What? Captain of The Dali was Ukrainian? Crocus Theater Massacre payback? What? Biblo said what? 20,000 illegal mujahideen islamist jihadists Obama-Biden-Mayorkas taking in to kill Americans? WTF?
I think the work of Dr Michael Nehls might explain a lot, in that the manufactured virus and mRNA shots have intentionally created a zombie like world now with zombie minds not capable of normal neural regeneration and lacking in creativity, critical thinking and curiosity.
BINGO, which is why I think the lockdowns followed the initial mRNA jab,
I live in a place while a little jab took place, most refused to be locked down, life went on;
I think that in much of the west, where they got 3x jab and boosters and were locked down, and given 'stimmy' to buy fentanyl & crack, meth, .. that millions fell into the hole your talking about;
One must continually work and train and read, and use their brain and learn; We used to say don't use it, you lose it;
P-ALEX thanks for your links to my site, but please just try to understand where in the FUCK I am coming from, I have post long ago my story, but I shall do it again, to explain why I hate your entire FUCKING god damn satanic system.
Recently a sociologist dealt with this question, he pointed out in 1920's that 20% of American people were "Revolution Ready", not afraid to die and had weapons;
Today they estimate that "Revolution Ready" USA public is less than 2% of the total population
Sure a lot of couch potatoe 'bench-rest' shooters in their +60's claim a lot of bullshit, but young-in's fight wars, and majority of USA youth today play video games and masturbate to ZOG-porn;
In 1800's USA 90% of all kids could go out with a gun and one bullet and bring home a rabbit for dinner, in 1920's it was 20%; Today its 0.2% cuz 'children' are not even allowed to carry arms anymore unless with an adult which makes traditional 'hunting' impossible
agreed, I think people are pummeled into submission, acquiesce, they fail to realize that all they ever need is already in them...I say we all have a dark side that can be used to motivate us and push us...yet we keep it draped in chains, locked down, never to roam free but it is in each of us and from time to time we must visit the dark side to get some juice...to push forward and wage...the battle...never undo the chains, never let it roam...Ted Bundy let his dark side roam, Dahmer let his dark side roam etc...GACY LET HIS OUT AND IT PUSHED HIM IN AND CLOSED THE DOOR...
P-ALEX thanks for your links to my site, but please just try to understand where in the FUCK I am coming from, I have posted long ago my story, but I shall do it again, to explain why I hate your entire FUCKING god damn satanic system.
first lets remember that altmans 2006 app called loop-t, was an app that hooked up homos in golden-gate park at night where older men could sodomize younger men
This app attracted paul graham and peter thiel to bring in altman to their club
Note this video doesn't touch any of the HOMO child grooming and fucking, it just explains that Altman, Bezos, and Thiel, and MUSK are all 100% satanic & evil
Biblo, as I said, I wat this open forum, no restrictions...you write clean sometimes and rabid at other times...cant you stay one way...? you got to understand that I dont want my subscribers to ask me to block you, I dont do that but please keep it clean...you have good information, no derogatory and that goes for everyone...no antisemitism, nothing like that...I dont care if you whomever you are are some twisted freak...just lets keep it high level, decent, informative...
P-ALEX thanks for your links to my site, but please just try to understand where in the FUCK I am coming from, I have post long ago my story, but I shall do it again, to explain why I hate your entire FUCKING god damn satanic system.
‘‘Ten thousand san-salvadorean CIA trained Mercenarys Enter the USA monthly since 2016; They all can be activated online just like Russia, a few $1,000 USD, a weapons cache and be told to “KILL CHILDREN” at every public school in the USA’’’
Are you wondering what sort of mayhem they might be capable of unleashing any place from Bangor to Burbank in the weeks and months ahead?
