Hi Paul,

I have direct evidence of this occuring.

My 80-year old mom was bullied by my thicko sister-in-law into having two pfizer shots.

The first shot gave her an immediate auto-immune response and brought out huge herpes sores on her lips.

The second shot caused her to have a mild stroke and sent her into hospital.

My mother never used any more than aspirin as medication her entire life.

She never believed in modern medicine.

Even when me and my brothers were young and we had bad coughs, mom used old fashioned Dutch cough mixture remedies.

She is fortunately OK now, but my genius brothers wanted to put her into a care home after she was discharged from hospital. They said she needed 24 hr care. I said she did not.

My dad passed away six years ago and my mom never took a BF afterwards.

So she lives alone in our old house. She is happy in her familiar space.

I told her if she lets my brothers control her, she may as well just kill herself.

I told her she needs to take control and fight for herself.

Just like when my dad passed and everyone said she would die of a broken heart, she then found miraculous strength and carried on; so, likewise she told my brothers to piss off and that she is going back home.

I have to stop typing now, as me and my wife are going out for dinner with mom and we have to leave.

Greetings to all good people on this substack.


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Cheers! 🍸 to your mom. 🙂

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Thank you Jack ;))

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UNITE NOW THIS IS WAR - HOW MANY HAVE TO DIE OR GET INJURED BECAUSE OF THESE EVIL ATHEIST NAZIS b.gates of hell, schwabenstein, ,hari kari, gmo, pfizer they all teamed up against humanity which is us its time for evils to go bye bye OUT OF OUR LIVES --- OH YOU ron DuhSantass voters THANK HIM FOR LETTING BILL GATES RELEASE POISONOUS GMO MOSQUITOS,,,,,BREAKING: GMO MOSQUITOES RISK KILLING MILLIONS! - Both U.S. & UK Face New Deadly Diseases! ,,, -- https://banned.video/watch?id=648b3a6e705b71239c50c40e

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Our political leaders are from HELL..Turdie pants, and Blow Job Biden pure evil.

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Or other effects like the reactivation of cancers that were in remission?

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The evildoers put everything in those shots but ingredients that would be beneficial. 👿

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Satans potion....unknown for a reason....

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A few of my friends got shingles after the vaccine, I didn't say a word. They still do not believe that the shots didn't protect them!

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I had reactivation of decades dormant EBV after the natural virus (no shots for me). It would be nice if someone studied that.

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OH YOU ron DuhSantass voters THANK HIM FOR LETTING BILL GATES RELEASE POISONOUS GMO MOSQUITOS,,,,,BREAKING: GMO MOSQUITOES RISK KILLING MILLIONS! - Both U.S. & UK Face New Deadly Diseases! ,,, -- https://banned.video/watch?id=648b3a6e705b71239c50c40e

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OH YOU ron DuhSantass voters THANK HIM FOR LETTING BILL GATES RELEASE POISONOUS GMO MOSQUITOS,,,,,BREAKING: GMO MOSQUITOES RISK KILLING MILLIONS! - Both U.S. & UK Face New Deadly Diseases! ,,, -- https://banned.video/watch?id=648b3a6e705b71239c50c40e

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wow. that is interesting.

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