Was Jeffery Epstein involved in the COVID pandemic…??? How? What was role of Nathan Wolfe? Ukraine labs? Hunter Biden? METABIOTA? Was COVID always circulating, years before, just 'detected' with PCR?
What? I find so interesting and correlation is no causation, no doubt....but hhmm...did they 'detect' a pathogen or virus or clone etc. they knew was there always...they released it?? to topple Trump?
Then we look at the Epstein/Covid timeline.
-July 2019: Epstein arrested
-August 2019: Epstein “suicide”
-November 2019: C19 outbreak begins in Wuhan
Why was ‘suicide’ before outbreak if this timeline holds up?
see Clandestine (I post later)…a teaser
Epstein was (is?) a Mossad subcontractor, his fingers in everything. The "COVID outbreak" in Wuhan just happened to coincide with an outbreak of TB in that large densely packed city. This was probably due to aerosolized pig waste from incinerators that burned the massive quantities of excrement generated by pig farms in the city. The air there was literally brown and people had been wearing masks for years to filter out the particulate matter (the masks provided "optics" for the hysterical "news" reports of the "strange pneumonia"). So bad in fact that they actually took to the streets in protest. The Party frowns on protests. There can be nothing to protest in a Communist Utopia. Interestingly the same conditions prevailed in the second country to experience a "COVID outbreak", that being Italy. In Milan the air is so polluted that people have also been wearing masks for years and they too had a TB outbreak at the same time. In their case it was brought in by African "migrants". In retrospect (now it can be told) almost all the original "COVID" deaths occurred in elderly nursing home residents with multiple chronic co-morbidities who had less than a year to live. The exact same numbers were reported in "hard hit" Massachusetts where I reside. They were expendable and they were murdered with ribavarin, remdesivir (Dr Fauci's Magick Elixir) and other "antivirals". IMO. To get The Pandemic ball rolling
puzzle-pieces coming together.