VENTILATORS for COVID: Trump was lied to & deceived catastrophically on VENTILATORS, in some instances, 95 to 97% of persons placed on mechanical ventilators DIED! Ventilator killed people & doctors
& hospitals, CEOs, our medical doctors killed us with the ventilators as they were not trained to use them & they were not calibrated properly! They told Trump get Ventilators with NO evidence worked
or knowing they had zero training…these fuckers killed our parents, grand-parents etc.
Medical doctors must hang for this, this was murder, I want people investigated to show us where was the evidence, what was the basis and when the deaths especially in New York were piling up when people went on vents, why did they not stop the ventilators. Why?
Hang these beasts, these devils, why? Because these fuckers made money, were incentivized. Hang them! High! Get the courts, get the judges, we want some hangings! We need juries, hurry!
no doubt too, many, many who died were very fat, obese and were difficult to handle in ER. Obesity emerged as a super loaded risk factor for severe outcomes. Some said that the process of placing the intubation and ventilator increased risk of spewing pathogen; everything about the ventilator was wrong! They are murderers!
NYC hospitals at the time were accepting anyone with a license to work in the hospitals and I don't think most were qualified or quite frankly, smart enough to care for ventilator patients. The few who were (Erin Olszewski RN) did try to speak out but their voices of course, were not welcome by the mainstream media. Add to that the zero liability created by the prep act and eua approvals and you get the tragic mess we had at the so called epicenter. I believe you are correct that trump was deceived, that he earnestly believed the doctors who were lying to him, Deborah birx admitted how she lied in her book! I can understand your anger. More people need to be angry, there is nothing wrong with righteous anger.
Wasn’t Remdesivir and a ventilator how Fauci killed all the AIDS patients back in the 80s?