It’s about time that he gets his ass impeached for being a traitor

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It’s all a staged act. If he gets impeached we get Kamala. She’s even worse than Biden.

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Impeach both of them including Myorkas. Dismantle the DOJ, FBI,and the CIA

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That’s a start. The entire system worldwide needs to be purged of criminal psychopaths. Then start over. I don’t think people have the fortitude to do what is necessary. It will be a monumental task.

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I’m praying for Gods divine intervention and believing He will pull us through and defeat all the satanic minions in the swamp. He will put Trump in office to do just that along with all MAGA PATRIOTS that love America and want to save our country 🙏🙏😇😇

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Trump has every “attribute” of the antichrist. He is a very good liar. He has a lot of people fooled. He stocked the swamp. He didn’t drain it. Remember “Take the guns first. Due process later”? He instituted red flag laws. Billions were murdered by the self proclaimed Father of The Vaccine all over the world. I wonder how many more people he will exterminate if he gets into office again. And by the way he doesn’t worship our Creator. Says he has no use for forgiveness and hasn’t done anything wrong. How obvious can it be that his god is Satan.

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I do believe your judgement is twisted.

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If more people would pray and ask God in Jesus’s name He will come through for us . No waivering only praying with monumental Faith. We’re fighting Principalities not men .

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Kamala can Not be President, and she is Not supposed to be VP either. We are dealing with entities that break all the laws. It says that on this very short video.


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The law doesn’t matter to these people. They will just change it to suit them.

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Not only islamists, but also military age single men from China look to be pouring across the border.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

The entire Hispanic-Vatican Culture, regardless of nationality, at the lower levels, have an average education level of about the 7th Grade and their children are sexually abused. Unclear exactly how deep the latter problem is in terms of stats, but I live among thousands of Mexicans, all my neighbors are illegals, I grew up with Mexican neighbors and worked side by side with Mexicans and never had a problem, but always sensed a deep wrongness in aura, never could objectively sort, UNTIL past few years.

it was my problem. It took me too much time to reach an age of maturity to understand that cultures that officially endorse Anti-Christ religions, Vatican, Islam, Buddhism Hindu, so on, are tainted with child abuse. I always sensed the child abuse attitude in the talk of Mexicans as we worked and did stuff together, but my mind, at that time, simply had no visual concept of child sexual abuse. Wasn't possible for me to sort out what the oddness factor that I sensed about foreign cultures as the concept of child abuse, sexually, never seemed possible to me.

And, Paperclip gave us our CIA and it child abuse under MKULTRA. And all protected by NSA's 1947 national security!

Nafta Shafta is the vehicle for sex trafficking, plus drugs and military hardware. What a cluster. It was while our Trump was being constantly attacked by government domestic terrorists that I spun from typical study habits to sort out the psychology of discontent among bureaucrat deep state trash.

Then I ran into MKULTRA. And the world I thought was real became NOT. :)

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What or who is MKULTRA

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Good question for search engine.

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Glad I noticed your question, then not so happy as the entire MKULTRA scheme is pure rot. You'll need strength to read two books written my MKULTRA victims. Cindy O'Brien's Trance and Bryce Taylor's, Thanks For the Memories, the latter is inclusive and set in time slightly before Cindy's work with time overlap. The Bourne films show male MKULTRA victims used and mind controlled fighters, but the first and second films will give you a stain of how corrupt out NSA/CIA has descended.

Cathy and Susan's (aka, Bryce) will simply make you not only sick but cry and those tears will flow when you sort out the sheer number of our Presidents sucked up into this NWO NAZI system. Briefly, using both male and female children, through violent sexual abuse, stunning, food deprivation, on and on, to force the mind to produce alter personalities trained to be used in different situations: photo graphic memory, sex favors for world leaders, and more.

Once you go through the above, you'll understand the corruption level of DC, pol leaders, Hollywood, several fed agencies and finally the absolute hypocrisy of a system with two tiers of justice. Most of us are like myself, no clue, until I did the research.

MKULTRA arrived with Paperclip Nazis sent here after WWII. They went into all levels of both government and business. NASA is a good example with Braun.

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thats terrible tks for post

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The people that do these horrific things to others are satanic minions . That’s why it’s so difficult because we’re fighting against principalities

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Thank you for being on Brannon Howes' World View Show yesterday on Frankspeech.com I loved how you explained about the Covid Test being untrustworthy, and about everything you said, it was so TRUE & Important!

PLEASE COME BACK ON OFTEN ! And Talk longer! America & the World needs to hear what you have to say!

PLEASE TALK TO PRESIDENT TRUMP ABOUT ALL THIS! ALSO WE NEED HIM BACK WITH YOU BACK ON HIS TEAM! & DR ARDIS, Dr Stella, Dr SIMONE GOLD, Dr Sherri Tenpenny & Del Bigtree, & Karen Kingston & Dr James Thorp, from "DIED SUDDENLY" @StewPeters.com

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Thank you for being bold enough to speak the Truth about the dangerous position we are in! I even wonder about the military planes that are flying into a nearby military airport, one right after the other sometimes like up to 20-22 in one day, minutes apart, big planes like I think what I saw in Afganistan when people held on to the plane until they probably fell to their deaths! Who or what is on those planes? With the traitor in the WH letting millions cross our border unvetted; like you said, many may be dangerous ISIS murderers & rapist! Torturers! We are in dire straits! We need our Real President we overwhelmingly voted for, President Donald John Trump! Not J. Robinett Biden!

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Let's just say..."If I had some equipment, even I could drive them out."

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The swamp monsters could shut this off so fast if they really wanted to. They don’t, obviously.


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