"Two hundred thousand Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression."

I bet they pulled that number out of the same ass that held the "6 foot distancing" "rule".

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

pulled it out their asses, crooked asses, I love your post, thank you

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“They” should put a large stick up that same ass

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high up

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Electric cattle prod, I say.

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It's the same kind of BS statement as "millions of lives were saved by the COVID vaccines".

Statements like those are marketing points in an industry that can say whatever it wants to pass off as truth. Evil clowns like Hotez and Fauci make liberal use of such statements, their deification by outlets such as (the obviously bought) Time Magazine seems to be the only justification they require to disseminate lies and propaganda which supports the massive money machine pharma agenda.

People all across the globe are fed up with the obvious lies. In another era and place, charlatans such as Hotez and Fauci would be tarred and feathered and sent packing.

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no lives, not one was saved by any Malone Bourla vaccine

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That's fewer than the estimates of dead due to pro-vaccine aggression and the pro-faux science aggression.

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Belongs on an electric chair.

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Alongside Fauci & friends!☝🏼

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The only thing Hotez lacks is two horns on his head.

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he is devastating, has always been wrong...hurt us badly

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True! As with so many of these demons that are doing their thing making life miserable for us

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we are on to them but they are pushing so that we will need fight them

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As he permanently maims his own daughter with said vaccinations. And then denies her severe autism is from those very vaccines. I’d bet money it was.

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very very interesting

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I wasn’t aware of Rachel’s issues until your comment. If you check Amazon one star reviews of his book detailing how vaccines don’t cause autism, you will notice that he’s been trying to silence anyone who questions him for a long time now — way before Covid. When you realize he was a dean or something important at Baylor, you’ll know everything about research at Baylor.

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he helped go after McCullough

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Hotez the demon, inept, unqualified...not because you have letters behind you makes you qualified

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5

Has he read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Has he read the 4th amendment? Not Constitutional. Maybe he is nervous re: what he and others have done...

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they are if Trump gets in and this is why

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These folks just shit on the Constitution.

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Hotez is a fraud and a scared little tyrant ( not to mention an epidemiological idiot ). I would suggest he modify his vax enforcement stand by leaving government out of this. instead, he can personally raise an army of equally damaged humans and, together, spread out through America's communities in their white coats, and N 95 masks, waiving their vax needles around , personally berating and threatening the wretched non believers.

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He can start in Texas, where 2nd amendment parents will put a quick end to his ‘crusade’

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Let them be inoculated with their own poisons!

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Hotez is quite clearly unstable from what I've seen reported of him. A liar as well, obviously. I shudder to think that he has contact with children in his "work". Where does he get his "stats from...Kamala? I would guess his marching orders come from overseas...why was he talking to Tedros...who is NOT a doctor, I'm told.

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ka boom, they all knew what they were doing was wrong, hurt people badly...but they all made money

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“science warrior?” How about a “scientism whore!”

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boom boom

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I’m observing from Australia. The populace here is numb and dumb and politicians and academics shut their mouths and there is no discussion. In USA you have some of the biggest loudmouth fools - who have no shame and feel safe speaking out like a totalitarian - but they have the power and need deposing.

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they are, sorry...issue was they were disarmed

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A frontal lobotomy should solve most of his problems

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Was gonna say he looks like he's escaped from an insane asylum. ( Doesn't ever look like he's used a comb or brush in his life)

Maybe he found out he was scheduled for that lobotomy and high tailed it outta there!😂

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his words, policies, positions has harmed many, thousands....especially with the COVID vaccine

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Hotez is either deeply insane or unbelievably evil.

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Dr. A,

What about Vaccine Cheerleader and Warp Speeder Trump? He still cheerleades his 'fantastic', 'wonderful' deadly covid clot shots. Tell me, what is the difference between Hotez and Trump in relation to the COVID vaccine? Both seem to love it.


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You cock sucker Warp Speed was a DOD project long predating Trump and he was railroaded into it by Fauci & Brix after they maneuvered Scott Atlas, MD, the only independent COVID advisor out of the way, and while he was fighting an illegitimate impeachment probe. It wasn’t his best decision, but considering I will give him the benefit…

Who are you gonna vote for?

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🎯👏👏👏👏 well said Roger! It’s all mapped out in Dr Reid Sheftall’s book “Heroes and Villains” which is very thorough. DB would be wise to read it. Trump was lied to by everyone of these so called advisors. Dr Scott Atlas is a hero in my opinion. Looking forward to his next series which is being released soon. He has invited Hotez to a debate several times and he has not accepted. Reid would blow Hotez out of the water.

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I have spoken to Dr. Atlas. He told me Trump failed miserably. He claimed he advised Trump to not support all the swamp mandates and Trump failed. When the swamp got going, Trump hid in the corner.


PUT HIM ON THE HORSEMEN LIST! (Unless he recants).

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Wasn’t Mike Pence head of the Vaccine BS

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When was the last time, please document. Cheerleading is not mandating like the Harris Biden fascists have done,

Who are you going to vote for?

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Big difference. Do some digging!

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He was deceived as were many millions of others. He did not gave any malicious intention unlike the minions of PIG PHARMA.

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JFK was decieved. JFK stood up to the swamp. Trump? Nope. A big failure.

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Evil demon

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This man has a deeply unsettling gaze!

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FITH syndrome

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He employs the inverted foreskin ploy to make a point after tweaking his joint

His brain is dead, rotting in his head

He has no clue, but loves the view,

A mess of a male

Will always fail.

Is he a diddler?

Or a crooked piddler

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I get it. I think the same about him.

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He is an imbecile. His comments are totally moronic.

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