefits most?" and all the confusion of "what he is doing doesn't make sense" just melts away.
I completely agree with you. How others do not see this is difficult to process
By keeping it out of the mainstream media, and censoring the shit out of the Internet, and labelling anyone who disagrees with official narratives with vile labels, it has kept 50% of the population ignorant - essentially the group they called 'essential workers' - working and living their lives as normal and kept them ignorant - and let's face it who has the time when they are leading their 'essential' life as normal, going to work, running your business, to do the type of research people who know about Substack have done. Try asking family and friends who haven't researched whether they know what Substack is, what Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, Parler, Telegram or Signal are. They can't tell you 99% of the time.
Structural ignorance created by the globalists.
Precise! I am fortunate enough to work part time… and have an activist sister to inform me of news. My adult children are intelligent and successful…however. Just as you stated, they have little time to research or fact check. I inform them best I can, I’m not sure they believe half of what I tell them because it sounds like it is all from the “twilight” zone. They do trust me, thank God, but 2 of my children did get the jab. My middle daughter, an RN, lost her job because she stood up for what she SAW taking place in the hospital… young adults with myocarditis! She was “warned” not to talk. I am sooo proud of her!
Sounds like you have been listening to Yuval Harari and his evil ideas. He is Schwab's henchman.
A select few have grave concerns that vaccine related deaths are being categorized as suicides. The number of these deaths has skyrocketed y-o-y with numbers not seen in decades... Not sure who might be able to access the numbers and causes of death but many look like sudden deaths due to stroke or heart attack but they are being called drug overdoses despite the autopsies still outstanding... and a drug overdose is often called a suicide but the patterns don't match data from all prior years... I'm happy to research if someone who might be able to get the info would be willing to work with me on this? I truly appreciate this; families are and will continue to be devastated by these events.
When this first started ( people dying ) young people would arrive at the morgue for autopsy & the real cause of death was given they were told they were wrong. And the embalmers were stunned by the length and width of the clots removed from veins ( for embalming purposes ) it was obvious that people above them knew what was happening …. Mostly in Canada , from what I read , I was stunned . I was aware then it was a conspiracy from above .
National Guard troops are getting hit the hardest; check out Alaska and along the Southern Border where are NG has been assisting with the shocking influx of illegal migrants...
I'm a freelance journalist who would love to write a story on the spike in suicides in the last 30 months. I would need to quantify this increase with as many credible and available sources as possible. So, yes, I'd love your help with the research on this project. You can contact me by email at: wjricejunior@gmail. com. I also have started my own Substack site, which you can find by clicking on the link above next to my name. Thanks for your interest in this topic and any help you might be able to offer.
The DoD kicks the can down the road ignoring the fact that more military are injured by the vax than by covid, we can't believe anything our govt tells us...
The DOD is behind all of this nonsense. They developed the virus, and the clot shots. DARPA developed them years before they released the virus. Make no mistake, they will release another virus, now that millions of people have taken these jabs, and compromised their immune systems. I believe the next virus will make COVID look like a walk in the park.
Amen to that statement
And now we have the Bird flu virus, which indeed does make COVID look like a walk in the park. 😞
And that will allow their much desired introduction of police state and ID cards thus facilitating their Coups of every democracy that has implanted traitors as leaders and leaders of all Federal and Government Agencies as witnessed FBI and DoJ offences.
This is gut wrenching. Every Head of every branch of the Military should be fired for going along with this unconstitutional mandate and unlawful order.
Any elected politician, or government bureaucrat who fails to stand up for the interests of serving members of our armed forces should be immediately dismissed. Any elected politician, or government bureaucrat who actively acts against the interests of members of our armed forces should be jailed.
It is obvious that the Commander in Chief who is responsible for forcing everyone outside the military to be vaccinated including, if possible, young children with the lowest level of susceptibility to adverse outcomes from infection. Is using his full authority to FORCE vaccinations upon military personnel, against their objections, including their lawful protected religious objections, knowing full well that the authority of the chain of command, unlike civilian occupations, has the power to severely limit and deny any personal protections from abuse of authority, that would be afforded civilians working in civilian employment. Biden is giving the orders and his ranks of purged, woke Flag officers are sold out to his agenda with no regard for the health consequences of those who are compelled to serve under them.
Yes it is Treason.
Everyone that joins the military is vaccinated for numerous diseases.
The Covid vaccine does not relate to any disease. It is a Bio-Weapon.
With properly tested vaccines. This shot is none of that, not properly tested, nor a vaccine. Nice try, though, trying to say that anyone that joins the military is just a human pin cushion and gives up all of their human rights. Good one...
you have to admit, the far left woke military is damn good at destroying the truth. and ruining lives.
What is the opposite of woke?
Un-brainwashed and aware of your surroundings.
Our military are being persecuted. Please donate to Defend The Defenders. https://givesendgo.com/G35E3?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=G35E3