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I'm at a loss as to how the initially, self-righteous "trust the science crowd" isn't petrified and sobbing in the corner, for fear of what is to become of their bodies. If they arent in the 163%+ of 2021 excess deaths, how can any of them now line up their children and babies, too? Moronic level of denial.

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Look back in history to Nazi Germany, ask yourself why an otherwise rational and civilized people like the Germans could and would allow themselves to be pulled into the horror show of Hitler’s madness.

Even the surviving post WW2 population couldn’t answer the question in terms normal people understand, this is the same for many of the pro-vax crowd.

Mass Formation Psychosis is a very real psychological phenomenon, like a strong form of mass hypnosis.

And like hypnosis it’s effectiveness is very much dependent on the psychological stability and strength of the individual.

The most emotionally stable and skeptical people are less likely to succumb to fear and are able to still function under an environment of stress.

The people you talk about, the ‘science’ crowd also tend to become the most emotionally vulnerable to psychological manipulation especially through the use of fear and high stress pressure tactics.

If you’ve seen their arguments it’s all about emotional issues of ‘protecting the vulnerable’ and protecting themselves at any cost.

It’s why they will never turn around and question their beliefs and therefore will never realize they’ve been manipulated and programmed.

I’ve come to the conclusion that there is significant percentage which will never believe the facts or the truth no matter how well presented.

Such people are terminally locked into their views through a combination of fear and of ego, they cannot face a situation where they have made the wrong choices and are ultimately responsible for them.

I mourn for the thousands of children who will pay the price for their patents blindness and even their deaths will not change the minds of many of these parents, just as the deaths of millions of young German men in WW2, sacrificed on the alter of Hitler’s insanity, didn’t change the minds of the parents of these young soldiers, many stated it was a necessary sacrifice to protect the Fatherland in the long run. This is how many of these parents will rationalize the deaths of their children.

On the other hand many parents will steadfastly refuse these shots for their kids, they will be punished by the sheep for not going along with the narrative and giving into their fears.

But they and their children will be here 20 years from now, the same cannot be said for the pro-vax fanatics and their families.

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Indeed. The US administrative state of players Executive, Congress, (Fauci) along with their corporatist and globalist ilk, et al were very succesful in their bet as to how many would succumb to their evil. Fortunately for many of us, the missing logic smelled too suspect. Exactly why its a moronic level of self denial. Persons fully engaged in self destruction and toxic harm to others, simply because if it. May I never be so obtuse.

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I think of the photographs of the well-dressed Jewish-German families with good luggage in hand, looking up at the trains pulling into the stations that will be taking them to the death camps.

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Yep, and the image of poorly dressed German-Jewish immigrants getting off at Ellis Island from some steamer and tickets which cost almost all the savings of these refugees only couple of years before your image.

Were the poor ones much more aware of the agenda Hitler had in mind? and knew when to flee, even at the cost of leaving all that they had worked for behind.

Sunk cost fallacy will cost the lives of many of these vax junkies...

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