Epstein was (is?) a Mossad subcontractor, his fingers in everything. The "COVID outbreak" in Wuhan just happened to coincide with an outbreak of TB in that large densely packed city. This was probably due to aerosolized pig waste from incinerators that burned the massive quantities of excrement generated by pig farms in the city. The air there was literally brown and people had been wearing masks for years to filter out the particulate matter (the masks provided "optics" for the hysterical "news" reports of the "strange pneumonia"). So bad in fact that they actually took to the streets in protest. The Party frowns on protests. There can be nothing to protest in a Communist Utopia. Interestingly the same conditions prevailed in the second country to experience a "COVID outbreak", that being Italy. In Milan the air is so polluted that people have also been wearing masks for years and they too had a TB outbreak at the same time. In their case it was brought in by African "migrants". In retrospect (now it can be told) almost all the original "COVID" deaths occurred in elderly nursing home residents with multiple chronic co-morbidities who had less than a year to live. The exact same numbers were reported in "hard hit" Massachusetts where I reside. They were expendable and they were murdered with ribavarin, remdesivir (Dr Fauci's Magick Elixir) and other "antivirals". IMO. To get The Pandemic ball rolling

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I had read about the highly polluted Northern Italian air but had not heard about a contemporaneous TB outbreak there when "covid" appeared -- or in Wuhan. Interesting indeed.

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It's all been memory holed of course. TB is still a problem in China. It accounts for as many as 300K deaths every year. The TB outbreak spread by aerosolized pig excrement combined with EXTREMELY poor air quality (not to mention the "rollout" of intense pulsed 5G. Exposure to 5G can induce flu-like symptoms) provides a much better explanation for widespread respiratory distress than some garden variety cold virus that nobody has ever been able to find in even a single patient. Recall at the beginning of the "COVID marathon" Fauci stated, when asked "We don't have an actual virus 'in hand' ". So IMO there never was a pandemic, only the media-generated illusion of one, driven by gazillions of "cases", 90 percent of which were aymptomatic - cases of nothing. But produced by diagnostically worthless PCR and OTC "COVID tests". I received my official one from The State. Right on the box it says "A positive test result does not necessarily mean a virus is present". That's a real confidence builder. What does it mean then? A whole lot of nothing

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puzzle-pieces coming together.

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Epstein and covid?

That's like connecting Jeffrey Dahmer with fruit farming.

Come on Paul, if you run out of content, then rather not post anything.

Perhaps, as Epstein was getting his Kike chrome dome polished by a 12 year old girl, he figured out this was in fact the covid cure.

In South Africa, in poor black communities, babies get raped sometimes as a means of curing HIV, or so the ritual brainless theory goes.

So perhaps Epstein was also onto something.

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have you read Clandestine's work, I have a stack coming...comment on this then...love you huge for all you do for us

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OK Paul, I'll check it out.

I'm always open to new things.

Two kisses on your cheeks and a big, manly hug, Arab style ;))

Just not Turkish or Greek style, unless you have great tits and you look exceptional in a bikini.

Much love ❤️


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When you look at the evil through the centuries do you think the folk like EPSTEIN/WEF/ROYALS etc are going to stop now!?---If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder

Posted By The White Rose UK On 04/10/2021

By Roy R M McIntosh

After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!

Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…

So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!

Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.

I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!

In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!?

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It was probably no coincidence that in March 2020, we were told there are no N-95's...where did they all go? Everything they did points to one thing.

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Many do not even understand what happened in Ukraine at that matter. They were fucking with the plague and anthrax hence why Putin went there. If he wanted them all dead they would've been. And he wouldn't have brought truck loads of supplies and food for the people. Many confuse what they see through the media rather then go right to the sources and communicate with each country. Reach out to the right people

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The first pick up on the location of the labs was by researchers who were looking at the locations in the Ukraine cities of where Russian “ indiscriminate “ shelling occurred. It seemed random and the media called it terrorizing the citizens. When the researchers started looking at the locations of the shelling they got their answer when the locations matched that of level 2 & 3 labs. Later of course hearings in DC verified that in fact the US did have biolabs in the Ukraine.

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There’s also an Epstein, MIT, WEF connection.

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Also August 2019 - Kary Mullis dies of respiratory infection. Epstein and Mullis knew too much.

