John Kerry is to climate what Bill Gates is to medicine: a fraudster and huckster, nothing more.

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The short cut version of this...in an hour model humans have been here for 17 seconds. The earth has been a hot mess and a snow ball and back again long before humans showed up. 99% of species on it have become extinct. But somehow now WE are the cause of the earth melting?...and WE are going to SAVE the planet? Arrogant and ignorant. The most we can do is design for the cleanest home so that we thrive before we are spit out. Any action that is tagged 'save the earth' over the needs of humans to live is just a fear and control game.

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Agree. A government that is not insane is what we need. I believe it is possible to have that. Really. I think so. In principle.

Now idiot Biden and administration will spend another $T sucking CO2 out if the air instead of regenerative agriculture ... we need that for it’s own sake, for sustainability and rescue from pollution. It happens to sequester CO2 but we can live with that. Sustainability is exactly what the administration gags on. Oh, and let’s not forget shooting up animals with mRNA and calling it “organic.” And blot out the sun.

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The Covid hoax has woken a lot of people over the last three years to the globalist agenda. The followers of the Global warming hoax have been aware of the Globalist agenda for 20 years. It's failure to get the desired results, global governance, pushed them to create a global pandemic to support global governance thru the WHO.

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My husband studied this climate change crap for years, he found that all the so called data was based on lies and so the whole foundation for the climate change was inaccurate. When challenged to explain their work, the DATA DISAPPEARED, and so the lies kept going on, the democrats mantra, REPEAT A LIE OFTEN ENOUGH IT BECOMES THE TRUTH! Well, NOT THIS TIME, TRUTH WINS! YOU CAN’T FOOL MOTHER NATURE!!

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CO2 is plant food. Plants grow, animals eat plants, we eat animals.

By saying CO2 is bad, they will reduce plants (think of the incredible amount of land needed to put up unreliable solar panels, which often are put up on farmable land, especially in the mid-Atlantic area of the U.S.), they try to reduce high-quality real meat (cows, etc.), and these anti-CO2 pushers are often in the 'the world can't sustain a population growth of another billion or so people, which it surely can actually do when government corruption is eliminated).

Since each of us are "CO2" producers each time we breathe, the overlap between the dangerous jab pushers and those screaming climate doom is not surprising.

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Piers Corbyn has been saying this for years. https://youtu.be/4bLbM3lndAo

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This climate hoax is THE PROOF that our elites are Fcking with all of us.

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“How many Red Flags are enough?”

Peter Nayland Kust

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The Undesigned Universe - Peter Ward

“ . . . it is these ocean state changes that are

1:02:28 correlated with the great disasters of the past impact can cause extinction but

1:02:35 it did so in our past only wants[once] that we can tell whereas this has happened over

1:02:40 and over and over again we have fifteen evidences times of mass extinction in the past 500 million years

1:02:48 so the implications for the implications the implications of the carbon dioxide is really dangerous if you heat your

1:02:55 planet sufficiently to cause your Arctic to melt if you cause the temperature

1:03:01 gradient between your tropics and your Arctic to be reduced you risk going back

1:03:07 to a state that produces these hydrogen sulfide pulses . . . “


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288 K w GHE – 255 K wo GHE = 33 C cooler, -18 C, Earth.

Just flat wrong.

YouTube: Greenhouse Effect Theory Goes Kerbluey

GHE balance calculated 396 up/333 “back”/2nd net 63 unreal perpetual “extra” energy loop.

Just flat wrong.

YouTube: Atmospheric Heat Balances That Don't

Earth radiating 396 W/m^2 LWIR as a 16 C BB.

Just flat wrong.

Search: “Bruges group kerbluey”


Just flat wrong.


Just flat wrong.

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More albedo and the Earth cools.

Less albedo and the Earth warms.

No albedo and the Earth becomes much like the Moon, barren, i.e. no water, 400 K lit side, 100 K dark.

Geoengineers know this, why don’t they also admit it violates the frozen ice ball of GHE theory?



Average solar constant of 1,364 W/m^2 arrives at the top of the atmosphere.

Divide by 4 to average this discular area over a spherical area.

(Sphere of r has 4 times the area as a disc of r. This is Fourier’s model which even Pierrehumbert says is no good.)


Apply 30% albedo.

341*.7=238.7 (239)

Deduct 78 absorbed in atmosphere.

Net/net of 161 arrives at surface.

Per LoT 1 161 is ALL!! that can leave.

0.9 ground + 17 sensible + 80 latent + 1st 63 LWIR (by remaining difference) and balance is closed!!!!

(1st 63 LWIR is MIA??? Where did it go?? Did TFK palm it like a magic act??)

Where does this extra 396 upwelling come from??

It is the theoretical LWIR from a S-B BB calculation at 16 C, 289 K, that fills the denominator of the emissivity ratio, i.e. 63/396=0.16.

It is not real, it is “extra”, it violates LoT 1.

The 396 upwelling “measurement”/333 “back” cold to warm/a 2nd 63 LWIR GHE loop violates LoT 1 & 2.

Remove the 396/333/63 GHE loop from the graphic and the balance still holds.

Those who claim to measure 400 +/- W/m^2 upwelling from the surface are applying an incorrect emissivity.

This graphic and all of its clones are trash.

The kinetic heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules render a surface BB impossible.

Energy leaving any thermal system = Conduction + Convection + Advection (wind) + Latent (water condensation and evaporation) + Radiation = 100 %

63/(17+80+63) = 0.16

A BB only exists in a vacuum as I demonstrate by experiment.

There is no GHE and no CO2 driven CAGW.

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Look at the Sun. It's all about the Sun. An active volcano produces more "global warming," or "climate change," as they now like to call it, than all human activity combined.

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The truth is always there in spades for anyone willing to look. The question is: how do we silence the Pied Piper ?! We have known for years how much power this entity has over the sleeping.

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Can someone post the link to original article?

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