The medical community learned nothing from Thalidomide and DES.

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they are all in on it

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Yes. They certainly learned to make big money from using the Thalidomide production model.

It was the government that insured Pharma; no legal responsibly. We are still waiting to learn that we are wrong about that.

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The nationwide Control Group study found that children who were not vaccinated after birth, but who were exposed to vaccination in the womb, had higher rates of diseases and disorders than the national averages for routinely vaccinated children.

We also found TWICE the risk of birth defects in preg vax-exposed babies than the national average for birth defects. Which is interesting, since at that time, 50% rate of all pregnancies in the U.S. were vaccinated. Talk about corroboration;-)

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This is distressing information. Do you happen to have a link to this study?

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The published paper is HERE: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365417868_Health_versus_Disorder_Disease_and_Death_Unvaccinated_Persons_Are_Incommensurably_Healthier_than_Vaccinated

And the original study site and reports (including raw data, graphs, etc.) are found here: https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/gallery

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Thank you for the link, Joy. I was not aware of this study.

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The 95% pharma-funded medical rags would never publish it. And since the MSM gets 70% of their add revenue from pharma they'll never acknowledge it. So not very many people know about it. Even Del won't report on it b/c he doesn't consider anything to be "real science" if pharma hasn't "approved" of its publication.

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Do you have that study link? I’d love to pass it on to a family member.

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I am developing a true hatred for vaxxxes & those who for whatever “reason” promote them

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Shit, shit and more shit. Never again.....

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Well, duh.

These highly-credentialed mad scientists who think they can play god and destroy what was already a perfect design -- for who knows what reason decided it was a good idea to inject pregnant women with these untested (?) poisons.

Well, back in my day as a pregnant mother, I remember that vaccines (including flu vaccines) were contraindicated because they could possibly harm the development of my unborn child, just as I was also sternly lectured to stay away from cigarettes and alcohol. I also knew that my breast milk provided the best start for my child to grow up with a healthy immune system. What changed, so that now vaccines are recommended for pregnant women? Not only that -- that experimental gene therapy injections would be required as a condition of being able to receive prenatal care and give birth?

I am so sick of this, and so heartsick over all of the people taken in by this nonsense who have unwittingly damaged their babies and themselves.

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They get a PhD and immediately go to work selling it to pharma, just like a $2 hooker.

Nothing but trash. Pure evil.

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They knew they were vaccinating the child along with the mother if not why did they advise the mother to abstain from drinking or drugs?They knew and still advised a untrialed drug.It was a huge cash cow for a select group of people and them those they bought off cheaply to turn a blind eye.All are accountable for the outcome.

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I suspect, the reason for formula shortened, was for the same !

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Just Remember b.gates nazi family from hell was killing citizens befofe the 1960s. David Martin Exposes Timeline of Biggest Democide in Recorded History https://banned.video/watch?id=6471236b1cd98dc354c67c96 - MURDER IS A CRIMINAL ACT WHICH IS ILLEGAL JUST LIKE USURPER joe biden And WHAT THIS EVil VAX DOES TO YOU,,,,,, IT KILLS YOU NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS JUST PURE UNADULTERATED DEATH, PRE MEDITATED DEATH , PRE MEDICATED DEATH JUST WHAT pfauci & pfizer and pfgates ordered MURDER THE PEOPLE

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What a gigantic clusterfook.

Will we ever get any Justice?

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I suggest next time you purchase gas, pay $1.00 per liter in cash and no taxes using this code section 83.01


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OBGYN and Veteran Warns Federal Government Has Become a Terrorist Organization and One of the Biggest Mass Murders of World History https://banned.video/watch?id=647a4485a6e3bb004564bf6

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Scientists: Gene Altering Cancer Causing DNA Found In Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines https://banned.video/watch?id=647a55aea6e3bb004566e69 DEATH TO THESE JAB PERPS

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Fetal Cardiology. Pass by the women’s hospital where my sons were born often and that sign always gets to me.

I would like to know if there has been an uptick in Fetal Cardiac problems since the time when they decided we had to give these shots to pregnant women?

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Dr. Alexander, please do not start your fact filled sentences with "Do you not think..." and "How could they..." Please start your fact filled sentences with "They have..." "They have..." Then there can be no room for doubt in anyone's mind. No room for doubt whatsoever. Respectfully, an avid reader. God bless you for everything that you do. ❤ x

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