OHIO had the worst lockdown for COVID in 'red' USA, and guess what??? It was all ran by VIVEK


I just spent a little time googling covid and Vivek.

What do you know: he was a main covid advisor in OH. OH had one of the harshest and longest lockdowns of any red state.

There’s the WSJ article from ‘22 where he says masks and social distancing work. And get your shot.


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In a highly contentions WIKIPEDIA battle, Vivek has had ALL of his COVID Rapid Response team management worked deleted and removed from Wikipedia, its like he never led the MASK, Jab, and lockdown team.


The editor’s conflict of interest was debated by Wikipedia users and editors after the alterations were made; the reference to Ramaswamy’s fellowship was later added back to the page, although his tenure on the Ohio Covid Team remains absent.


So here you are lionizing the ultimate 'new' candidate who is literally being designed and implemented in real time by having a NEW BIO created, and his real history destroyed on a daily basis.

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I would liken it to an audition, as he is posturing for a position in Trumps cabinet, and well deserved as another think outside the box non political candidate that would fit in well. I'm sure Trump is vetting him along the way, or should be.

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Pence is only running to shaftTrump and to shore up the DeSantis 2024 campaign.

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Vivek is a phony. Beware.

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I do not trust him. He was previously a never-Trumper, but now all of a sudden he’s MAGA? Snakes are always camouflaged, just sayin’!

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I ask that you do some research on Vivek. His professional career and how he made his fortune. The most disturbing fact (other than his deep association with big pharma) is that so much about him has been totally scrubbed from the internet. I do not believe he was listed as a YGL against his will. WEF gets thousands of nominees each year for which they choose 100. The process takes a year with several interactions with nominees. I find it hard to believe they would list someone as a graduate that refused to accept the nomination. They have many that would gladly accept the nomination and have no reason to include someone that did not want to be on the final list. Same with Tulsi Gabbard who also denies accepting the honor but her face was on the website for 7 years and in 2015 she posted a twitter post about how proud she was to be nominated. So people do lie and I believe Vivek is a fraud. He reminds me of the smooth talking Barack Obama. A smooth talker that has come out of nowhere. What better plan than to have one of their own running in both parties. No matter who wins they would have one of their own in the White House.

But most of all. He is NOT a natural born citizen. Of course there is absolutely no dates posted as to when his parents became US citizens and that in itself is a red flag. It is easy to prove that Kamala Harris, Dr. Shiva and Nikki Haley are also not natural born citizens by their own sharing of information about when their parents became citizens. Kamala's father never became a US citizen and her mother did not become a citizen until much later in life. Dr. Shiva was actually born in India to 2 non-Americans. All of these people are anchor babies (except for Shiva)and cannot be natural born citizens. As you should know there is a difference between being a citizen, naturalized citizen and natural born citizen. The only proof I can find is that his parents came to the US in 1983 and Vivek was born in 1985. Once a legal immigrant comes to the US they must be a permanent resident for 5 years before they can become a US citizen. So this to me is proof that he is not a natural born citizen. He was born prior to his parents becoming citizens.

I have also provided a 3-part series about Vivek that proves some troubling facts about his business ventures. True or not the fact that he is not a NBC should be enough for folks not to vote for him. Voting for him is a vote against our Constitution. I have attached Part 1 and links to Part 2 & 3 are at the bottom of Part 1. file:///Users/karenbracken/Downloads/PART%201%20The%20CFR%20Wants%20Us%20to%20Meet%20Vivek%20Ramaswamy-1.pdf

All that glitters is not gold folks!!

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Why doesn't Vivek tell us about his birth to two non-American citizens and big pharmas contribution to his wealth?

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Funny Vivek had to sue WEF to remove him as a member of their young leader program.

Who has this power to re-write their history and create a virtual candidate with a clean slate??


Who really runs this country?

The following are some start dates for globalist institutions;

1921 Council on Foreign Relations

1954 Bilderberg Group

1971 World Economic Forum

1973 Trilateral Commission

1993 World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders Programs

For a hundred years, how many of our Presidential candidates, Congressmen, Senators, Judges, Cabinet Members, Agency Executives, Media Executives, Editors, Journalists, Bankers, Corporate Executives and Hollywood types have had ties to some of the above?

As George Carlin once said, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it!”

Our country has been destroyed from within by traitors and legions of useful idiots. Is it any wonder that we are just history’s latest corrupt dying empire to be circling the drain?

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Vivek is the RINO's version of Obama. No thanks.

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His time on the Ohio Coronavirus Response Team, which was mentioned during a May 2020 Tucker Carlson interview with Ramaswamy, could also be a potential headache for the candidate and his campaign.


GO back an watch this, he not only ran the COVID response but mandated, jabs, lockdowns, and masks.

He's a fucking totalitarian fuckhead;

But like Clinton he's very good at saying "I didn't have sex with that virus".

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Vivek Ramaswamy tried to sell the feds a national medical surveillance system.

Luckily even the feds thought it was too much of an invasion of privacy.

Super “pro-liberty” 🙄


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The repubs are infected with alt-democrats known as RINOs and therefore is not even close to being the party of the citizens. We are essentially on our own trying to carve out a path for survival in the US of Marxism. No government required to live a happy, long and prosperous life.

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Vivek is sponsored by the same guys as Ron, and has the same policies (Sundance).

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This is really funny VIVEK is a guy who ran "MASK MANDATORY" agendas in various states during COVID-SCAM

Now here he is on this site, supposed to be an anti-covid site ,that is pushing a COVID LOCKDOWN candidate

Can anybody speculate the agenda here?


My only explanation is that Dr Paul Alexander site here is BOT run, and it just pulls crap off the internet posts randomly 24/7 there can be no other explanation.


Allow the creep to speak for himself, he actually had to sue WEF to drop him, even though he was a member and one of (((THEM))), he's a SOROS protegee that now wants to re-invent himself, well like Trump Vivek has sued more people that than Trump or maybe at parity.

He's a big-pharma SHILL just like 99% of the substack sites.

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Bilbo’s Bitch nailed it!

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