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For those of us who have treated patients with a variety of respiratory conditions, alarm bells went off when they started putting all these people on vents. For example, we never put an asthma patient on a vent... we give them oxygen, we give them steroids, but never a vent. Whose idea was this... that piece was never clear to me but what is clear is that CMMS paid hospitals $40K to put a patient on a vent, if they went on Remdesivir (and they did) they got a 20% bonus on the total hospital bill, so a typical ICU bill running $500K will generate an extra $120K just for using this horrible drug nicknamed: Run-Your-Death-Is-Near.

Of course they got Versed first and that just made them instantly unconscious and for most they never woke up.

Let me know when even one person gets held accountable.


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Any nurse or doctor who administered Remdesivir after watching 3 to 4 people die, and continuing to administer the drug, is a murderer.

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Had Covid twice and my greatest fear was to be hospitalized and lose control of the decision making for medical treatment! Never had the injections, because I saw the con! The heavily Incentivized protocols by Fauci are the root cause of the deaths by a man who didn’t understand the human body!

How do we prevent this scenario from being replayed?

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Good question... it depends on what is left of the Cartel post collapse. It is possible, what is left of the Cartel will be what is left of the USA itself... and it may not be much. THe USSR fell under the weight of its own corruption. The USA has far exceeded the level of corruption that brought down the USSR. We may not need to reform captured agencies or have rules that do not let a man with such great responsibility be held to no standards of accountability. If we had done this right, Fauci would have been in prison after the AIDS fiasco. But we didn't hold him accountable so he did what he always does because it always worked and he was never held accountable - there was no one to hold him accountable but for Congress and he was a master manipulator in that arena.

I guess what I am saying is I am expecting a collapse on a societal level but the Elite will not be able to control it nor will they be on top when the dust settles as is their plan.

So, I am not even sure post collapse who we will be. Will there even be a USA, will it be broken up, will it be invaded by the narco-state from the south reclaiming land lost in a war - yes there are treaties but with the USA, which may not exist post collapse. Or will be invaded by little Fiedel from Canada? He would not invade but he would allow China to stage an invasion from Canada.

There are many possible variations on this theme... still too early to say how to prevent another Fauci when then system and governmental structure that birthed and fed him may no longer exist.

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Attorney Tom Renz is the real deal. Do you see the drama & dragging out of the information on these grifter shows? How many podcasters have sprouted out of the ether to make money off this tragedy and Crime Against Humanity? Tune into my show to hear all the information! But you will only get drips each day to keep up her ratings.

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The Association of Public Health Schools gave us a Pandemic Flu plan that wasn't even peer reviewed to my knowledge back around 2007

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For those of us who have treated patients with a variety of respiratory conditions, if you NEVER put an asthma patient on a vent, I wonder how many asthma patients were under your care. Yes, supplemental O2 and steroids, but you also may need a vent or non-invasive ventilator assistance once in a while, also using proper I:E parameters, even Heliox, to try to save lives. BUT I never gave ANYONE Remdesivir.

I continue to consider mech vent a LAST RESORT, but it is a resort! If weaning is impossible, then make a decision. But to NEVER consider a last resort, seems short-sighted. Just make everyone DNI? You don't intubate unless there is already respiratory failure. If some did, I agree, that's malpractice and could be assault and murder. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!

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to clarify.... I was trained as a pediatrician and in that population, asthmatics were never put on vents. Be that as it may, my point was the LAST RESORT became FIRST RESORT in the face of 90% mortality and that was done by design for reasons that should be obvious by now.

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I was trained Pulmonary - Critical Care, and asthmatics are put on vents, though again as a LAST resort. But I agree the LAST RESORT should never be the first resort. I know what I did. But anyone motivated by anything other than doing their best for patients, God might have mercy on their soul, but I don't know if I would.... Cheers!

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Your last line might be on hold for 5 years. With satanic Dems & compliant Neocons who will ever take responsibility?

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Don't hold your breath but the USA is going down - the Eagle has fallen, we just haven't hit the bottom of the cliff yet. Be that as it may, a USSR level collapse is on its way. So, we won't need to wait 5 years.

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I do believe these demons will be held accountable. According to the New York Times Military Tribunals will be aired in June and July. It may highlight the traitors to our country first. It’s my understanding there are about 1 billion Deep State actors globally. There are 32 countries and their leaders working with Trump and our military to take the demons down. They will succeed. Trump praises the military and makes it clear he is not talking about the Woke TV Generals. Since 2017 our military has been rescuing sex trafficked victims many many who are children and blowing up the massive tunnel systems. Speaking of actors the Fauci you currently see on TV is not the original Fauci. He’s an actor with a mask on. He’s currently at Gitmo. You can look at the pictures and notice a difference. Fauci and the crew responsible for this will be charged and convicted of chromes against humanity. The sentence for that crime is death. Have a good day sir.

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🙌🏾 Father God a beg you, some of what she say is true! 🙄

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Whatever you are smoking.... it would be nice to have some.

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I will bet you you are a democrat. Am I right?

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Actually, if I were a democrat it would be an RDK, Jr. democrat. But those democrats don't seem to exist anymore. So, what do I get if you do not win the bet?

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