Answering a question from Team Hasbara the other day they were saying they just couldn't figure Bilbo's-Bitch out; OK
Why so fucking God Damn Angry Bilbo? What makes you tick; My hero was Malcolm-X his childhood was mine, he was in Detroit & I in LA; The Gov drove our mothers to suicide, OK that's why I hate GOV;
A Holomodor is coming to USA soil this is a certainty
In 1932-33 Bolshevik ZIONIST killed 30 million white russians in UKRAINE, most of them a their entrails pulled out, which was most popular means of killing;
They plan to repeat this same exercise in USA
The wetbacks will be told they have no return, their only path forward is to kill all the 'whites' and occupy their homes;
The ZOG well knows that everybody will die, that in time even the wetbacks will not survive for lack of food, they all left places near the equator where a man can grow food on his own land, much of the USA requires trucks to bring in the food; Once culling begins the wetbacks will attack the trucks, and the trucks will quit hauling in the food;
"Treason!": Bombshell Report Reveals Biden Has Secretly Flown 320,000 Illegals INTO The United States
Bidens Secret Program to Make Wetbacks "Majority Voters" and given them citizenship for killing whites, and allowing them to vote today is 100% verified;
People have truly no idea. We have these centers all over here and they're fronts for terrorist organizations. Sucks I live within such close proximity to these forces. North America is finished sadly.
MOST excellent short video that has all of our BILLIONAIRE ZOG Boys explicitly saying that first their AI will take over the world and then it will depopulate the humans; That anybody who 'thinks like a human' will be killed, that if you don't learn to think like a machine today, your future is fucked;
Most excellent video that's new that explains the players in todays HOMO-AI
first lets remember that altmans 2006 app called loop-t, was an app that hooked up homos in golden-gate park at night where older men could sodomize younger men
This app attracted paul graham and peter thiel to bring in altman to their club
Note this video doesn't touch any of the HOMO child grooming and fucking, it just explains that Altman, Bezos, and Thiel, and MUSK are all 100% satanic & evil
I wonder, with all your fanatical Trump-hate, if you know that Trump and his brother were informants working for the FBI way back in the takedown of the mafia in Atlantic City, and New York City? He helped Guiliani in the RICO takedown of them in NYC.
Do you ever wonder why the deep state corrupt judges and DA's have to resort to made-up crimes to go after Trump? It's because there are no crimes. He was never part of the cabal, or the UniParty.
Why do you hate people who tell the truth about your ZOG??? Asking for an Arab friend.
Trump is ZOG? You know that right? He's to the right of BIDEN on un-conditional support of killing all the real-jews in Israel, leaving only ashkeNAZI faux satanic jews, aka Zionists;
Jeebuz, why am I never accused of Biden hate?? I post equally, I dump shit equally on everybody, and especially the 4 little Indian Brahmins
But only TRUMP am I called a hater
This remind me well of those you cannot mention, Poland just passed a law making it a 3 year prison sentence to insult a homosexual; One wonder of the 'homo' is the New "Anti-Semite' , I'm surprised your not calling me anti-semite for talking about Trump??
Bidens showers with his pre-pubescent daughters, RFK-jrs bizarre alliances with Epstein have all been covered and yet never have I been called a Biden hater;
I did get flack here about posting Truth about RFK-jr, but once people figured out for themselves it was true, then the attacks stopped;
But with TRUMP there seems to be zero tolerance for truth-telling about the ORANGE JEEBUZ
Trump mentor for +30 years was ROY COHN, infamous homo kosher-nostra lawyer
Also lawyer for J Edgar Hoover (+50 year FBI DIR), and McCarthy of infamous McCarthy hearings
Being the personal lawyer of FBI Director brought Trump close to FBI in his early years as a bag-man faux goyim for laundering casino cash into NYC real-estate as in that day, some wouldn't sell property's to 'jews' so the Kosher-Nostra created their faux-goyim TRUMP
Did Trump have close relations with the FBI? Fuck yes, but now J Edgar Hoover is long gone and the bolshevik kosher-nostra arm is running the FBI, and they hate Trump
Why they hate Trump?, I wrote an entire report "How Trump got the Rosenbergs fried on the electric chair" do I have to get you the link? or can you find it alone
"Authentic Frontier Bilbo gibberish" - blazing saddles
Bravo P-Alexander
One comment, while you talk about nut-jobs stabbing females in the 'vagina', lets all remember here colonel from the mai-lai massacre that his entire platoon wore jewelry ( Genital Trophys ) around their necks made of penises and clitoris from infant children, where they would carve out alive on the children and attach to strings around the neck, in front of live parents demanding information, before they killed them too;
Which led to the making of the film 'apocalypse now' the fact is all humans are bat shit crazy dr-alex, not just Muslim nut-jobs
Just like abu-ghraib where children were sodomized by US-MIL K-9 german-shepherds to get info from their parents
Most recently in FALLUJA US Marines went door to door looking for weapons, on entering they would grab and infant male child, and crush their genitals with the butt of their rifle, then grab another child until the parents gave up all the weapons; ( FYI crushing genitals on infants make them impotent and ergo no hope of entering heaven )
Team P-Alex will say "Why do they hate us??"
