Turbo Charged Cancers, Transplants being rejected, Covid "Vaccines" in foods, Police,Firefighters, Military all getting the Jab, this reads like a bad Science Fiction novel.

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Or a script for a horror movie.

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Problem is,it's real not, some writers ideas, our foods are going to be full of the Covid " Vaccines", Meats, Fish, Chicken, Dairy products, all to cull the Human population, the figure 500 Million remaining,has been circulated

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Georgia guidestones

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Oh it's real.

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YES, It causes cancer hiv blood clots etc these shots are from sick imps to control and track people like computers / phones the evil makers are more scared now because we are going to make them potash. these vax shots are unnatural to the human body -NUREMBERG CODE -

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I remember telling a family member, in late 2021 I believe, that it was my deep (and deeply disturbing) sense that the key to the evil agenda playing out was the Spike Protein, more than any other element or factor. Even then, my alarm bells were going off at 200 decibels yet at that relatively early date I did not know a fraction of what I would later come to piece together as more and more dots connected. This post from WMC Research not only confirms my worst perceptions, it takes things several orders of magnitude beyond in terms of grasping the primary mechanism behind massive damage and widespread destruction of organs and systems throughout the body via the hijacking of ubiquitous ACE2 receptors. Once again, it isn't as bad as we thought... it's much much worse :o

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NOW evils are targeting / contaminating our food sources to get to all humans

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Hey, this certainly makes sense based on my extensive research over the last three years. I hope your theory is wrong but I would not be willing to bet against you.

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This needs to stop or our civilization is done. No one really believes that this is ongoing ... but it is like a snowball gathering momentum. It is difficult for human beings to fathom that this much evil exists. In fact, this evil has been strengthening for decades. And sources of information are systematically being shut down to keep the general population of our world from being informed of these evil culling actions. Slow and steady ... their goal is being accomplished? I don’t know anymore.

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The Rapture by Jesus is eminent. Jesus will not let Satan destroy his church followers and his Bride.

GOD will as a result intercede. But as was revealed in the Book of Revelation, GOD will allow for a period of time for those left behind and not Raptured to be subjected to man against man evil....before The Tribulation commences.

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maybe read REVELATIONS by Cayce...that "biblical" version is incorrect because we are one organism...there is no separation. This is man's INTERNAL ascension nothing to do with the "rapture" of a bunch of separate "people"...it's all just a movie yahweh is

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Been following him for awhile now! He is amazing! Every single person should be listening to ALL he has to say. Even the average person with no scientific background or experience will find him easily understood. Thanks for sharing this.

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Go to www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com interesting information about Nano Technoligy in the Covid " Vaccines" MAC addresses, are being detected in Cemeteries from deceased bodies.....

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She's a wacko though who channels a supposed 30,000 yr old being Ramtha

She's a new ager dipping into the occult

Who cares if she's got some truth

Devil masquerades as angel of LIGHT


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Here is the basic issue that must be resolved now, and not talked about for the next 10 years! Medical science is growing at an exponential rate on the cellular level and the ability to control the safety is growing at a snails pace, and it’s linear. Have to have the safeguards in place to protect humanity from being erased from this earth by pushing the mRNA injections when we have no idea what the potential harm truly is and we’ve only had a red flag with the Covid MRNA injection! Big Pharma is pushing ahead to create nano drug injections as a solution for all disease states because it is extremely profitable.

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Philadelphia teen dies within hours of diagnosis

Philadelphia teen dies within 24 hours of cancer diagnosis


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Nano Technologybis in thr Covid ,""Vaccines" go to www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com

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No thanks she's a wack job channeling a supposed 30,000 yr old being and a student of crazy cray jz knight .. we are gods🚩🚨🆘🤌

New ager, no thanks

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Dig deeper

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Why do FOIA's say no has isolated a Spike Protein? Why do FOIA's say no Corona Virus has been isolated ever? Help us Doctor. March 2, 2023: U.S. Centers for Disease Control can't prove the existence of "SARS-COV-2 spike protein"

Roger Andoh, acting as FOIA Officer in the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, CDC and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, confessed that these institutions have zero proof of the existence of the alleged "SARS-COV-2 spike protein", this time to my colleague Louis Stephen.

Also, in this response, Roger evaded:

- a request for proof of claims regarding so-called "SARS-COV-2" antibodies,

- a request for documentation explaining why it's necessary to use synthetic rather than natural (alleged) mRNA in convid jabs,

- a request for documentation explaining why it's necessary to use monkey kidney cells to (allegedly but not really) grow a "virus" that supposedly infects human lungs, etc.:


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Interestingly, the mere fact that spike protein binds to ACE2 is really not all that special in itself. Some other coronaviruses, such as the common cold virus NL63, also have their own spike proteins that bind to that very same site.

But deliberately turning the body into a spike protein factory does NOT sound like a particularly wise idea.

Here's an even scarier question though: suppose there was no such thing as Covid spike protein all along, what the hell is in those jabs? There are some theories out there as to what is really in the vials, and none of them are very reassuring at all.

So the nonexistence of the spike (and virus as a whole) would actually make for a scarier theory, particularly for anyone who has been jabbed.

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Indeed. And the propaganda psywar is like a convoy in the night "Breaker Breaker Covid 19" "Roger there Spike Protein." Psywar cuts in "Boys we're a mighty convoy of deception rolling in the night..."

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This. I have wondered who really thought this was a good approach to a COVID vaccine.

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The 5G cell towers are expected to deliver the commands, to the affected Nano Technology recipients, stripping away our free wills....

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So where are all the mRNA/DNA Nobel prize contenders when we need them? How do we :::disengage::: the spikes from the ACE2 enzymes and help the body get rid of them? This affects both vaccine injured and those recovered from COVID-19. In each case the patient is spike exposed. Those vaccinated have greater exposure (assuming batches were standard— all the same).

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When Pfizer paid big money to purchase a cancer drug producing pharma operation early in the covid injection rollout, there was only one reason - to pick up the future departure lounge passengers for their final ride.

Kind of like a panel beating repair shop which secretly places oil slick on a dangerous section of motorway at night and then tips up the next morning in disguise by having 3rd party tow trucks assist with transport of the car wrecks to their and other affiliated panel shops. The people behind these scams are diabolical.

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Orwell, Animal Farm in real-time

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