Ventilators: you will come to learn that even on that, POTUS Trump was misled and that ventilators did not help but rather killed, killed most people placed on them! Yes, with sedation (midazolam),
Remdesivir, DNR orders, no antibiotics, false positive PCR test, morphine, dehydration, malnourichment, ISOLATION of our elderly, we killed them & ventilators blew holes in already trauma lungs!
Intubation and ventilation killed our elderly, our vulnerable people, nothing these bastards did from PHAC, CDC, NIH, SAGE, FDA, none of the fraud doctors, nothing, saved lives, just harmed and killed our peoples so we punish them.
For those of us who have treated patients with a variety of respiratory conditions, alarm bells went off when they started putting all these people on vents. For example, we never put an asthma patient on a vent... we give them oxygen, we give them steroids, but never a vent. Whose idea was this... that piece was never clear to me but what is clear is that CMMS paid hospitals $40K to put a patient on a vent, if they went on Remdesivir (and they did) they got a 20% bonus on the total hospital bill, so a typical ICU bill running $500K will generate an extra $120K just for using this horrible drug nicknamed: Run-Your-Death-Is-Near.
Of course they got Versed first and that just made them instantly unconscious and for most they never woke up.
Let me know when even one person gets held accountable.
Same thing here in the US. Remdesivir and a ventilator. This is how they murdered the AIDS patients back in the 1980’s too! This is a Global Mass Depopulation Event and no one wants to face that reality!