They say that all these sexual infant child mutilations are from IDF training given to US MIL by way of CIA in securing sure-fire methods of interrogation.
Hey Paul -- Next time, how about attribution for quotes from my blog: Clusterfuck Nation?
-- James Howard Kunstler:
‘They just step on US soil, get issued smartphones, loaded debit cards, walking-around cash money, airplane and bus tickets and, voila, there they are in your home town tomorrow, looking for something to occupy themselves.’
Son of Trump, urges Israel to hurry up killing people in Israel, need to have this wiped up by the time Trump takes office, so that Jared can develop condos on Gaza beach;
Since 1947 when the Germans lost WW2 the NAZI's won, the ZOG has spent 100% of its effort in taking back ukraine, but in normal fashion ZOG ZIONISM they have destroyed it with US/Russian bombs, and now they're doing the same to USA;
All of Israel is being destroyed and what was once Palestine; The ZOG wants to kill all the real Jews by blood in MENA;
Everything will be destroyed the only hope is that Russia & China can nip ZOG in the bud; and stop this satanic shit
While Netanyahu is the king of satanic zionism in "Israel", Trump is their king in USA;
'CHINESE WIZARD COVID' sure did scam the entire population of the world and even those that did not go along with it were restricted in one way or another!!? The captain of the Dali, have seen conflicting stories and not sure if from India or Ukraine but would think he and the crew must have had a few sleepless nights!? Regarding the population I have faith that there are enough good people in the world and when they come together and say NO MORE things shall change for the better. Hope I am right, 70 plus and had a reasonable life and want that style to continue for those younger etc!
You say no anti-Semitism talk here. THEY ARE THE ONES BEHIND ALL THIS SHIT! PERIOD! It's actually the Zionists. The Rothschild, Talmudic, Khazarian, Ashkenazi. Satanic, Communist, Zionist, Pedophilic, Joos. Get it through your heads, these are the "people" behind ALL these bad things going on. Look up the Elders of Zion protocols. Read the Talmud. Read what Jews really think about white people.
Pro-Palestine people in UK destory F-35 factory on UK soil
It' has begun, we should expect to see same-same on USA soil, as there are many soft targets to destroy that make weapons shipped to Israel for killing Palestine children
It's the Zionist Joos behind the destruction and genocide of Gaza that would set the Pro-Palestines off. So using your reasoning, the Zionist Joos are still behind it. I have my doubts if they weren't behind the defense factory attacks as well. They like doing criminal acts and blaming it on others. Zionist Joo's are the root of all Satanic crimes throughout the world.
BINGO Chicken dinner we have a winner, especially in UK, where all the factorys are DEI and building nothing be homo promises and dick-cheese sandwiches
I don’t think we have yet seen, or can comprehend, the depth of evil coming to western society yet.
I wonder why everyone talks this way like they have to lay on the railroad tracks and let the freight train run them over?...
Instead of getting up, doing something to remove the threat.
yes, we got to move
I think the work of Dr Michael Nehls might explain a lot, in that the manufactured virus and mRNA shots have intentionally created a zombie like world now with zombie minds not capable of normal neural regeneration and lacking in creativity, critical thinking and curiosity.
sage in this too
BINGO, which is why I think the lockdowns followed the initial mRNA jab,
I live in a place while a little jab took place, most refused to be locked down, life went on;
I think that in much of the west, where they got 3x jab and boosters and were locked down, and given 'stimmy' to buy fentanyl & crack, meth, .. that millions fell into the hole your talking about;
One must continually work and train and read, and use their brain and learn; We used to say don't use it, you lose it;
this is a decent comment, I like this...I hope it stays this way...I like your facts but please lets keep it decent
P-ALEX thanks for your links to my site, but please just try to understand where in the FUCK I am coming from, I have post long ago my story, but I shall do it again, to explain why I hate your entire FUCKING god damn satanic system.
