
the black American treated now like dogs but Biden INC...(Obama's 3rd term)...they must stand up now...and say no and demand what they sweated for

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Damn straight! If people want to vote for communists…let them.

We have this awesome record of peace and prosperity!


“But he hurts my feelers😞” 🤠

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So the inmates running the asylum is a reasonable option? How many generations are you willing to condemn to Marxism? I’m not willing to turn away and let this cancer ruin our country. If we silently let it happen, we are doomed. Trump has to win or the future is elitists like bill gates ruling the world.

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45 is the ONLY option at this time

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I LOVE the LIST of President Trump's accomplishments. THANK YOU for sending :-)

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Hi..... I can't remember. Was it you who listed all the accomplishments by

President Trump? Let me know. Thank U....

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Yes, Lynn. It was me. Thx.


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Oh....Thank YOU.....I have so many substacks that I read and sometimes my computer updates and then I lose them. Thank YOU so much. I will be printing it out before I lose it again.

Thanks a MILLION :-)

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Exactly, we are seeing LINE-JUMPING on a massive scale.

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yes...I saw it twice recently in NY hospitals where massive whites and blacks waiting 11 hours with me we sat back as Latino illegals just walk in and taken to the back and nurses told us its orders from CEO etc.

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Once we get the catapults up and running and they fight back, we get to hunt them down like the animals they be

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Paul Alexander looks Latino; maybe he is a closet latino self-hater. Also, black people will not fall for his race dividing antics. The guy needs your money to survive, so he just spits whatever comes to his redneck mind.

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what money homie? and I am Middle Eastern by heritage...I was born in the islands...I do have Cuban roots too...Venezuelan...but I call out crooks and thieves even in my own blood family and work to punish them...and I love me...I am IN LOVE WITH ME...you give me money?

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homie I have the black shit coursing in my blood...deep in my veins...my x x x grand father was a real plantation slave you moron. and I love that...I say what I do feel...why dont you tell us your name and face...what we do know is hanging between my legs are real stones...do you have any?

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red neck...maybe I would be lucky to be so...

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I love me my rednecks...I love white thrash too, I love them all...for they work hard...they defend their shit...I dont like the house negro and I dont like the idea of people from South America who put no shit in the game coming here and getting stuff and living off the land and people...when real Americans, blacks, whites, vets, browns, etc. suffering...

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Dude, take care of your health. I don't think spitting shit like nothing is helping you. Latinos owned more than half of America before the illegal Europeans came to steal the territories.

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and you likely short too...you sound like you gots some SMS going on

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my health is fine...when you show your face and real name, come talk a a real man like me...if you are man or woman...until then...read my white spaces for in there I write what I really think about your views...people like you are the ones we never ever turn to in crisis...ever....why dont you reply with some substance...thrown down...show me what you got...dont come on my stack and tell me what to do...go get your own fucking stack and write your shit...people like you bring nothing to the game yet talk smack...like the overfed fat man walking away from the feast after he ate everything tell all newcomers the food aint that great so dont bother with meat still stuck in his rotting teeth...always late to the dance brining nothing but want to drink all...thats your type.

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Pretty sure you missed the point dumbass

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Oh... who you working for? shill

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Another redneck supporting the "right" of others to come to America in the 1600's to steal American Indian and Mexican territories. You all thieves are illegals to begin with.

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wait your turn Latino...the good among you welcomed if they come legally but the rapists and murderers you can keep

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There are bad people everywhere and in every race. This stuff is to divide Americans so Latinos and Whites and Blacks and everybody else fight each other if there is a civil war. Since when are you the arbirter of who is to be called American, and more so, a rightful owner of the American Indian and Mexican territories, stolen since the 1600's?

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You were conquered - accept it and move on

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100% Dr A!! 100%

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