Dr Alexander, dont forget they are STILL using a fatally flawed “test” based on random and undefined snippets of genetic material which is not even specific for SARS Covid 2 and God knows what other chicanery to keep this going! That is the BASIS of Reiner Fuellmich’s fraud charges against WHO, CDC, Drosten et al! The PCR “tests” are WORTHLESS and Cannot determine the causative agent in ANYTHING, let alone Covid 19!

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One of the problems is that people are receiving confusing information from their main source MSM. The fearmongering is ramping up again via MSM and politicians. Most people do not seek other sources for clear data, information and science of covid. Trying to discuss this with people I know is like speaking to a wall. They do not want to know. They have a deep trust in their doctors and criminal politicians. This is called blind faith. The UK is ramping up their fourth shot. Why won’t they ramp up ivermectin? Because they have been bought and paid for. Same around the world.

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I am in Canada and restrictions are starting to lift, although the unvaccinated are still being vilified and punished. As I try to reintegrate into a vaxxed society, it is painfully obvious that the vaxxed are exactly as you have characterized them here. Even with all of the scientific data coming out now, I have no hope that we can change minds to start believing the truth instead of propaganda and lies. It is very depressing to me that our side has fought so hard to find the truth, get some of our freedoms back, and educate the brainwashed but to no avail. This evil plan has been in the works for a long time and is being carried out almost seamlessly. Would love to hear from others what we can do to stop it. Had so much hope in the Canadian truckers but even that didn’t work.

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Thank you Dr Alexander for doing your part! We must keep pushing the truth. The data is clear! God bless.

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Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over And Over And Expecting Different Results!!

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Cases, cases. That's all they keep focusing on and new variants. Just like the permanent change in time, trying to scare people that it puts you at increased risk of death. So we have been at risk 6 months out of every year for years? Just shameful scare tactics.

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Is there a practical metrics driven approach that could be used to verify this, e.g. mutation rate of areas of the virus covered by the antibodies vs mutation rates in non-antibody covered areas? (Apologies for the lack of proper terminology - I don't work in this area...)

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So this is now a pandemic of the vaccinated not the unvaxed? Do I have that correct?

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