Needs to be addressed
Much needs to be addressed but it will never happen in Satan's Satanic censorship gated playhouse;
Recently a sociologist dealt with this question, he pointed out in 1920's that 20% of American people were "Revolution Ready", not afraid to die and had weapons;
Today they estimate that "Revolution Ready" USA public is less than 2% of the total population
Sure a lot of couch potatoe 'bench-rest' shooters in their +60's claim a lot of bullshit, but young-in's fight wars, and majority of USA youth today play video games and masturbate to ZOG-porn;
In 1800's USA 90% of all kids could go out with a gun and one bullet and bring home a rabbit for dinner, in 1920's it was 20%; Today its 0.2% cuz 'children' are not even allowed to carry arms anymore unless with an adult which makes traditional 'hunting' impossible
Learned helplessness is real; Same argument "How could 2 nazi's guard a 1,000 jews in a concentration camp"??
Learned Helplessness, just like the Warsaw Ghetto, or Palestine today;
The only people who fight are Hamas who are demonized, but the 90% just sit and wait to die, and try to find food or water;
agreed, I think people are pummeled into submission, acquiesce, they fail to realize that all they ever need is already in them...I say we all have a dark side that can be used to motivate us and push us...yet we keep it draped in chains, locked down, never to roam free but it is in each of us and from time to time we must visit the dark side to get some juice...to push forward and wage...the battle...never undo the chains, never let it roam...Ted Bundy let his dark side roam, Dahmer let his dark side roam etc...GACY LET HIS OUT AND IT PUSHED HIM IN AND CLOSED THE DOOR...
P-ALEX thanks for your links to my site, but please just try to understand where in the FUCK I am coming from, I have posted long ago my story, but I shall do it again, to explain why I hate your entire FUCKING god damn satanic system.
Most excellent video that's new that explains the players in todays HOMO-AI
first lets remember that altmans 2006 app called loop-t, was an app that hooked up homos in golden-gate park at night where older men could sodomize younger men
This app attracted paul graham and peter thiel to bring in altman to their club
Note this video doesn't touch any of the HOMO child grooming and fucking, it just explains that Altman, Bezos, and Thiel, and MUSK are all 100% satanic & evil
Biblo, as I said, I wat this open forum, no restrictions...you write clean sometimes and rabid at other times...cant you stay one way...? you got to understand that I dont want my subscribers to ask me to block you, I dont do that but please keep it clean...you have good information, no derogatory and that goes for everyone...no antisemitism, nothing like that...I dont care if you whomever you are are some twisted freak...just lets keep it high level, decent, informative...
P-ALEX thanks for your links to my site, but please just try to understand where in the FUCK I am coming from, I have post long ago my story, but I shall do it again, to explain why I hate your entire FUCKING god damn satanic system.
‘‘Ten thousand san-salvadorean CIA trained Mercenarys Enter the USA monthly since 2016; They all can be activated online just like Russia, a few $1,000 USD, a weapons cache and be told to “KILL CHILDREN” at every public school in the USA’’’
Are you wondering what sort of mayhem they might be capable of unleashing any place from Bangor to Burbank in the weeks and months ahead?
Look closely at those dates bitches, those were TRUMP years;
Answering a question from Team Hasbara the other day they were saying they just couldn't figure Bilbo's-Bitch out; OK
Why so fucking God Damn Angry Bilbo? What makes you tick; My hero was Malcolm-X his childhood was mine, he was in Detroit & I in LA; The Gov drove our mothers to suicide, OK that's why I hate GOV;
All GOV, RINO Gov, and demoRat Gov
I believe we can see what happened to other countries and know we are watching for the chip to fall on us
A Holomodor is coming to USA soil this is a certainty
In 1932-33 Bolshevik ZIONIST killed 30 million white russians in UKRAINE, most of them a their entrails pulled out, which was most popular means of killing;
They plan to repeat this same exercise in USA
The wetbacks will be told they have no return, their only path forward is to kill all the 'whites' and occupy their homes;
The ZOG well knows that everybody will die, that in time even the wetbacks will not survive for lack of food, they all left places near the equator where a man can grow food on his own land, much of the USA requires trucks to bring in the food; Once culling begins the wetbacks will attack the trucks, and the trucks will quit hauling in the food;
"Treason!": Bombshell Report Reveals Biden Has Secretly Flown 320,000 Illegals INTO The United States
Bidens Secret Program to Make Wetbacks "Majority Voters" and given them citizenship for killing whites, and allowing them to vote today is 100% verified;
People have truly no idea. We have these centers all over here and they're fronts for terrorist organizations. Sucks I live within such close proximity to these forces. North America is finished sadly.
