And once the cabal goes down, all wrongfully injected with an obnoxious substance must receive a financial compensation from a fund established with expropriations of JT's ownership in and kickbacks from Pharma, and the assets of BigPharma and the US gov't that aided and abetted them, and the billionaires that did same, and the media empires and BigTech. Plenty of money to go around. No proof of ill effects required as these will be impossible to prove, but the injection itself is enough to know they deserve it. And all wrongfully fired for refusing jabs must be restored with compensation.

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Ironic to freeze the working man's bank account whilst giving billions of dollars to big pharma that has 100% immunity. What's right with this?

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They do not have this immunity if crimes and deceit are involved. So, no, they don't have immunity.

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Fraud vitiates everything.

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That should be the message from the freedom movement to our brothers and sisters, neighbours and relatives that got duped through psychological warfare into accepting this bioweapon for vaccines.

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander, for your bravery and dedication to mankind.

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Ottawa Police are not mandated to take the vaccine

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Another irony

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Lots were duped anyway.

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Good morning from The UK. Thinking of you and the truckers each day💕

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Thank you Dr Alexander. I appreciate you and what your doing!

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Dear Dr. Alexander. Can you find an expert psychiatrist to provide an opinion on what is happening with Chrystia Freeland's mental state? It is painful to watch the way her eyes move and the way she's twitching constantly: https://twitter.com/i/status/1494406300750462983

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When it comes to MORAL imperatives —"ought"; "should"; "duty-bound" . . "this should never

have happened" —Globalists and Marxist Atheists have been pushing (infiltrating the West's

major Institutions) for the Marxification of these Institutions and of all future generations . .

SINCE THE 193O's. Stalin, a former dismissed Seminarian, knew exactly what it would take to

corrupt the Wests Christian Civilization. That mandate from Hell, and its fulfillment, has not


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So now that the true 'color' of the Canadian police is evident by the mass arrests taking place...What's the next plan Dr. Alexander...? Plan A has failed miserably...They are just doing what they have been told to do...Sound a little bit familiar...?

The police are two-faced and cannot be trusted...They are employed by the government and will do the bidding of the government leaders...

You want to change the actions of the police, then change the leadership of the government...History is on this side of logic...

This is so sad...So many have been told to back the blue...Foolish, foolish...The police are agents of whatever government is in power...That is what they get paid for...Is Australia not a perfect example...?

I wish I had the perfect answer for Canadians, but I do not...

Unfortunately there can only be much bloodshed in the future if liberty and freedom are to be restored in Canada...

It will take millions of people to remove the criminal agents of the government since the citizens are unarmed...

Take heed Americans, because you are next...!

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Yes I believe we are!

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This from NewSA substack on new states rights proposals outlined to protect peoples freedom

quick before it's too late to establish protections...


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Great read! By and large, this is chock full of a lot of really good ideas with a few rough edges that need some work. DeSantis/FL has made progress in many of these areas. It always makes me wonder why there hasn't been more information sharing between red states in order to facilitate similar legislation across the board instead of the hit or miss patchwork that we have. Blue states seem to be much better at coordinating/implementing "good ideas". 🤦‍♀️

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Good morning! Thanks for everything. Cheers!

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Glad to hear you are all well. I am following all the live podcasts. Yes I have been praying to the good Lord. We must not give up. All eyes are on Canada. Now we have an obligation to fight for our brothers and sisters in Europe Australia New Zealand South America etc It appears the govt is very desperate to hide something. We all know what it is. They will come at us hard. I hope our doctors and lawyers around the world unite to bring these criminals to justice. We must prevail. Lidia here. Let me know if you need anything. Cheers

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thank you Dr Alexander. I just sent a link for a video of Dr Li Meng Yan- who is warning of CCP s release at the Olympics - is their next bioweapon: Hemorrhagic Fever.

antidote is daralex ( j% j monoclonal antibodies).


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After watching the CHAZ incident in Seattle, I realized my hypocrisy at supporting the truckers in Ottowa. Even if I could "get around them", I wouldn't want my neighborhood street congested with 100s, 1000s, or really 10,000s of strangers .

Man, do I find myself struggling. The importance of the trucker stance isn't lost on me as the real fear of forcibly being needle rayped looms closer. And possibly being forcibly euthanized by extension. Or my already vax injured kid, being ultimately harmed in the 6 feet under kind of way.

How do I make peace with your "visiting" versus the Chaz "occupation?"

As I type, making flyers and stuffing mailboxes. If I am gonna be a terrorist in the US for saving lives, well, so be it.

Love to you all.

How about, all truckers catch xovid on the same day???? go home. stop working. take a day off. Per True DooDoo, 5 days quarantine, right?

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I watched footage of CHAZ as it happened, and I’m paying close attention also to Ottawa.

I don’t know how you can compare them?

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30,000 feet, Seatlle and Ottowa are occupied by hundreds to thousands of "homeless", residents taking over the streets.

Yeah, Chax, for the likes of us was deplorable. Obviously, someone thought it ok.

Same is happening now with the Truckers. I applaud them. Donated twice.

Moment of stepping back, asking... why is this ok and that not? (to a specific group of narcissistic, evil, pedophiles who believe themselves to be elite)?

The exact same action , by the exact same person, is viewed as deplorable there in CHAZ and totally acceptable in Ottowa, doesn't that make me as much of a flip-flopping, lying Fraudci and Walenksy, CDC , hypocrite?

Fine line. When is a wrong a right? A right a wrong.

Who decides that CHAZ was deplorable and Ottowa is acceptable?

That action is the problem. We have, generally, found it unacceptable to invade people's neighborhoods, period. Didn't matter your perspective. (well, until BLM 2020.)

Now, we wash, rinse, and peacefully repeat the same action? We invade a coty, town, and street? and never leave?

The action, on its most primal basis, is the exact same between Chaz and Ottowa.

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Trudeau has smeared the truckers as Neo-Nazis, accused a Jewish MP of "standing with swastikas". Yet it is Trudeau & Freeland are the ones that not only "stand" with Neo-Nazis, but train and fund them


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So is it true the police are exempt from the vaccine? Is that a police union negotiation?

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