They actually used "RunDeathIsNear" for Ebola and it was a complete wa$te of time and resources. it's very toxic and expensive. Heard a number of people say it killed one of their parents, started destroying the kidney(s) or liver or both! Of course THE FRAUDci was pushing that as the only form of treatment.
They actually used "RunDeathIsNear" for Ebola and it was a complete wa$te of time and resources. it's very toxic and expensive. Heard a number of people say it killed one of their parents, started destroying the kidney(s) or liver or both! Of course THE FRAUDci was pushing that as the only form of treatment.
They actually used "RunDeathIsNear" for Ebola and it was a complete wa$te of time and resources. it's very toxic and expensive. Heard a number of people say it killed one of their parents, started destroying the kidney(s) or liver or both! Of course THE FRAUDci was pushing that as the only form of treatment.