Awesome! Thank you, Dr. Alexander and Alex Jones.

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Alex Jones doesn't deserve any thanks. The guy has spent his ENTIRE career kookifying everything he can. Try to explain 9/11, the Ukraine War, the Syrian war, the "pandemic", anything, and this jerk has said something outright insane about it, that he spent no effort to research and purposely lies about.

This man fired David Knight because Knight was consistently pointing out that it was Trump that did "Operation Warp Speed". Knight also pointed out that Steve Pieczenik is a liar and a nutcase.

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Alex Jones still has correctly called more BIG issues than Obama, BOTH Bush leftists, Scam illegitimate Biden AND CNN combined.

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That's a bar so low, that I could crawl over it.

Gee whiz, is the pandemic BS? Yes. Obviously. Were we lied into Afghanistan? Obviously. Was 9/11 done with US government cooperation? Obviously. Were we lied into bombing Libya, blowing up Iraq, and Syria? Of course.

You don't need Alex Jones to confirm your suspicions, you just have to do a LITTLE bit of research and applying SOME tiny bit of critical thinking. It's not hard.

People have this pathetic need to have some sort of blowhard authority to confirm their thinking, but what Jones does is kookify it. He invites on, and promotes, OBVIOUS liars all the time. He's worse than useless.

He fires, REGULARLY people who PROPERLY call out people involved with criminality. Try to discuss the 5 Israelis that were arrested when they were recording the FIRST plane hitting the north WTC tower. Just try to expose that.

Try to explain Genie Energy's involvement with the Syrian war, and whose part of that company - Dick Cheney, Robert Woolsey, Rupert Murdoch, Jacob Rothschild, to name a few.

He's a gatekeeper. He knows he's omitting information, he knows when he has a guest that is lying outright (Steve Pieczenik for example).

Was a 900 MILLION dollar judgement ridiculous and excessive? Sure was, but I hardly have any sympathy for him. He's made an entire career misdirecting everybody, taking actual conspiracies and adding a bunch of garbage BS into them to make them radioactive and impossible to discuss sanely. I'm fed up with him.

People who actually spend the time and ENORMOUS effort exposing government criminality are sidelined by him. I'm sick of him, and if he went away it would leave a LOT more room for people who are serious researchers. He's a big, FAT, distraction.

It's easy to find out who is telling the truth, a person that is telling you the truth, will correct their "mistakes". When has Jones EVER made a retraction?

Let's take Sandy Hook for example, he's claimed that the school was closed for years. Well, what evidence does he have for this? He SPREADS disinformation constantly, incessantly, tirelessly. He HAD the opportunity to present this to court, and if it was true, it would have been a slam dunk, wouldn't it? But he DIDN'T why do you think that is?

Jones was interesting when he had decent guests on, but since then, all his LEGITIMATE ones created their own media services or just branched over to more credible channels when Jones showed himself to be willing to lie.

Perhaps you don't realize how LITTLE actual information shows up in "news". You think Alex Jones is good, he's complete garbage. This is because you're comparing against state propaganda, which is EVERYTHING on television, and nearly everything in print. Has Alex Jones pointed out the US overthrew Ukraine for example? We have proof of this. Has he been talking about the civil war that began after the coup which was going on for 8 years? Did he point out that there's NO way the Skripals were "poisoned" with Novichok? It's just a stream of stupidity out of Western "news", just ludicrous crap. Has he pointed out that the Taleban IS the Muhjadeen?

If he were to spend a LITTLE time informing you, you'd quickly figure out that our government is just a criminal syndicate, and nothing else. Wondering why Antifa and BLM never got arrested? They were funded by our own intelligence agencies, they were encouraged by them. Will Jones tell you that?

Here's something to think about, how did Alex Jones become a multimillionaire selling vitamin pills and water filters? He's controlled opposition, he's a paid kookifier. He's a sideshow. This 900 million dollar judgement is there to give sympathy for him, NOT to shut him down. He's not a truth teller. Real truth tellers are really persecuted. Many of them have been forced to leave the country, the really serious ones, end up dead or in jail. Gary Webb for example, and Julian Assange.

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