I am beginning to realize this
MOST excellent short video that has all of our BILLIONAIRE ZOG Boys explicitly saying that first their AI will take over the world and then it will depopulate the humans; That anybody who 'thinks like a human' will be killed, that if you don't learn to think like a machine today, your future is fucked;
Most excellent video that's new that explains the players in todays HOMO-AI
first lets remember that altmans 2006 app called loop-t, was an app that hooked up homos in golden-gate park at night where older men could sodomize younger men
This app attracted paul graham and peter thiel to bring in altman to their club
Note this video doesn't touch any of the HOMO child grooming and fucking, it just explains that Altman, Bezos, and Thiel, and MUSK are all 100% satanic & evil
Baltimore is New York. Eff 'em. Let 'em burn in their Personal Karma. Paid In Full.
For the rest of us, learn to live without whatever they used to conduit. Reduce use, hoard, find substitutes.
Do Without is already here. Cut dead wood.
Time to sever any ties to Blue Areas in general.
hhhmmm, very interesting
BRAVO! Louisiana Senate Passes Bill to End State Cooperation with the UN, the WHO & WEF !!!
Please send this to every State Senate. We Need this Enacted in Every State!
thank you
Crocus in Moscow is owned by Agalorovs a Trump Billionaire buddy from way back to old Billionaire mafia days
Small world after all, some think that this was 'jewish lightning' code for insurance claims
I wonder, with all your fanatical Trump-hate, if you know that Trump and his brother were informants working for the FBI way back in the takedown of the mafia in Atlantic City, and New York City? He helped Guiliani in the RICO takedown of them in NYC.
Do you ever wonder why the deep state corrupt judges and DA's have to resort to made-up crimes to go after Trump? It's because there are no crimes. He was never part of the cabal, or the UniParty.
bang on, BOOM Dave, Trump is cleaner than all of them in congress and senate, cleaner and they got nothing on him...
as Capone said in untouchables...'you aint got nothing'...
Why do you hate people who tell the truth about your ZOG??? Asking for an Arab friend.
Trump is ZOG? You know that right? He's to the right of BIDEN on un-conditional support of killing all the real-jews in Israel, leaving only ashkeNAZI faux satanic jews, aka Zionists;
Jeebuz, why am I never accused of Biden hate?? I post equally, I dump shit equally on everybody, and especially the 4 little Indian Brahmins
But only TRUMP am I called a hater
This remind me well of those you cannot mention, Poland just passed a law making it a 3 year prison sentence to insult a homosexual; One wonder of the 'homo' is the New "Anti-Semite' , I'm surprised your not calling me anti-semite for talking about Trump??
Bidens showers with his pre-pubescent daughters, RFK-jrs bizarre alliances with Epstein have all been covered and yet never have I been called a Biden hater;
I did get flack here about posting Truth about RFK-jr, but once people figured out for themselves it was true, then the attacks stopped;
But with TRUMP there seems to be zero tolerance for truth-telling about the ORANGE JEEBUZ
I'm wondering that during all this trump-love, do you ever have a chance to look around at the real world??
