The US faces a FAR worse situation than the USSR faced. Not only does the US have aging and a few demented "leaders," the entire federal government and much of Congress consists of corrupt traitors in bed with elements hostile to the US as a constitutional republic.

The US is in the midst of a hostile takeover. Bloodless and covert, but hostile.

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More remarkable is the mental decline of a nation who thinks that their leaders are fine.

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"The logic for Biden’s re-election bid is plain." - On what freaking planet or fantastic work of fiction are we referring to here?

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"Biden" is not calling the shots, lol! That fungus in the White House is the front for an embedded criminal mafia.

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I have to stop reading when the article goes on to tout Biden’s “successes.” But it’s the New York magazine. What else should I expect?

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The DC Swamp exists for the good of politicians and their cronies. The American people are on their own.

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Just read a great idea from Jon Rappaport. RFKennedy jr should be campaigning from the CHD vaxx bus and broadcasting vaxx injury stories that are accumulating by the thousands. Personal stories from those injured would shake up the electorate immensely.

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like hell biden beat trump in 2020...the evidence is clear if you bother to look...look up BRUNSON v ADAMS on the SCOTUS docket...

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Dr. Shiva on Duke Report yesterday personifies choice. No way in Hell (or the USA) he'll be allowed on ballots by The Powers That Be.


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What an unmitigated piece of drivel!

It's not even worth enumerating the many foolish points and responding to them.

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This guy is high on drugs. Biden's successes? Seriously?

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You didn't mention brain dead Fetterman and stupid Harris...

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This is just Pure corruption and criminal activity. Been going on forever. They have kept us busy and been stealing since we went off the Good standard. No accountability. This is definitely America the Corporation that was put in place in 1871-72. All you have to do is read. They do not follow the rule of law or constitution. That’s why the Trump signed in 2017 to abolish that agreement with Britain. If you read you will see how they have enslaved Americans. Break the $ system put back gold standard. Then away goes the 3 letter agencies, irs, central banks, fake wall street, money laundering, corrupt corporations, etc etc.

Needs to happen. Most of all God needs to come back into this Country. Pray, praise, pray psalm 91 for protection, and revoke all evil! Evil is scared when you pray and use Jesus’s name. Just remember this. Jesus shed his blood to save us. Revoke evil to each and every single corrupt person in this world in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen🙏🏻🙏🏻

Then we will have time to rejoice if what is ours that God gave us all.

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Readers need to discern when the author is speaking of his opinions or when they are describing a coming narrative.

Dr A is not always clear on this, he's got a little troll lurking in his writing.


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Romney stepping aside furthers my belief that he is honest, not in words but deeds.

My theory: those that stay in office until death or near death are crooked as a dog's hind leg.

If you lose control you can't control investigations.

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