This might be of interest to Paul's readers ...

A big story two days ago purports to provide “smoking gun” evidence that “Case Zero” of Covid in the world occurred with three lab workers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in November 2019.

As I show in this detailed rebuttal, this could not be possible as at least 306 people in four countries and 7 U.S. states had also already been infected by this same date - and all of the people I have identified tested positive for Covid antibodies.

The real scandal is that public health officials (and the mainstream “watchdog” press) refuse to investigate or ignore the mountain of evidence that suggests millions of people had probably already been infected by the end of November 2019.

I’m not saying the virus didn’t originate in Wuhan. Only that if it did, the person who was “Case Zero” would have had to have been infected months earlier than November 2019 for the virus to have infected so many other people throughout the world.


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Perhaps day zero was 9/19/19 ?

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There's some evidence of cases here and there (UK, Italy) even earlier than that. But aside from a few one-off cases here and there, which event really got things rolling?

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I concur

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UNITE LIKE I HAVE BEEN POSTING America Needs To be Recaptured Under The Banner Of Liberty https://banned.video/watch?id=648c77f9f064b4d4f6517592

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Hi Paul,

Do you know where can I get a large industrial quantity of an aerosol version of Pfizer's mRNA which acts immediately.

I have this piece of shit maggot lawyer on the other side in a legal costs trial that I'd like to take care of.

I don't want turbo cancer or myocarditis.

I want instant DNA deconstruction so he literally disintegrates on the bar next to me.

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