I stopped following Dr Malone, when he decided to sue The Breggins and Dr Jane Ruby. That just raised a red flag for me. I am so Happy the judge threw the case out. Yay

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Malone is a DOD/DARPA enabled accessory to mass murder. Full stop.

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Malone has lately been sounding like a total whack job, in my humble lay opinion. He's talking of his rivals being CIA related and about psyops and controlled opposition. This is the sort of thing you might expect from brain damaged participants with an alcohol induced organic psychosis at an AA meeting. However, Malone is antivaxx and research shows that, some exceptions notwithstanding, the antivaxx movement or MFM is full of whack jobs who have a trait of "delusion proneness." Perhaps Malone had this trait (see article at the first link below for a description) then he got mRNA double jabbed. Now, in my humble lay opinion, he comes across like someone who has querulous paranoia or litigious paranoia. Could this be vaccine-induced psychosis? None of us has any proof that Malone didn't take the jabs. Perhaps Malone always had antivaxx or delusion proneness traits and then the vaxx sent him mad. Perhaps due to his delusion proneness, the form the madness has taken is querulous or litigious paranoia. Has Malone sued people for defamation previously, i.e., pre jabs? I've not heard that he has done so. If Malone did not suffer from litigious paranoia before the jabs, why does he appear to suffer from it only now after reportedly taking the jabs?

COVID-19 conspiracy ideation is associated with the delusion proneness trait and resistance to update of beliefs


Vaccine-Induced Psychosis as an Etiology to Consider in the Age of COVID-19


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After watching this shit show unfold over the last 3.5 years, I'll take the Yead over Malone any day. He's been consistent since the get-go.

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Yep Yeadon calls them out. Admire the man

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My very very favorite man and doctor in all of this! He literally made me emotional with his testimony. Dr. Yeadon is genuine and you can tell Malone is a big time bullshitter! I remember in the beginning Malone made comments about running for Senate🙄

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Malone is a grifter!!

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Isn’t it funny how he calls so many others that. Why now is Malone calling all these people out including RFK Jr? So curious... is he scared the truth is coming out and he will be held accountable for his tales and lies?

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And his previous tweeties😀

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Malone is not playing nice and it just shows his true colors which is good. Let him play by himself from now on.

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Psychopaths and sociopaths don’t like to play alone.

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It's easily understandable, I guess: 'Malignant narcissists are schemers'



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He’s spot on, I was married to a covert narcissist for 25 years. His sense of personal grandiosity was inversely proportional to to his personal sense of inadequacy. When he lost his position of power, his life went to hell in a handcart. With Malone, he’s not just DOD/DARPA he’s also a CIA asset. However he hasn’t realised yet he can s just a useful idiot

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It seems like Malone is using a propaganda technique called the "big lie" to make people believe him.

This is similar to what Hitler wrote in 'Mein Kampf': "The bigger the lie, the more the people will believe it."

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Wandering around many posts I do screenshot Ceres that the Rockerfeller foundations in its many guises fund a very large proportion to f psychology research. I think the psyops have been going on for many years, and making people vulnerable to the Malones of this world .

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Must-watch: "December 29, 2023 Symposium: Medical Sovereignty: The Solution To Exit The UN & WHO

Join Todd Callender, Interest of Justice, James Roguski, Dr. Rima, Dr Ana Mihalcea, Joseph Sansone, David Meiswinkle, Doc Pete Chambers, Lisa McGee as we wrap up the year with an important symposium.


DEC 27, 2023"



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I agree.

- Luc

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I think he knows his contribution to the development of this disgusting gene therapy killed many, and he’s a leftie, who doesn’t like the first amendment. Aren’t scientists supposed to be able to debate? Also, he seems to like money, which is apparent in that, instead of rebuttal, he goes for large dollar amounts.

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He Malone blocked me for saying “Says the guy who invented mRNA” … obviously guilty of something

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Don’t forget his lawsuit against the Breggins 😙...which was dismissed.

It’s obviously his CYA guilt in full force attack mode to get ahead of it to defend a reputation and/or avoid possible consequences. What else could it be? Unlike Mengele Fauci (“I am Science, how dare you question me), maybe Malone does have a conscience?? Who knows?? Ask the Breggins...they’ll know 🤭. His defense rants could be related to ego/narcissism issues.

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He’s being a distraction.

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Kirsch and the Weiner Stein clan have been drawing a lot of fire lately. I think you're right - he's creating this drama to distract from the onslaught on his buddies.

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Given abundant evidence submitted, and I'm hesitant to day this, but Dr Malone is effectively the cointelpro of medicine, an infiltrator into the movement that involves the best interests of humanity. That he would attack Dr McCollough's work and call what he does not therapeutic, I know first hand to be a bold face lie. In the weeks after my cousin died, I got to watch both Dr McCollough and Dr Ryan Cole in one video, where he referenced Nattokinase. I don't fault anyone for making reasonable profits, but I think about how many I can help, so I made my own process. https://rumble.com/v3wripz-11192023-how-to-make-nattokinase-capsules-4000fu.html

Credit where due, if I hadn't heard from Dr McCollough on the benefits, I wouldn't have tried it myself to recover from Covid only, (cramps in my extremities) and wouldn't be giving it to people in my city and clients internationally as a countermeasure to MRNA.

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This is because Malone is a key player in the highjacked "freedom movement", put in place to present a convenient off-ramp about the toxic jabs. " mistakes were made" and "we can do better" which is all BS and an easy conclusion to what actually is happening: an unfolding depopulation programme under the command and coordination of the DoD and small group of players above national governments. Malone had his shoulder tapped early on to distract the prochoice and medical freedom movement. Wonder why he was first introduced by way of the Dark Horse podcast and Rogan? Why didn't he speak up immediately about the dangers? Why didn't he come clean about his "vaccine" injury in the beginning? He still says that mRNA has a place for medicaltreatments, even when all of the literature and studies are screaming otherwise.

And then there's that tweet years about about the "consequences of unchecked population growth"... Ouch. Gotcha there Bob. Care to explain that one? Nevermind his own admission of being so deep into the defence department and all those massive biowarefare contracts.

He's attacking everyone because the truth is coming out about good ol doc bob. And it ain't looking good nor truthful about what we've been told. So he needs to come out swinging. Like a caged animal. That's why. He's a fraud.

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It’s deceptive CYA. The “trust me...I’m an expert...my opinion is the only right one and no one (God complex) is more knowledgeable about this than me!”

Have a sibling who played that game growing up and continues to do so now🤭...narcissistic behavior. If they only knew how foolish they look!! 🤡🤡🤡s


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I've written a two-part article about Malone that you might find of interest:



Here's a snippet from Part Two:

Instead of continuing to focus on his area of expertise and the by now obvious dangers of the Covid shots using the mRNA technology he boasts of inventing, Malone threw a wild card into the freedom movement by importing another Belgian [the first was his friend Geert Vanden Bossche, also discussed in my article], the psychologist Mattais Desmet and his “mass formation” theory.

But before I turn to what followed between Malone and the Breggins, let me call your attention to another result Malone accomplished by catapulting Desmet and his theories into the freedom movement’s cyberspace: He changed the subject.

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And who has the jealousy? As Malone states Dr. McCullough is jealous - why in the world would he be? It all sounds like sour grapes. I have not trusted Malone for a long time and to think you can not enter a comment on his substack tells you lots. You can only like it - if you dare.

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