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Mullis always knew too much. Before the AIDS/HIV non-epidemic he was a golden boy in the media, "brilliant", "maverick", etc. Then he began to question the AIDS virus hypothesis and abruptly he was on the outs, "womanizer", "acid head", and worst of all.. a "surfer"! Eventually he came around to the obvious truth that there is no "HIV" - "No one can hold up a test tube and say 'this is HIV' ". The same of course applies to "COVID". He died of "pneumonia" just before The Great Pandemic That Never Was. he would have had a lot to say, particularly re: the use of PCR for testing - "PCR is not a diagnostic test. It can't tell you if you are sick." As the developer/inventor of PCR it's a safe assumption that he knew something about it. But dead men tell no tales

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Kary definitely "had Fauci's number", so to speak, about his being a massive liar. The timing of Mullis's death is just too convenient by half. It would be interesting to know more about Mullis's last few weeks....who he met with, etc.

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Kary Mullis was a real scientist unlike Fauci who was a mediocrity at best. Fauci Became Director-for-Life of NIAID in 1984, the same year that his buddy Dr Robert Gallo ripped off his Ferrari shades at a press conference and announced "We have found the probable cause of AIDS!" Of course the cause was already known - reckless drug abuse and extreme promiscuity as well as daily prophylactic overuse of powerful antibiotics to treat repeated STD's in a small subset of homosexual males. That was the so-called "lifestyle hypothesis", deemed "homophobic". Or something. The ACT-UP stooges demanded a cure, NOW. Their rallying cry - "Drugs into bodies!" Seriously. Fauci was happy to oblige. He was instrumental in ramming through FDA approval of azidothymidine (AZT) in 1987, a cancer chemo drug that was never patented because it was so toxic. At that point deaths from "AIDS" began to soar; 94 percent of AIDS deaths occurred after AZT was approved. "Scientists say" this was a mere coincidence. I and many others, all uneducated rabble, have drawn other conclusions. AZT is still the most widely prescribed "AIDS drug" in the world, usually in combination with other "antivirals". No worries, they are all Safe and Effective. Remdesivir, another of Fauci's Greatest Hits, is a cousin of AZT. It's a nucleotide analog, AZT is a nucleoside analog. For a time, maybe still, it was the ONLY drug approved for treating "COVID". It is very effective however..at killing the elderly. And so it goes

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No link needed. The evidence speaks for itself and times of their posts speak loudly enough as to when they came forward. Rotfl.

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Hi. I have sym0tomps similar to long covid since 2015 after I got multiple viral infections in fall. The infections were not bad at all ( similar to covid now). But after I developed strange symptomps including circulatory like possibly mild vasculoties, raynaulds, headaches, cranial nerve issues, dizxyness. Vertigo, tinnitus. Coincidence? Maybe? But no actual.disease can be found, mris are normal. Still i feel.also exercise intolerant till today. I also never got covid in the pandemic. I seem to be totally immune. Is this possible?

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Never got jabbed neither btw.

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What's weird is immediately following the flu jab 2020 (my last jab and wake up call), I experienced those symptoms. What helped the most was walking and high dose alpha omega fish oil caps.

Best wishes!

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Flu jabs are mRNA now. Avoid them. In fact in some countries, Italy comes to mind, about a third of the "COVID" shots were actually standard flu shots. Dr Peter Goesch who founded the Nordic Cochrane Center did an exhaustive review of all the relevant medical literature pertaining to flu shots. He concluded that they have "No appreciable effect re: severity, prevalence, or duration" of flu. In response the NCC, which he founded, fired him

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Makes sense to me.

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To catch the public unawares by side-tracking them?

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Your absolutely right. Was just with Alexander and his paid actor pals. You had to open your foolish mouth before understanding the situation at hand and how long Paul alexander and all his pals have been called out and by many more then just myself ffs. Catch up and know who you speak about or make a statement toward before speaking. This will be a life lesson for you.

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You have only embarrassed yourself further i assure you. Goodluck to you on your endeavors

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Shouldn't have made the rediculous statement you did. It is now with you aswell. Good day to you

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Cannot even speak up. Again establishes so many points being made. And reason why these paid actors get called out.

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Like that comment though. I must not like him Barry states. Haha. I do not know Paul alexander other then calling his ass out when he finally stepped up for the people. 2 years to late. Not that I do not like this man. I do not trust this man. Big difference. I do not trust any doctors still working. Only those who lost their jobs or quit or fired or whatnot. These doctors and nurses can be trusted. It is these folks who are the true heroes who risked their lives and their jobs and put their names on the line for all you people with many others involved helping one another gather the intel thats been gathered and exposed.

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