Pentagon is woke and weak.

Our enemies know this...

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boom, still the most lethal but we are being stood down, we need to soon flex to remind.

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Two days ago was the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party - it's looking like it's time for another...

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I guess the trans members can always throw their stilettos at the enemy.

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lols...good one!insane times...

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woke = weak.. the woker the weaker! It's the new Amerikkkan way!

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Our enemies saw the botched surrender in Afghanistan.

They know the US military is corrupt, ineffective, weak, and woke.

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A lot of little kids want to join the Army, Air Force, Navy or Marines. The trans agenda in the military is not just about adults but also about grooming kids. Christian whiite countries like Russia, Belarus and Serbia and Montenegro reject US values of pedophilia and transgenderism and the US Supreme Court endorsed "US constitutional right to be sodomized." Most people in Christian white countries such as Russia, Belarus and Serbia and Montenegro and also in Christian black and Asian countries have zero desire to be sodomized or to cross-dress or pretend to be a different gender or to molest kids and for this reason the enemies of the US will push back fiercely against the values of the US and US proxies such as Ukraine in part because they love their kids and want to keep the US out of their countries in order to try to stop their kids from being sodomized or otherwise molested.

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Thing is, pedophilia and transsexualism (as if that's even real or possible) are NOT "US" or American values...! They're being pushed on us from the top via our "leaders" and via NGOs and other methods, made to APPEAR as if these horrors are coming up from the bottom (no pun intended), from the grassroots, that these directions represent the entirety of the US population minus a small percentage. This is BS. This is the opposite of reality, which is that the vast majority of the US population abhors pedophilia and rejects transsexualism being pushed on their children. But, as it APPEARS from the outside as if all of the US is for these horrors, it serves the dual purpose of indoctrinating children & young adults & the mentally weak, and repulsing other countries who SHOULD be our allies. A LOT of this illusion is being pulled off via very deliberate imagery and statements of those representing our gubmint, and via very deliberate stifling & repression of other messages from the majority of Americans to the contrary. Censorship is a multi-prong weapon - serving to divide us, serving to present to the vulnerable among us certain views and viewpoints to indoctrinate them, and serving to present to the world only "approved" views and viewpoints that make the entire country look like the ultimate horror show of degenerates and mental cases.

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That is true. Although American adult males now have gained the reputation around the world as being child molesting pedophiles and sodomites that stereotype is not always accurate. Stereotypes are generally based on fact but are not true in every instance. There are some American males who would never molest a child, even if that child was a foreigner.

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It used to be that when that type was put into prison, the guys in prison would take them out.

It's time to put every pedophile in prison.

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Very well said. I am being censored on several sites, all Republican leaning. The

pop up screen states that my computer may be harmed. BUT, of course they will release my block if I answer the questions )to put me on the terrorist list???

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Just X off the screen and bring up a new screen. Do Not be coerced by them. This stuff is pre-programmed into the site.

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Thanks for the info.

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What browser are you using? I use Brave.

What sites? There are quite a few I never go to any more.

I would be EXTREMELY leery of answering any questions! It could be harmless, or it could be a malware installer - yes, they do still exist. Or, it could be even worse, as you mentioned, lol.

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Excellent points.

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Those are NOT the "values" of the U.S.. Those are the values of the communists and cabal deep state who have infiltrated our country in order to destroy it with their perverted rot, and we must do everything we can to uproot this evil and protect all of the children. The supposed to be leadership all needs to go and it is on us to make it happen. God helps those who help themselves.

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"Corporate corruption and non-leadership" has its penalty.

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Jordan Peterson is correct -- the marauders are not AT our gates, they are INSIDE our gates. What is wrong with people are they all completely asleep?!

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No... they're working for the enemy. The psycho globalist predators/parasites.

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The enemies of our freedom, our people, and our country, are in our government... just look at “The Squad” who all seem to support Hamas!

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The military is waiting for more people to wake up. We want to avoid civil war (which is what the deep state wants...war) We must do our best to spread the truth and wake up as many peoole as possible.

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I'm really tired of people saying things like this, that the "military is waiting for" all sorts of things before they act. I think this is complete & utter BS. I think they're either a bunch of wimps, like we're seeing in various news items, or they're too scared to actually act. Thus, it's yet another psyop.

So, to prove me - and many, many, many others - wrong, what evidence - real, hard, believable evidence - do you have & can provide that backs up your claim?

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And, we are, and will continue, to pay the price.

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Until We Take Them Out.

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Use Congressional Fudge-Packer Vidz for recruitment:

"Why just take it up the rear?

"Let the US Army gjve you a new Front Hole plus Cash Bonus.!!

"Meet your dream lover..

"Luv times two and you're in the Army too."

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Austen you useless affirmative action general and Milley you moron, just quit and become the leader of a cub scout pack if they will put up with your woke cowardly BS.

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It’s doubtful any self respecting cub pack would take either of these two deficient humans .

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Such a brave lot, breaking a nail could stop the war!

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are you seriously advocating for starting a war with Iran???

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Let them cut the heads off Milley and Austin. The fish rots from the head down. That would get rid of the rot in the military.

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In an attempt to settle a debate, can anyone point to these “WOKE-ADOS” actually dressing with pink hair and a dearth Vader costume? It certainly looks like they have been photoshopped, especially the logos. Any help and or a link to where these “USEFUL IDIOTS” may be paraded around dressed this way would be greatly appreciated. May God Bless America and the entire world!


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The powers that be best described as iconic corrupters of all that is good picked two fools with a cumulative IQ of plus four and the appeal of slimy dog vomit left to dry in the midday sun.

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I don’t think we’ve ever seen a more ridiculous picture of any US official like the one of Austin. It’s almost surreal

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This will not stand, after all, it will throw a monkey wrench into Israel's Ben- Gurion Canal, which will go through Northern Gaza and supplant their neighbor's Suwz Canal.

We have troops right across from Yemen in Djoubouti.

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Dec 18, 2023
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Yes. I, and many others, anticipate a false flag operation (at least one, probably more than one staggered by days) disguised as a crisis to enable Xiden to declare Martial Law, and the cancellation of the 2024 election. We are in 1939 Germany, but on a global scale.

Fantastic speech from that woman! I wish I'd known how on the point that conference was to be, as I might have gone.

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