Wait your turn Latino, wait your EFF in turn! Can't come up here in this beast and get to the front of the line because your skin fairer than mine, CAN'T! wait your fucking turn! I black man & woman
worked, sweated and gave my blood, look at the history, in all them EFF in wars I shed blood for this greatest nation & your bitch ass with your fentanyl & rapists & murderers going AHEAD of me? Fuck
that! Biden and Obama doing that to us? Democrats and Republicans sitting by as we put to the back of the bus? oh we Rosa Parks? Fuck that, we went through that shit, we built this beast with the white man and no Latino can come up here and front us…
we will now punish Biden and Obama at the polls…for this madness! but we will ensure our rightful place AHEAD of you at the table…for we EARNED it homie!
the black American treated now like dogs but Biden INC...(Obama's 3rd term)...they must stand up now...and say no and demand what they sweated for
Damn straight! If people want to vote for communists…let them.
We have this awesome record of peace and prosperity!
“But he hurts my feelers😞” 🤠