It's very difficult to believe that Redfield, the Head of the CDC at the time of the vaccine rollout, did not have access to - or at least a curiosity about -the highly incriminating Pfizer covid jab trial data in the FDA's possession BEFORE the EUA was issued (immediately AFTER the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump). Of course, Trump would not have seen those drug trial documents.

What was to stop the former head of the CDC from speaking out immediately once the evidence of severe harm and fatalities were apparent? His authoritative statements against the covid jabs would have carried weight at that time. Why would someone of his (undeserved) stature be afraid of being silenced or canceled?

Wikipedia sheds some light on these questions. Their entry on Redfield reveals his shameful history (1992) in pushing an AIDS "vaccine" he developed which proved to be neither safe nor effective.


See the section on "HIV Vaccine Research."

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he was complicit damaging Trump they all were save Giroir. They were corrupted by something and clearly all inept. Hurt America and helped destroy a Presidency. all had a role.

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Oct 18·edited Oct 19

Exactly. This is all nonsense. He's part of the "whole deal." He's also promoting the next "pandemic." This is the whole "we made a mistake, we'll do better next time. Let's move on."

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If I had Redfield's job, I would run my own analysis of actual ingredients before signing off on that bullshit which clearly did not happen.

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They are all liars, in bondage and idolatry to the "love of money" which also fuels sex trafficking, porn, illicit drug sales, fake experimental jabs, etc with the complicity of people in high places and workers of iniquity who God hates.

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Exactly. Tell me you can't picture that slob at epsteins island.

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Because he liked his big paycheck like all the other doctors that went right along.

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He was still saying the "vaccine' bioweapon saved lives but allot got sick, what a fucking moron, both him and Cuomo, they still can't bring themselves to tell the truth, maybe we should introduce them to Harry Fisher a paramedic who sees death and destruction daily from the bioweapon injections, he had 9 babies die in one shift, think about that.

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fucking moron indeed he is. did you ever hear his shit on masks?

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Yes that's bad, very bad but if you think that's bad, think about what's happening in Canada where women with cancer are being offered MAID instead, although that's probably not as bad as what's happening in the People's Republic of America where your organs can be harvested even though you may still need them.

I went for a mastectomy and they offered me assisted dying, Canadian cancer patient reveals


Transplant donor wakes up on operating table as doctors prepare to remove his heart in nightmare scenario: witnesses


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this MAID issue you bring up is very troubling, devastating and it is real...thank you very much ANW for helping us

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Canada has gone full genocidal and they offer MAID to anyone now.

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High time to admit significant side effects? NO, it's high time the public knew about the genocidal intentions of the global cabal and that this man and many others were complicit in murder.

It's HIGH TIME he and the others faced tribunals and sentencing. NOT more paid jobs at the government trough.

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Redfield probably wants Malone's job as NIH Director but it won't happen because Fox has already called Arizona and the other battleground states for Harris despite also suggesting Trump has won the popular vote.

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FOX often overestimates dem support.

Harris is toast, it'll be a landslide.

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I feel the same.

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Redfield is a rat trying to escape a sinking ship. He should be indicted and tried along with that scum bucket Fauci and imprisoned for the rest of their miserable existences or executed. Its pure vulgarity for him to try and slither away from his involvement.

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I am glad Redfield has seen the light. But he has no credibility. He lied, people died.

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zero credibility, bang on.

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Not so sure he's seen the light. More like seen the handwriting on the wall...

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Reading Redfields crap brought severe intestinal upheavals to me. My reply to this scum-sucking slime ball is “HOw DARE YOU.

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NO! Dr Redfeild. It is not time for CDC to admit the covid vaccine caused many harms. THAT TIME WAS 3+ YEARS AGO! DO YOU THINK WE ARE THAT STUPID!

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Isn't it obvious? Redfield is desperately trying to cover his ass, in case the day of reckoning arrives.

Look here, criminals *KNOW* when they've committed crimes, since THEY were the ones that did them.

