Watson et al. mathematical modelling study of COVID gene vaccination said that vaccinations prevented 14·4 million (95% credible interval [Crl] 13·7–15·9) deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries
and territories between Dec 8, 2020, and Dec 8, 2021; Klement et al. then said NO, that this SEIR trained model is flawed and cautions against believing in its predictions; oversimplified the complex
What do I think?
I firmly agree with Klement et al. that the SEIR model is dysfunctional and flawed and uninterpretable. That the prediction of the massive mortality benefit is distorted and invalid.
The modeling is a fairy tale.
Not even a nice try. Garbage in, garbage out
So how was the model validated? In the absence of controls how was 'vaccine' effectiveness determined ... oh, that was modeled too. Circular reasoning. We already know negative risk benefit. We already know an ARR of 0.43% for Pfizer ie. useless. We already know recurrent doses lead to increasing incidence of sickness.
How were cases determined....oh, RT-PCR ... cycle threshold anyone....
WEF/WHO/CEPI Plandemic. The goal to jab the World, seize control and never stop.