Life for the remaining non-Muslim inhabitants of Dearborn has become a nightmare. They are ostracized and forced to sell their homes at sub market values. A businessman I know who had to do some work in Dearborn said he never felt safe there. Christian evangelists who have preached there on street corners have been arrested for “public disorder” while being cursed and spat upon by Muslim residents. This is what is in store for France, Britain and Germany when they become the majority.

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Been this way forever, USA has been dumping immigrants into USA city's FOREVER,

They always get dumped into a single community so they can support each other,

Post Vietnam War USA dumped tons of its loyal Vietnamese all over the USA in specific citys, same for when the "Shah of Iran" fell 100's of 1,000's of Iranians were brought to USA and dumped into specific areas;

Same will happen in future with Ukrainians, as is now happening all over Europe;

Or same with the wetbacks in USA today, escaping wars in south&central america created by USA;

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BB, where are the Afghan compatriots that the US dumped August 2021 in US cities? Oh yeah, they didn’t make it. They fell off the airplanes and onto the tarmac when Biden abandoned them, refusing to honor their work that aided our armed forces. ✈️

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The San Francisco Bay area is home to about 60,000 Afghan immigrants, the largest concentration in the cities of Hayward and Fremont,

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Ok BB. You sound a bit triggered. I was referring to Biden who the Dearborn imam properly called the Senile Pharaoh. He wasn’t president during Vietnam.

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Since fiscal year 2010, at least 17,000 Afghan refugees and those with special immigrant visas have arrived in Texas. Only California surpasses it, with at least 40,000 Afghans arriving during that time. Texas has long been one of the top states for refugee resettlement in the country.

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Fremont, California, is home to the largest population of Afghan Americans followed by Northern Virginia and then Queens in New York City.

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That's like saying that all the Vietnamese hanging from choppers post Vietnam War stayed in Vietnam, fuck NO 100's of 1,000's were lifted to USA, just like AFGHAN traitors today, who like operation-paperclip NAZI's, ONLY the satanic who fuck their own TRIBES are welcome to become USA parasites.

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THEY'RE HERE in the USA 10's if not 100's 1,000's of THEM

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You should read Peter Sweden’s stack. Sweden has already had a rude awakening

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Islam is a cancer that will consume all Western countries, including America.

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Dearborn was already Muslim majority when I was there in 2005. All the businesses had Arabic signs and all the women wore hijabs. That part doesn't bother me but the anti Christian and anti America sentiment does.

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It already was in 1994!

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Yes, it is absolutely anti-freedom. And people are dying for thought crimes.

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If America or Israel were really against Palestinian terrorism, Israel would just nuke Gaza. That this won’t happen only shows the lack of resolve necessary to defeat an enemy. This ought not surprise as America has not fought for victory since 1945, perfectly happy to keep the Complex rolling in dough but not bothering to win when we send out our kids to kill and die… for nothing.

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The only thing I have to say about the article, CIA and Mossad did create and fund Isis.

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Israel did ALSO create HAMAS, everybody in Israel calls "Netanyahu the father of HAMAS"

Hamas was created to be an opposition to Arafats PLO with Arafat dead & gone, HAMAS being ran by Mossad took over Gaza, and the rest is history;

This is why CIA&Mossad create their own opposition partys;

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It’s all by design.

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FUCK YES its by design

Make wars all over the earth and drive refugees to USA to be fucked, bled, and eaten

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It goes back to my 1492 POST called


No accident that all wars in past 500+ years create 'refugees' that millions of 'children' disappear, that new suckers are brought to USA as refugees to breed new babys to be raped, bled & eaten

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Julie, where are the receipts on your claim? https://www.history.com/topics/21st-century/isis#section_1

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It's not Palestinian terrorism it's Islamic terrorism. The are just doing what all Muslims are commanded to do.

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Yeah, I know. But it’s Palestinians in the nooze right now…

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Islam is not a religion; it is an ideology. A cult, really. And it CANNOT coexist with Judeo/Christian America. Period. They extol death while we Americans love and value life. Islamists are our avowed enemy and they are shouting it right here in our own land. Obama is one of them. He is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. His whole life is a lie. And he is being allowed to run the country I think to wake people up. To unify us and make us strong. I personally believe it is all by God’s design.

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Exactly. And in America we have freedom of religion, but NO religion can lawfully be protected if it espouses the hate and murderous doctrines of islam. Its adherents must NOT be allowed to hold any public office, most CERTAINLY that of a Congressional seat.

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ZOG ZIONISM and the Satanic variants of ISLAM created by ZOG Saudis with USA-OIL money created al-cia-duh, ISIS, HAMAS and all your nut cases in MENA

Masdrassa's ( schools for Jihad all over Islamic world ) would never exists had they not been financed & groomed by Rockefeller (CIA) and now Saudi

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Islam can not coexist with any Democracy, let alone a Constitutional Republic based on Judea-Christian values.

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In America we have freedom of religion, but NO religion can lawfully be protected if it espouses the hate and murderous doctrines of islam. Its adherents must NOT be allowed to hold any public office, most CERTAINLY that of a Congressional seat.