Thus, Redfield *KNOWS* that he deserves to hang, and now he wants to appear as a 'good guy'.

They **HAVE** to hang, they simply *MUST*. Without the full weight of justice landing on ALL (not just some) of these psychopaths, it's just a matter of time for them to do it again - doubling down.

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Hehe, yeah, "the next jabs will be safe".

Don't look for me in the lines of people waiting to be jabbed -- I'll never be there.

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All the shitbags pushing vaccinations are causing children to be stupid out of the gate. Two examples, Our nearly 2 year, 9 month old Granddaughter is Manipulating her parents while our 1 year 9 month old Granddaughter is speaking sentences and 3 syllable words. Neither has had a single vaccination since birth. They are so aware and so intelligent already, it's crazy but wonderful. PROOF POSITIVE that vaccinations are making most stupid by stunting the intelligence from birth. #StopVaccineCampaignsNow

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Agree Dr.Paul you are another lion, strong & courageous. Don't given up the fight & expose the demonic forces!

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I sure will not.

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Redfield seems to be looking for a promotion...

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if he gets a Trump job then you know we are living animal form and the pigs running things

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If Trump wins in 2-1/2 weeks and Redfield gets a cush job instead of being investigated, we're likely screwed. Revolt or Die if that sort of shit comes to pass...

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He could do something useful if he spoke out about the US live donor organ harvesting racket. Organ donation is a great thing but organs such as hearts should only be removed by doctors from donors who are at least brain dead, unlike in the story at the link below. Is this just the tip of the iceberg in the US and are they even this brazen in other communist countries?

Transplant donor wakes up on operating table as doctors prepare to remove his heart in nightmare scenario: witnesses


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Hi Awake, we talked about the dangers of a three front war coming up..

I think all will come to the USA very soon.




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Or finally admitting it now that the evidence is widespread & undeniable. That’s likely the only reason.

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something more

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As he tries to save his own neck. Good luck with that. Lol

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yes, correct...4 years of silence. and he did some of it.

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Redfield should go away and hide his shameful ignominy in quiet.

And be glad he is allowed to do so. For now, that is to say. Waiting patiently for his subpoena to be issued--then we can hear from him.

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Scumbags, the who lot of them!

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What I don’t get is why you still support Trump. He signed WARP SPEED. He still supports what he did, and still says the “vaccines” were a good thing, and that they “saved millions of lives”. C’mon, Dr. Paul. Trump is complicit in this. I agree with everything you say about Redfield, Dr. Malone etc., but you still fail to acknowledge that TRUMP played a role in this.

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Here again giving Trump credit for being a doctor, scientist, viral biologist, chemist, who should have known better. Sorry but they lied to Trump the same as they lied to everyone. Please notice that Trump's praise for the clot shots have evaporated, he's been informed by RFK and others, he never mandated any shots like Biden and Kamala, who by the way is still mandating. If any kind of a new "pandemic" comes along, be sure it will be Democrats mandating clot shots, lock downs, masks, distancing, so vote accordingly.

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Okay so because he F’d that one thing up bigly we vote blue and destroy what’s left of the rest of the US? I don’t think so.

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No, we don’t vote for EITHER of them. I’m writing in DeSantis. He should have been our nominee, but our voters are too stupid, and too mesmerized by Trump’s celebrity, to recognize a good thing when they see it. Our own voters caused this mess we’re in right now. Trump needs to be held accountable. He was in charge when that disaster his this country, and there’s no guarantee they won’t do something like it again. Trump is just not smart at all. He gets too easily manipulated. He just can’t be trusted.

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A write-in for DeSantis is a vote for Kamala Harris. But you're too bright not to know that...

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Go ahead…WASTE your vote. Fool.

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Lol. Good luck with that.

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Ron DeSantis? This Ron DeSantis?



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I'm writing in Vladimir

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So, Harris?

The woman who, even now, mandates her staff to be 'up-to-date'; what's that, like 12 now??

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