I'm a life long Philadelphian and I can attest to the fact that this is 100 percent real. The City is run by idiots and has been for 40 years.

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I think people may have to start thinking seriously about whether they want to pay taxes if this is where it is going...... is there a way to abstain or "Just Say No"?

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Yeah, it's called federal prison. You'll even get a free ride and shiny bracelets, no extra charge.

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

They have been throwing money at demorat states for years and nothing changes. Corruption.

The roads in CA are terrible. When they are resurfaced, the roads don't last. And the cost to do the roads is exorbitant. Wasted money and the roads don't last.

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

In some places, bad roads are by design. Officials even contract to destroy well-built roads, made to last 30 years, paying to replace them with superficial surfaces that last 5 years.

Well-built roads are not fit for purpose, once you realize the purpose is to extract public money.

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Agree wholeheartedly.

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SMH ~ Brought to you by the party of kindness and compassion.

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Most surreal like a futuristic horror movie. Why have these people been so demoralised that they cant keep it clean. Fifty something billion should fix it.

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That's only for the payoffs, double it if you want anything done.

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That is horrifying ......

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The only possibility that these billions could come back from Ukr@ine to the US would be through a good return on another ukrainian lab made superbug...

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And the subsidized criminals walk right in with their tons of drugs. Oh, too, make sure their babies have milk, Screw our babies, unless you want to buy it from the cartels that have amassed the pallets. No I can't prove it. But would bet on it.

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My husband (now 72 years old) was raised in Kensington and it was once a great place but like most of Philadelphia, which has been under Democrat control for decades, has fallen to crap.

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These types of neighborhoods make Harari drool with anticipation.

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Thank you for showing a part of Philly that isn’t so unique in the USA. Americans please wake up. Our country is being destroyed, wake up.

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