They cannot be trusted to abide by societies laws, because they only acknowledge THEIR practices. They do not and cannot take an oath of office because their allegiance is to foreign countries, and a terrorist ideology, NOT the USA.

Personally, I am for deporting all of them. If Omar hates America she and her cohorts can be forced to leave.

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Awesome. Well you should know that our Dearborn arabs banned the kiddie cutting 🏳️‍🌈 flag from government buildings & ensured that only state and national flags can fly on government property (no religious flags). They also got this medical munchausen grooming shit out of the schools. I like them.

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Israeli children are signing songs about burning Palestine children alive but Jews call this a beautiful childhood dream;

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The difference is that no Israeli burns any "Palestinian children", but the Hamas Jihadist does.

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So lets get this right, IDF kills 1200 kibbutz Jews on OCT7 and since then IDF kills 27,000 GAZAN children, and somehow this is all the fault of exactly who??

Recall that HAMAS is MOSSAD/CIA, just like ISIS, & al-CIA-duh

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Sure, and the earth is flat, the moon landing was done on a Hollywood set.

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KGB annually reports that There is NO PROOF on earth that the USA ever visited the moon;

Regarding your flat earth theory, whats to say? Me thinks that your mother not only dropped you on your head post birth but your birth is from your mother being ass raped by dogs, what else could account for your 'jew-think' ( flat earth shit? )

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You are literally insane. You know that don't you?

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Yes, the JEW - ZIONIST drinks the blood and eats the flesh of goyim children, but they teach the jew children to sing songs of burning goyim flesh

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You must be a devout Muslim. That's how they all talk

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Devout Muslims are forbidden from talking like a drunken angry sailors ( 'jew by birth' ) such as myself;

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That's funny, for +10k years world history the jews have a history of child fucking, & bleeding Greeks & Romans recorded it, in all history everywhere they have ever occupied, no other tribe on earth has this unique history; It's not even happenstance, its a commonality that they cannot help themselves from raping&eating goyim infants; Like the scorpion&frog, its just in their nature;

When busted the Jews always project on their victims as your doing now, look in the mirror and see Satan;

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Totally agree

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You’re a total wack job

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gert lost you fucking schmuck

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Brandon senile part seems about right

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I don’t know what is worse. We previously had a “Hawaiian” caliph running the US and now the senile head of the Amerikan cartel that currently runs our country. They are neck-and-neck when it comes to winning the race for destruction of our Bill of Rights and Constitution.

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It hurts P-ALEX to see 100% of the USA public not publicly sucking the ZOG orange-phallus

Hurts much, hey P-Alex its a free world and ZOG-ZIONISM is a satanic cult rah-rah your team;

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FUCK YES its by design

Make wars all over the earth and drive refugees to USA to be fucked, bled, and eaten

The entire world has war's and then the USA has people kill its own and then rescues the Refugees to come to USA, where they are made slaves;

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Going shopping in Dearborn in a couple weeks for some comfortable quality linen & cotton shirts & dresses to breastfeed with. Maybe some scarves to use as nursing covers. Then we’re gonna get some hummus & grape leaves. Down the road I’ll check out their kid cafe indoor playground.

All you out of state Zionuts & 9/11 fedbots can cope & seethe. For decades you’ve screamed that any day our muzzies would turn on us & slaughter us all. But they kicked kiddie eugenics medical malfeasance flags off government property, & got this grooming sterilization cult out of the schools. Based. Wish my small town had more of them and less marxist shitlibs.

Meanwhile my tax dollars are going to a victim-feigning Suzerain which crushes kids, & bulldozes patients, while lobbying my government to ban boycotts of Israel in 37 states. Remind me again, was our DHHS filled with Arabs that unrolled a bioweapon or were there a lot of jews in our DHHS during that shock doctrine scam?

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Notice all the DEM/LIB/MSM talking points that "Trump is Hitler" while they ignore what is happening in Dearborn and other Muslim enclaves? Islam is far worse than the Nazis ever were.

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With all the DEMs/LIBs talking about how Trump is Hitler, ISLAM is far worse than the Nazis ever were.

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P-ALEX and his satanic tribe want to genocide children in Dearborn? WHo knew??


FUCK YES its by design

Make wars all over the earth and drive refugees to USA to be fucked, bled, and eaten

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Support for Jihad should end with their deportation for treason against the United States

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FUCK YES its by design

Make wars all over the earth and drive refugees to USA to be fucked, bled, and eaten

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Seriously, The Dummy will not be running for anything in November except to the bathroom for his anti-dementia pills. The fascist democratic convention in August will end with Mike Obama getting the nomination for first female democrat dictator in 2025 and beyond.

It is vitally imperative that Trump not be put back into the Oval Office at all costs. That will wreck up the WEF, gates's and WHO's 2030 agenda. It is highly unlikely that the 2024 election, which will not be anything close to being true, if it even takes place, will be the last in our lifetimes here in the US.

I grew up 10 miles from Dearborn in the 1950's-1970's and had several family members living there, which we visited often. I think I would be terrified to visit there today although nothing would likely happen. I don't know what to make of the radical alterations in the area I grew up in.

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