Who are these so called thieves? Are they Antifa or BLM? Is that why www.antifa.com goes to the

White House. I say does anyone in US Congress or Senate say a thing about this happening?

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I bet you "THEY" are not saying a freakin word!!!!!

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I bet not, either. What does a recording artist do, exactly? Are you looking for new talent?

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They are Democrats whose mothers didn't abort them. Democrats whose mothers didn't abort them are responsible for most of the violent crime. The moms "find themselves pregnant" with the child of a Democrat who is in between prison terms. The moms figure that America needs more of these children and decides not to have an abortion. The child grows up to be a violent Democrat criminal or mother of a violent Democrat criminal. More Democrats whose mothrs didn't abort them grow up and become violent Democrat felons. The males inseminate more Democrat females who don't abort them.and more violent Democrats criminals are born and the cycle repeats. It's a growth industry and it's only going to get bigger.

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I had a friend say the same thing. He said for the way some of these women act they shouldn't be having children.

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I still have two liberal people I know .... one is seriously considering getting a gun the other said he might too because if anyone enters his house he will shoot them....i can’t figure out if this is good news or bad....I do know that we are getting more and more violent which is a bit scary....i believe in guns but in my heart I simply can’t have one....i really am at odds in my own heart....but this violence is so upsetting....and it can be anywhere just like the Biden administration wants .....because in my opinion our government way before Biden but Biden especially now is behind all of the mass shootings and gun violence in order to take our guns away.......even as far back as the tragedy in Columbine High School.....i connect dots....if it looks conspiratorial I don’t think it is....it is dot connecting.....but Big Pharma and our doctors and schools put kids on antidepressants or adderal or any drug knowing that side effects are homicide and suicide....in the 1980s they knew these drugs should have been taken off the market....they knew kids were committed suicide or homicide but they did nothing.....i think all these evil organizations are in unison with each other to get rid of us or put us into slavery and the plan started way back in the 50s or earlier....

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I don't have the money to own a gun, if I did, bet your booty I would have one. These are INSANE times. My husband does not want one because he thinks it will "attract violence" I disagree. It is for an emergency IF one ever happens. Would you WANT to be without one if you were confronted? I think not.

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Such a true comment. Sorry to sound old fashioned, but it is the husbands duty to protect the family. And no, all studies show being armed does NOT attract violence in law abiding citizens. Imho, your husband needs to grow a pair. Former special deputy sheriff.

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

How would it "attract violence"? You are NOT going to advertise the fact!

Gun ownership does quite the opposite because it gives you confidence. Criminals are attracted to weak, unsure, distracted, and frightened people! Those are their preferred targets. They want someone "quick and easy" who is not likely to resist. When out in public, walk confidently, hold you head up, be aware of your surroundings, avoid obviously dangerous situations— isolated, dark, cover for an attacker, etc. Never get engrossed in your phone or other distraction, and never use earbuds/earphones or headphones out in public that impairs your hearing!

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No guns in DC. Get pulled over with even a 9mm shell casing and you’re ffffffffkkkkddddd!!!!

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True? City Regs?

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Jul 21, 2023·edited Jul 21, 2023

Shooting people under any circumstances in this age of Woke Leftist prosecutors, who put people in prison for no reason, is very risky. You shoot someone and YOU go to prison!

AND you had better thoroughly understand the difference between aggressive social posturing by a jerk with a bad attitude (bar-brawl style) and a true asocial, life-threatening, kill-or-be-killed situation where you can demonstrate to a jury that you had NO other option!

Any time you lay hands on another human being there is the possibility that you will kill them, accidentally or otherwise. "Bottom line" is never get involved in a fight as a way of settling an argument or "putting someone in their place". Stupid, senseless, and completely avoidable tragedies happen all the time and people go to prison for very long times for inadvertently killing someone. If you can, ALWAYS WALK AWAY!

But IF your life is truly at risk, don't attempt "self defense". That will get you dead! Don't play around— instantly go for the vital points on your attacker that will quickly disable or kill him. If you don't know how:  learn! The person who strikes/kicks and delivers the FIRST disabling blow is the one who will walk away alive. And continue striking until he (or they) is rendered completely helpless.