"Treason!": Bombshell Report Reveals Biden Has Secretly Flown 320,000 Illegals INTO The United States
If they’re admitting to 320,000 then its most likely 30 Million because they always lie;
Trump mentor for +30 years was ROY COHN, infamous homo kosher-nostra lawyer
Also lawyer for J Edgar Hoover (+50 year FBI DIR), and McCarthy of infamous McCarthy hearings
Being the personal lawyer of FBI Director brought Trump close to FBI in his early years as a bag-man faux goyim for laundering casino cash into NYC real-estate as in that day, some wouldn't sell property's to 'jews' so the Kosher-Nostra created their faux-goyim TRUMP
Did Trump have close relations with the FBI? Fuck yes, but now J Edgar Hoover is long gone and the bolshevik kosher-nostra arm is running the FBI, and they hate Trump
Why they hate Trump?, I wrote an entire report "How Trump got the Rosenbergs fried on the electric chair" do I have to get you the link? or can you find it alone
"Authentic Frontier Bilbo gibberish" - blazing saddles
Bravo P-Alexander
One comment, while you talk about nut-jobs stabbing females in the 'vagina', lets all remember here colonel from the mai-lai massacre that his entire platoon wore jewelry ( Genital Trophys ) around their necks made of penises and clitoris from infant children, where they would carve out alive on the children and attach to strings around the neck, in front of live parents demanding information, before they killed them too;
Which led to the making of the film 'apocalypse now' the fact is all humans are bat shit crazy dr-alex, not just Muslim nut-jobs
Just like abu-ghraib where children were sodomized by US-MIL K-9 german-shepherds to get info from their parents
Most recently in FALLUJA US Marines went door to door looking for weapons, on entering they would grab and infant male child, and crush their genitals with the butt of their rifle, then grab another child until the parents gave up all the weapons; ( FYI crushing genitals on infants make them impotent and ergo no hope of entering heaven )
Team P-Alex will say "Why do they hate us??"
They say that all these sexual infant child mutilations are from IDF training given to US MIL by way of CIA in securing sure-fire methods of interrogation.
Who knew?
Hey Paul -- Next time, how about attribution for quotes from my blog: Clusterfuck Nation?
-- James Howard Kunstler:
‘They just step on US soil, get issued smartphones, loaded debit cards, walking-around cash money, airplane and bus tickets and, voila, there they are in your home town tomorrow, looking for something to occupy themselves.’
So you keep saying..... ......
How many more years are we going to keep talking about it?
Because no one is doing anything
Well. it's on your previous post but everything is interrelated. On Trump https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/dr-rima-laibow-on-mind-matters-and-5d3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=1fi07j
49:00 https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/dr-rima-laibow-on-mind-matters-and-5d3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=1fi07jZZ
Son of Trump, urges Israel to hurry up killing people in Israel, need to have this wiped up by the time Trump takes office, so that Jared can develop condos on Gaza beach;
Since 1947 when the Germans lost WW2 the NAZI's won, the ZOG has spent 100% of its effort in taking back ukraine, but in normal fashion ZOG ZIONISM they have destroyed it with US/Russian bombs, and now they're doing the same to USA;
All of Israel is being destroyed and what was once Palestine; The ZOG wants to kill all the real Jews by blood in MENA;
Everything will be destroyed the only hope is that Russia & China can nip ZOG in the bud; and stop this satanic shit
While Netanyahu is the king of satanic zionism in "Israel", Trump is their king in USA;
'CHINESE WIZARD COVID' sure did scam the entire population of the world and even those that did not go along with it were restricted in one way or another!!? The captain of the Dali, have seen conflicting stories and not sure if from India or Ukraine but would think he and the crew must have had a few sleepless nights!? Regarding the population I have faith that there are enough good people in the world and when they come together and say NO MORE things shall change for the better. Hope I am right, 70 plus and had a reasonable life and want that style to continue for those younger etc!
You say no anti-Semitism talk here. THEY ARE THE ONES BEHIND ALL THIS SHIT! PERIOD! It's actually the Zionists. The Rothschild, Talmudic, Khazarian, Ashkenazi. Satanic, Communist, Zionist, Pedophilic, Joos. Get it through your heads, these are the "people" behind ALL these bad things going on. Look up the Elders of Zion protocols. Read the Talmud. Read what Jews really think about white people.
Pro-Palestine people in UK destory F-35 factory on UK soil
It' has begun, we should expect to see same-same on USA soil, as there are many soft targets to destroy that make weapons shipped to Israel for killing Palestine children
It's the Zionist Joos behind the destruction and genocide of Gaza that would set the Pro-Palestines off. So using your reasoning, the Zionist Joos are still behind it. I have my doubts if they weren't behind the defense factory attacks as well. They like doing criminal acts and blaming it on others. Zionist Joo's are the root of all Satanic crimes throughout the world.
BINGO Chicken dinner we have a winner, especially in UK, where all the factorys are DEI and building nothing be homo promises and dick-cheese sandwiches
If our American citizens will not stand our ground and slaughter these animals where they stasnd, then indeed we have no right to have a republic-
Amen! Let the Bravest and Wisest stand our ground together and Take OUR Republic Back! Don't let stupid people lead!!!