Fauci and NIAID are even greater failures than CDC. Over the last 30 years during Fauci’s reign of terror, the incidence and prevalence of allergic and inflammatory conditions Has exploded. I would assert that it’s specifically because Fauci is the head of a government agency tasked with reducing or treating medicating the effects of allergies, inflammatory conditions and more has made the problem actively worse. Because government programs always and everywhere make everything worse.

Just like this recent inflation reduction act is going to make inflation much worse. If you have a government agency with a name called the national Institute for allergy and infectious disease you can guarantee that allergies infectious diseases will become much worse and more prevalent

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Author

agreed fully, he is a demon and Francis Collins is the top dog, we have to investigate them and hold them to account. We use all the legal proper good governance processes we have and we apply them. We will get the accountability for people's eyes are opening. Judges too.

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Fauci doesnt think hes done wrong. He thinks hes been doing science and helping make the world a better place. He think people are inspired by him.

The romanian dictator Ceaucescu also thought he was doing eveything he did out of love for his people and country. This is what power does to people, cuts them off from reality and corrupts them

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I firmly disagree.

Fauci has experimented on the populace, for profit for decades.

Ask the orphans he murdered in his AZT experiments.

Ask the dogs he had eaten alive by fleas.

Ask the gays about their friends dying of AZT poisoning.

Fauci is a murderer. Period

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But he doesnt think he's done anything wrong. He thinks he has been working tirelessly to advance human health. people have been hurt along the way , but if you want to make an omelet you have to break some eggs. He will go to his deathbed without remorse. Did you know his wife is the head of bioethics at NIH. They are like bonnie and clyde

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He knows.

He’s a psychopath, just like the rest of them.

Knowing and not caring. Two different things.

He didn’t even do a residency .

He must have shown his complete disregard for all things living in Med School. Hence. Recruited for Government malfeasance.

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You misunderestimate Evil, Comrade. It DELIGHTS in Pain and Misery and Death for others.

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The evil count on us being brainwashed into, there is no evil.

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Really? I'd love to understand more of Mengele2 0's mindset. Only a psychopath could do this IMHO


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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Mengele didnt think he was evil. Meng thought he was advancing the cause of betterment of humanity. To him the people he experimented on were not human beings. They were like dogs or lab rats. Fauci doesnt think he’s a bad person. Hes in this for glory. He wants to win a nobel prize. He thinks that people that criticize him are irrational and anti science or just politically motivated.

Theres a lot of material like this but heres one example


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Well, that's true. He thought giving lolly pops to twins before he gave them a shot of sodium pentathol to end the experiment was humane. He was excited to get to the autopsy and advance the good of the German people. He was "all in this together". I get it

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thats right. Hannah arendt wrote in her Origins of totalitarianism about the banality of evil. Fauci comes across to many as non threatening but he's a monster specifically b/c he has no insight

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never again

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You cannot compare Ceausescu with Fauci. One was uneducated, a shoe maker, and believed in socialism and the utopia of equality and prosperity. Communism is a plague. He did more good for Romania than any other president who followed him. Education was free and mandatory, healthcare was free, housing was cheap. No unemployment or homelessness. But all these had a price and we paid dearly for them. Fauci, as a scientist, paid by taxpayers, what actually did for the benefit of American people? Just curious… Because the last 3 years are talking for themselves… He has to be hold accountable. Ceausescu was, btw.

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"After being tried and convicted of economic sabotage and genocide, both were sentenced to death, and they were immediately executed by firing squad on 25 December, 1989"

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My fear is this whole legal process will take YEARS maybe Decades until we see these demons in cuffs. I tend to think of this often and wonder when will the righteous and good ever win.

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And don't forget that fuksey destroyed Judy Mikovits, PhD, AIDS research career in the 80s because his research was behind. Add in the witch hunt during Anthrax, along with bob mueller (yes that one) harassed 2 scientists. One sued and won $6 mil. The other committed suicide. It pays to have heavy duty political protection.