The point in a truly life or death situation is to disable your attacker by maiming or killing him. Basically you will be doing everything that is FORBIDDEN in any kind of martial art contest. Which is why martial arts as sport can be counterproductive to saving your life in a dire situation —you may revert to your programming and avoid going for the really effective targets. Your attacker will have no such concept of "fighting fair" and will "go for the kill" at you!

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Very well stated. I trained in Chinese martial arts (southern preying mantis style) for awhile and my Sifu and Sigung emphasized exactly what you have done. You must instantly go for the vital points on your adversarsy and strike first with a disabling blow. We trained at fighting off groups of attackers who wore pads but there was no sparring because it was too dangerous. .

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The biggest thieves are those who dwell in the Capitol building, the White House, and the most violent ones are those in the Intelligence agencies, and the Pentagon. The most corrupt ones are in the buildings housing the Federal Regulatory agencies. If only they would give up their lives of White Collar crime and take to holding people up on the street, our country would be much better off!

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Who do you think they are USA letting thousands by the thousands of immigrant criminals in through the south and then they come to us here in Canada thanks a lot

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The police have been indoctrinated to believe that all non-police are equally suspect and dangerous.

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Problem is the “law-makers” don’t give a damn. We pay for their security! So tired of this corrupt lying self-serving organized crime congress and DC mafia! FBLie, DOJ, DHS, CDC, FDA, etc. all the MFERS

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Call the DC police after being assaulted? Isn’t assaulted and being shot what the DC Capitol police did to some unarmed innocent protesters who were encouraged to enter the Capitol on January 6, 2021?

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It’s quite possible that there is something else going on that is being overlooked..an increase in delinquency due to slow clotting due to vaccine injury... Dr Peter Breggin high lighted this phenomena of through a process of chemically caused pre frontal lobotomy... this could be causing lots of people to lose empathy and compassion ... often a result of using mind altering concoctions with lipid nano particles.. these not only cross the blood brain barrier but effectively cut off the blood supply to the higher thinking regions..hence the massive increase in crime.

Talk about the tail wagging the dog... everyone seems to be barking mad... keep taking the boosters ...soon nothing will matter... anymore coz China becomes the master race.

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When it comes down to your life and that of your family ...choose wisely

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Now this I agree with you on...but sadly, if you protect yourself in DC or CA, for the most part, the woke, corrupt and POS DA's are going to do everything they can to put you behind bars. It's insane.

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Then I would forcefully argue that you become hard to convict......as stated previously.

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....or you, or your S.O, or your children will most likely be DEAD.

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Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6

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Untrue. Putting anyone away is up to a jury of your peers. And having an attorney who understands the law of self defense is essential, eg, Andrew Branca ( has a regular series on YouTube) the jury is the wild card, and you must have absolutely followed all of the 5 rules of self defense ( in any state) as Andrew so eloquently points out in his book “the law of self defense.” How about stop living in fear , become a good shooter to avoid you or your family’s death, ie, hard to kill; and KNOW the law so you will be hard to convict.

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Andrew Branca Esq, is starting a four part series on the Heller decision and the peoples of DC tomorrow, 21 July on YouTube. It truly sounds as if you fear the legal system in your area so brilliantly outlined by Antonin Scalia, justice, SCOTUS. I have always felt knowledge is power, and there are two organizations: USCCA, and USCSafe that offer liability insurance covering ALL criminal and civil costs if you, God forbid, are involved in a self defense incident. Not much more I can say to help. Up to you guys now.

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This type of force against law abiding citizens should be justifiably met with deadly force, two bullets to the chest and one to the head. I think the Heller decision made it clear about the right ( not privilege) for DC citizens to be armed for self defense. imho.

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And that is Constitutional law, taking precedence over ANY state or federal law.

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Wonderful sentiment except for the fact that in much of the U.S. there IS NO Constitution or rule of law anymore. The judge will ignore it and put you away anyway! We have a plethora of examples, if anyone doubts this!

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And thatl eaves a grieving Democrat mother. Think of the Democrat mother who did the right thing by not aborting the violent Democrat felon while it was still in the womb. Without that decision on the part of the mother the felon would not exist.

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Yes it was Biden changed everything to suit whoever is hiding .....

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Unfortunately, in DC, you’ll get a jury of the perp’s peers.

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Time for Congress to take over law enforcement in D.C.

Mayor and police commissioner are inept and out of their league.

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