You missed the part about Turkey sending its Navy into the Eastern Med, and then China has announced sending a fleet there as well. That's after the US sent one carrier group and is delaying on sending another one. Do the Iranians have nukes ? Well the Russians do and they have them on their hypersonic missiles, and on Migs patrolling the skies over the Black Sea. Netanyahu is a NWO puppet of the worst kind, who will kill his own people first, before slaughtering the Palestinians. The US needs to dis-associate with the whole situation, but then the US is part of the NWO too. They don't want a cease fire. They want to cleanse Palestine of the Palestinians. That stain will never be wiped away...

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Netenyahu is a WEF tool. And he doesn’t care how many Israelis die in the quest for a greater Israel. That includes all of Palestine part of Syria and part of Lebanon

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He cares, but understands sacrifice in Chess

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6 Chinese warships on their way to the Middle East. Will Taiwan be next? Philippine Ship recently rammed by Chinese ship. Biden can’t walk & chew gum without falling over. How would Biden manage three wars simultaneously! Uncontrolled immigration. Apparently there are remote controlled bombs in Gaza etc, one recently went off. Could boots on the ground could be a trap if no contingency plan regarding remote controlled bombs? WW3 - 3 for one? This would not have happened with Trump. Grow your own food, leafy greens in pots will do.

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Make sure they’re heritage and not GMO

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And while everybody's focused on the Middle East, China's going to move against Taiwan. And if we get involved there, China's Client State North Korea will hit the U.S. West Coast with nukes. AND since China backs Iran, it might use that as the excuse they want to get even more involved—like a ground invasion of the U.S. with the aim of taking us over (their long-term is to goal to get our farmland).

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The biggest landowners in the US are Bill Gates and China. And many have crossed your open borders- they don’t need to invade.

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"they don’t need to invade."

Tell the Chinese that.

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They don't need to do anything as our own "leaders", politicians and courts are doing a fine job destabilizing, weaking our military and destroying the remainder of the corpse of the U.S.

What's more important to our military is gender pronouns, what high heels match the trannies uniform best for formation and doing Israel's bidding. Be sure to pay your taxes, Ukraine and Israel's survival depend on it! More and more holocaust survivors are born everyday!

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More like tell the US neocons that, after all they are engineering a three ring circus

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I don't think Israel can overreact.

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Unfortunately the West is satanic

Look on the back of a dollar bill

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The god they are talking about is Lucifer, who sits at the top of the pyramid, the Freemasons which are Lucifer worshippers are the builders of the world from the time of the pyramids in Egypt. Where each angle of the Pyramid is 33 degrees. Lucifer is the master of the 33rd degree as per the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The world they have built up is one of global slavery and digital control over every aspect of your life. And it's a world of unspeakable evil that most people cannot fathom even exists. The Jews Messiah should arrive sometime around 2025 and come within a space ship and proclaim himself god. Will be a gray alien....He will require worship via a hologram and you'll receive a "mark" that will control your ability to buy or sell globally. I believe this mark will include the hologram built into it powered by Musk Starlink system. You will be made to worship the image of the hologram which will be the Antichrist. If you do not worship or accept the mark you will be beheaded specifically. All those that can overcome the Antichrist and refuse to worship him and accept his mark citing the real God and his Christ and be beheaded you'll find yourself in heaven and you'll be called "special" there. Because only you and a few others maybe a few million world wide will make it and overcome the Antichrist. Everyone else will follow along as they always do and be condemned. Don't follow the crowd, they are always wrong.....follow God and refuse to follow or obey all evil. Which means all Jewish laws being put into effect are null and void by default, criminals do not get to write laws and when they do it's the duty of all men not to obey them and to make war with such individuals who wrote such laws to begin with. You will always find a Jewish face behind those laws. In he Bible it says that the god of the Jews gave the Jews the right to loan out money at interest to the Gentiles to enslave the Gentiles to money.......Raise your hand if you think that's the real God? Do you think the real God would want Jews to enslave you to their money system? I really do think it's time for people to begin the wake up process now. I know it's very painful and hurts really bad but it is necessary as life is much more interesting than you ever imagined before........

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All of this is foretold in the Bible

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Israel is not overreacting. Israel could not do enough for it to be worse than what has been done to them for 70 years and on Oct 7.

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Isn't it kinda creepy how eerily the events unfolding, along with historical events caused by the true supremacists align with what Jesus warned about the ones who cry out as they strike you?

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US doesn't have sufficient troops available to make much of a difference. Brit army is something less than a joke. The entire Brit army couldn't fill soccer stadium.

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