BLM and ANTIFA were each founded by Communist jews. Who, own our money supply, and media. Which, got Obama elected. You always need to UPLEVEL your volley to the actual villains calling the shots Dr. P. And, every single time, you will find the most expelled group in human history.

Hail Victory.

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Indeed...the same group that pushes the GloboHomo trans agenda through the media and entertainment, and funds the ADL, which is the largest anti-white hate group on Earth...

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Well said Sarge. EVERY demoralization, sterilization, anti-white replacement strategy has their shekel encrusted fingerprints all over it. And still I have to fight with my conservatard friends, educating them, "NOT your greatest ally!"


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Jun 28, 2023
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Thank you Lisa. Mercifully for me, my diet is primarily free range eggs, and grass fed, freshly slaughtered meat from a local farmer, who is 70 and looks 30. I also use NAC, alpha lipoic acid and mycomyceuticals daily, and have done so, for over 25 years. Many thanks to Dr. Mercola, whom I began to read in the very early 2000's!

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Both of the major political parties began as anti-federalist parties that have morphed into a bipartisan dictatorship anchored by a shared guaranteed ballot access used to exclude third parties from the ballot.

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The left are right wing authoritarians. Altemeyer who developed the concept of rightwing authoritarianism argued that the German Nazis were left wing authoritarians when in opposition and became right wing authoritarians when in power. The same is trueof the US Democrats. Not even the Chinese Communist Party was prepared to mandate mRNA jabs. President Trump was correct to denounce the Democrats as"fascist pigs."

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Very astutely stated!

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I think for me the simplest explanation is whenever some entity or movement gets some power or influence dark forces begin to accumulate in it. The left was in its ascendancy and these forces began to converge. If the right ever regains control the same thing will happen.

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The Democrat party has not changed in essence, but only in the degree of leftism they support. They're always been the party of using gov't, especially the courts, to force their ideology on us and spend our tax dollars for their pet projects. Hence, they've been pro abortion for 50+ years, and have pushed destructive welfare (read urban plantations), and "progressive" education of kids, including sex indoctrination.

This is why it makes me ill to see folks like Steve Kirsch head-over-heels giddy to have Bobby Kennedy running for pres. Steve can't see that his and Bobby's vision for the gov't nanny state is exactly what has brought us to the point where the overwhelming majority of folks are stupid, believe that the gov't has their welfare at heart, and should be trusted to keep us safe and healthy and wealthy by dumbing down our kids and stealing money from productive, hard-working Americans.

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Wow.....everyone missed the point of this article and made irrelevant comments ..... sometimes a platform is only to say what you want to say and not comment at all....especially those who are so racist....give them one line and they will make it to an illusion that exists only in their head.

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An argument can be made for a center left stance. An argument can be made for a center right stance. No argument can be made for far left. The only tactic for far left is to use force. As for far right....what does that even mean? The definitions I see for ‘far right extremism’ have nothing to do with any conservatism or conservatives I know. Libertarianism probably leans more right than left. For it to work though requires a reasonably moral peoples.

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vdh has some good youtube videos

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Deja vu in my former communist country. Same Mary with a different hat.

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Awaiting our Thermidorian Reaction - and the guillotine

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I've never heard of a libertarian that doesn't value individual liberty.

You must have gotten something wrong there.

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