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They have been enabled by corrupt government officials for way too long. This set up the perfect storm. Massive power and greed has set a precedent. Amongst other corrupt entities, it has snowballed out of control. Now look where we are.

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Darn scary situation, that's for sure. I just wish more people would wake up: If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

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I have no faith that these beasts will be treated as they should by our courts. My only hope is that when they meet their maker, they will get judged properly.

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ROPE, get more rope!!!

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IMO, Fauci is obsessed with killing through vaccines. He is a maniacal mass-murderer dressed in a suit.

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This is much bigger than the domestic catastrophe Fauci created. This has super-accelerated the CCP overthrow of the U.S. The U.S. has been fatally wounded by Fauci and his co-conspirators’ treason. The CCP invaders are sharpening their knives. They are 100% committed to conquering this country, and Fauci has been one of their most deadly weapons against us.

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Biden is in on this. As corrupt as can be but sad he is being ‘used’ by greedy others controlling his agenda. And Onama needs to follow the path to jail!!!

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People better start learning the Chinese language

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My small California city was majority White and Hispanic thirty years ago. Now it’s majority Chinese and White.

The replacement has already begun.

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It’s very ‘safe and effective’ for what they want it to do, people were wrong to assume when they said this they meant it positively in regards to human health -it’s quite the opposite in fact but that’s their goal -when you look at it like this and know their agenda they weren’t lying! Malfeasance doesn’t even begin to describe this type of warfare being levelled against humanity.

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They are stupid but sometimes public is stupider! Wake up people! We can stop BS shots!!!

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They are EVIL, and public cannot confront Evil.

Evil is the INTENTION to HARM or DESTROY Others.

LOOK AT IT and Don't Flinch, it's not an easy thing to do.

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Anyone who says, "I am the science" is too big for his britches and must go.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

As I have mentioned in other posts, and has been suggested in some previous comments here, these criminals (Walenski et al) are claiming that their "mistake" was that they did not lock down hard enough. They are proposing that they should have even more power to abuse the people. They need to be stopped.

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Agree! They want more power. And fraudci is still pushing the lethal injection. And that woman asking if they will have enough by the fall. She could take all of them together with fraudci....They will grow more arms and legs, and their brain will disappear like smoke from their nostrils...Sheeeesh. It's painful to hear fraudci's voice. It makes me cringe. The majority of people are not taking anymore of these injectables. We need to say enough aready!!!!

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Evil Wallensky claims CDC needs "reorganization"; claiming the problem was that the CDC didn't get its contradictory, science-free, panic-mongering lunacy out to us quite fast enough. To me that sounds like the next round of whatever they have up their evil little sleeves (moneypox?) will be at warp-speed.

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I can’t figure out what exactly Walensky is apologizing for. Not locking down hard enough, not locking up the unvaccinated? I think she’s taking those in the CDC to keep your mouths shut or else.

Check out this interview with Christine Dolan and Dr. Denis Carol who ran PREDICT which included EcoHealth as a participant. She gets him to admit to a lot of motivation behind this project. I think Walensky thinks the same as this guy.


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If we have any accountability left in the US, Joe Biden would have been in jail for treason instead of destroying this country left and right.

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I absolutely agree. Every single one of them needs to be held accountable. Thank you Dr. Alexander for continuing to passionately express this truth!

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Accountability and Constitution are the two most useless words in the United States. They are far worse than jokes.

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Totally agree. Evil beings!

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GITMO for the Pantygone Traitors!!!! BTW, Majority of Military is Now VaXXXed and Ready for Combat??? Sheesh, sure hope the ChiComs don't find out, and did the ChiComs VaXXX their troops??? or just Faked It. Welcome to the USSA, Comrades!!!

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Neither China nor Russia gave mRNA jabs to their troops.

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My brother, who was dieing, in serious pain was left to sit all day in a hospital waiting room and never seen,then he walked home.He was air lifted days later and admitted to the ICU where he died.these so called medical personnel didn't belong in those positions if too scared to help people. Bunch of cowards.

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