This evil must be eradicated from the earth.

I watched, helplessly, while my mom was tortured by turbo cancer in 2022.

It is time to wake people up and end the suffering.

The vaccine is a weapon. I have seen what it can do.

In 2022, after 4 Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, b-cell lymphoma and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. She lived, suffering, until December 13. I was her full time caretaker.

In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about her illness, the failed medical response, her experience, my experience and how a community and faith in God got us through.

I have started the process of editing and rewriting on Substack. I think my mom’s story is important and I want it to be told.


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I am so sorry your mom went through all of this, and you.

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As a tier 5, I spend 2 to 4 hours a day reading all things covid via substack. Since May 2020 I have done my utmost , as diplomatically as possible, to warn those around me and on my FB, that this was not a medical emergency, it is a phyc-op. And I always presented facts, or studies or quotes, and refrained from expressing unsupported opinion. A few days ago i posted the latest UK death rates by vaccination status. I got one like , no comments. Everybody is sick and tired of hearing about covid. I'm sorry to say that I don't think I saved many of the fearful. Those in agreement with me smelled a rat early on as well. The best signs that we are winning are the low booster uptake and the pushback against all things globalist.

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This makes my heart weep, seeing that picture. We've tried to warn as many parents as possible Not to take it. Now FB and Google uses AI to block our ability to get this message out to people.

God and Jesus Christ Yeshua Hamashia are going to send their Angels to smite the wicked ones. ALL of them including those foreigners who make and spray our food crops with forever chemicals such as chlormequat manufactured by Timinco which causes infertility and stunts the growth in babies and children just by eating cheerios and quaker oats, and biden wants to spray it on our grains here in the U.S. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/02/15/business/80-of-americans-test-positive-for-chemical-found-in-cheerios-that-may-cause-infertility/amp/

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Sage is right again and so are you in this very accurate analysis using the "malice Tier system"; it was always painfully obvious that there were different degrees or depth of criminality at work; all of the nefarious actors and players had their own agendas or followed others through cowardice or self-serving gain; but the common denominator, if there is one and I believe there must be, is that in the final analysis it is the individual choice to freely choose as unique sovereign beings; far too many abdicated that responsibility and chose to believe in fake science and human hubris as never before; what was and is also common is the total lack of spirituality and failure to recognize that life, ALL LIFE, is a gift from the Creator (however one chooses to imagine that Creator) ; that failure set all of us up for the vulnerability and easy capitulation for the purveyors of Death to gain and maintain control; we have always had warnings and admonitions to do what is right, such as this: "I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life."(Deuteronomy 30:19)

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fyi: A documentary, just came out of Germany narrated by Aya Velazquez

Die Geheimakte Corona-Expertenrat - ein Dokumentarfilm von Aya Velázquez


It's also in English, cheers!

English version:

The Secret Files of the Corona Expert Council - a documentary by Aya Velázquez (English Version)


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The English link is : youtube.com/watch?v=EfuAOBmipK4

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Can you please add the English link? Great find! Thanks.

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The Secret Files of the Corona Expert Council - a documentary by Aya Velázquez (English Version)

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Ugg nothing new here. But thanks

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Very much to the point Dr.Paul .It is beginning to unravel ,too slowly for many of us ,but I see light shining yonder .

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The Secret Files of the Corona Expert Council - a documentary by Aya Velázquez (English Version) Germany

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Dr Paul thank you for posting Mickey Z.'s work!

And you forgot Dr Jane Ruby in your IV list.

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Agreed, Dr Paul - but, 2nd Smartest Guy - NO, never will I trust

Do not support, promote nor follow ever again

We must be discerning & not duped

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I don’t trust 2nd Smartest Guy either San. He booted me for pointing out in the comments that Joe Tippens recommended the Merc Panacur C Fenbendozole and that it cost far less than the one he promotes. He’s a grifter.

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Cheeky - I agree - he booted me because I asked who he was - he was promoting his son’s band in one of his substacks. I wanted to know who this guy is - he refuses to be asked questions & blocked me. I also do NoT agree with some of his views - he is thin-skinned, to say the least.

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It’s simple. 1. Appreciation, gratitude for the cues and loud bell he rings aiding the mass awakening and shining spotlights on the corruption within drug licensing cartels. 2. We are adults, bearing all responsibility for our decisions. NOBODY must be trusted >>unconditionally<<. Wear this like your skin ! Research the cues and the open market. Celebrate and empower your own work. Share it with others if you want - but recognize not all appreciate your effort.

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It seems you might be missing the masses of blindly, obedient sheep who got the shot AND demanded others did too, lest they be vilified or punished. Without their contribution the other f#@$ers wouldn't have gotten as far.

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Yes. I pray for righteous judgement in this matter. Rest assured, it will come.

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The Secret Files of the Corona Expert Council - a documentary by Aya Velázquez (English Version)

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If you think what academic scientists in the US recommended for "COVID -19" protection was extreme, check out what they do in Australia to try to prevent getting infected. The photos are interesting.

" ... a full-face Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) mask, a collar with its own HEPA filter ("it's like being in a scuba suit"), two pairs of gloves, a disposable Tyvek suit, a generic gown that is laundered after use, booties, gumboots and little plastic socks that go over the boots."

"... working with respiratory specialists to understand how to reduce the risk of viral transmission by improving the ventilation and filtration of indoor air ... indoor air quality can be assessed with a battery-powered CO2 monitor; popular devices like the Aranet cost about $300 but some companies are developing tech to allow smartphones to do the same. And the investment is worth it, many argue, because it can help you avoid catching COVID-19 ... If CO2 is 800 parts per million, Dr Schofield says, 1 per cent of the air being inhaled has been breathed out by someone else — and is therefore a good proxy for infection risk ... One of the findings from the past few years she finds "most exciting", however, is the role of relative humidity in indoor spaces. When relative humidity is below 40 per cent, Dr Schofield says, the risk of catching COVID-19 increases ... She regularly uses nasal sprays, wears an N95 respirator when she's indoors with other people — in meetings at work, for instance — and makes sure air purifiers are switched on ... When eating out, she chooses restaurants that have ... extractor fans at each table ... "I always take my Aranet [CO2 monitor] along, and if you sit close enough to the kitchen, the kitchen fans are very effective."

"For him, in addition to getting current booster vaccines, it means using a toolkit he built with his wife who, as a paediatrician who works in a long COVID-19 clinic in Melbourne, comes face to face with the harm the virus is doing every day. The kit includes a well-fitted N95 mask, a CO2 monitor and a portable air purifier. "It's another line [of defence]," he says. "If you're in a restaurant, say, and … you've got a few people around you, putting one of those on the table, blowing in your face, is a good idea."


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I can salivate at the thought of supplying timber to stake these mo fo's and incinerate them beyond recognition, wot a pleasure

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Reverse it. Make Tier1 closer to victims. No matter what top echelon murderers say, doctors, local government, police need to know if they follow they will be screwed for life. Maybe put them all in same Tier1. Part of same killing machine. Is arm less accountable then head?

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Thank you. I am sorry for everyone who is going through this.

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