Dr. Alexander.

Please explain to me why we don't see anyone on our side championing or setting up blood analysis databases on these easily verifiable vaccine induced injuries.

Blood Clots. d-Dimer, CRP

Immune System D3, D4, D8

Compromise health projections could be made with scientific confidence.

Then you would not have to continue to BEG for interaction & Media attention.

WHY ??

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When will the people behind this scheme be held accountable for their crimes against humanity?

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Triple jabbed dropping like flies. They do not get it. And they are rushing to get their fourth jab despite the obvious fact, the first three did not protect them. The big question…..will they get covid after each booster? Many of these people look pale, and unwell. Many have lingering covid symptoms long after they test negative.

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Very interesting. I would like to know the science of how they test for the variants. Note they are using PCR, which we know isn't very reliable.

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Thanks for the Walgreen's data. We really appreciate you.

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Ah fantastic, thank you! They even show the % proportion of tests for each group and, by their data, the unvaccinated are actually testing the most! Which destroys the argument that the vaccinated high rates are because they just test more. Very damning.

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Positivity rates are higher for these cohorts bc people who are boosted are much less likely to take the tests in the first place. Unvaxxed take tests more regularly (and behave more responsibly) and hence have lower positivity rates than as compare with the other cohorts.

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It's bad news for the vaccinated anyway you slice it. You can attribute the lower positivity rate for the unvaccinated simply to a larger sample size (i.e., due to unvaccinated status they are more often required to "test") but that then implies the vaccinated are only getting tested when they feel ill, which is also an indictment of the vaccines' effectiveness.

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increased risk of "infection"...

Define "infection" please?

Thanks for everything you do.

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Thank you for this excellent information!

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Thanks. However, do they present only one week of data? Any historical data?

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So getting a test at Walgreens - you are in their system? Is it still 'free'? Canadian here trying to figure out how to get a test to return to Canada.

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Are you sure you really want to return? If I could get out I would never come back.

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We have family and a thriving business in Canada as well as family in the us so our hands are tied

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