Israel-Hamas & US may need to go to war to support Israel vi)Hamas calls for global 'holy war jihad' on all Jews & non-muslims, infidels & reports now of French teacher stabbed by male muslim today
Biden is a senile, lying, hair-sniffing, bribe-taking, dog-kicking, racist POS. He doesn't give a damn about America or Americans. He does the bidding of his deep state muslim handlers Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett. He craps his pants, doesn't answer questions from the press, spouts the lies his handlers tell him to say, and wanders off aimlessly.
Yes..and that actor is not even the Real do ppl think that imposter is even Biden? I remember real Biden..and this guy isnβt him!
This is the most embarrassing..demonic..evil conspiracy of men ever joined to take down Western Nations esp Canada to get to America! The real target! US & Cnd citizens should join as family to stand against corrupt puppet govts in office illegally!!
NWO'ers knew this punk was very easily blackmailable and complicit in various and sundry crimes, petty and major. He's scum and he's also very well known for his deeds and for these reasons, he's primed for being taken advantage of. Xi has told him, I'm sure, that if "you get out line, we drop the hammer on you". Our presidents take the Zio money and that's when they become toadies of the real controllers of this world. If you want to see some real scum, look no farther than the Bushes, Clintons, Obama. These are the crime syndicate folks who were bought and paid for. Has the mess with the Clinton foundation ever been adjudicated or was it conveniently forgotten?
I concur with everything said about our garbage POTUS. However, we can rail all we wish about how horrendous the world situation is right now, but it is a long established trait of Americans to be utterly nonchalant when considering the horrors that have arisen thanks to the good, ol' USA which has been responsible for 100,000,000 deaths worldwide with our horrific penchant for overthrow of "non-democratic" nations and their governments. CIA is totally out of control and is obviously a tool of Zionism. Under the lying regimes we've had in DC, our imperialistic interventions into nations coupled with placement of too often cruel swine into positions of power, I am speaking to Ukraine, whereby we can aid businesses and neocon smothering of said nations is considered all well and good by our mendacious media. When you watch a talking head on TV, think liar. When you hear the phony espousal of our blessed "democracy", think liar, think hypocrite. We as a nation are the biggest and most murderous regime ever. You think Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot were the worst murderers yet the pontificating liars who run our governments are far worse. Yes, many wise observers see the US for what it really is, a brutal, vicious regime constantly reestablished every 4 years with another toadie who will allow this nation to support another surge of imperialism. And for that support of brutality, what do we get? Duped citizens, that's what. I'll tell you what American politics is all about. A local state representative goes and presses the flesh when running for reelection and says, "I'll bring home the bacon". We'll bring you jobs- we are beholden to the MI complex. Support the war effort, it's good for your family. Nothing is fatter than our MI complex and Senator Schlub is guaranteed reelection as he brings home the bacon and people lap up his "sincerity". That's precisely why our MI complex is so fat and sassy. Americans don't realize they, THEY, are very responsible for acceptance of our war edicts. As long as their needs are met, they are good to go on the war regime's intentions. Sometimes you kill the tiger, sometimes the tiger kills you.
What an ignorant retard. The deep state is jews. Zionist jews. The ones who run every central bank in every western nation, who run the media, who control the governments of all western nations. They are jews you ignorant fuck. The same ones who owned the slaveships in the trans Atlantic slavetrade. The same ones who want to open America's borders but built a huge wall around Israel. You are falling for their propaganda dirt
Where should they be? Dying for Israel in meaningless wars for the jews? Ukraine? Where should our troops be? Fighting to preserve jewish control of money and resources? We lost world War 2. the winners now write history. The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history
That said ..... I don't know what to really think about all of these new developments in the middle east. I need more information because my brain is going crazy. I don't know if it is just me, but I am seeing some parallels. One does not know what to believe any more.
Are these parallels? Have we seen this type of thing play out before? Is it a similar play book? Maybe not. Maybe? It seems to be developing in a similar way to the past. Maybe it's just how things go? Or are all wars really banker wars?
Al- Qaeda terrorists attack on 911 leads to Afghanistan which leads to Iraq. And war on Iraq.
Hamas terrorists attack on Israel leads to Lebanon (Hezbollah) which leads to Iran. War with Iran??
Iraq and weapons of mass destruction
Iran nuclear weapons (already some like Marco Rubio are discussing Iran's nuclear weapon programs amid this Hamas/Israel war)
Iraq was about to begin selling oil using EU currency instead of the US dollar
Iran's recent inclusion into the BRICS and recent BRICS talks of the possible creation of a new common currency, displacing the US dollar
Obviously, they both (Iraq and Iran) had/have near term oil profiting possibilities.
Maybe it's just the old: "never let a good crisis go to waste" type thing.
All wars are bankerβs wars back in 2002 206 countries were privately owned central banks. The holdouts were Iraq, The ran, Nth Korea Cuba, Syria and Libya. Obama always ng with UN enabled Iran and Nth Korea to acquire nuclear weapons . They bombed Iraq Syria and Libya back to the Stone Age all with faked wars now theyβre after Iran. Both sides of the Israeli conflicts ct have the same funding source.
It's better if the war is Stopped and not escalated. The satanists are maneuvering so we kill each other for them and their depopulation agenda. We don't need to fall into their trap. They are going broke and want America's money to go to them. Can we not see they are stealing all of our money continuously and then using it against us. Paying off corrupt politicians and paying mercenaries to come kill us. The key is to talk to our military and tell them they need to protect us, not the corrupt government politicians.
Fake news propaganda to get the people riled up in order to divide people and escalate war and appease the blood lust of the globalist nwo planners so they can take over the world. Just say no! Do not play into their hands to be depopulated.
I'm hearing that flyers were dropped on gaza telling the people to be out of there in 24 hrs. Then I heard Israel will be allowed to do stuff for 3 days, then will have to retreat. We just have to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated to take one side or another by what is shown on the news, because much of it is fake, some is filmed using paid crisis actors, and some is old footage from some other place. In other words, they are trying to divide the people and get them warring against each other so the globalists can come in as our "saviours", but they will instead completely enslave everyone and then kill everyone. Just don't play their game. Love people and use higher vibration emotions and thinking, because as you know, nobody wants to fight. That's basically what the guy in your video said.
I doubt it, at the end of 2021 the UN made pope Francis world spiritual leader- he is the black pope. He invented Chrislam -, and rewrote the bible with no mention of Jesus. Go watch the popes world tour 2015, and look out for all the Masonic symbols.
50 different Christian people describe dreams of WW3--some of these videos are pretty old. They all involve Russia, and China, primarily, and some mention N. Korea, invading the US. Some mention nuclear bombs detonated from our very own buildings, such as the One World Trade Center in NYC. Also of interest: at 1:08:00 a gentleman describes Russia putting nanotechnology in its gas pipelines to other nations.
Have you ever studied the "conspiracy" surrounding the 9/11 event (Twin towers) I'm not suggesting it didn't happen of course. But did it happen the way they told us it did? There are to many inconsistencies when you study it to take it at face value. Interesting how Rumsfeld days prior talks about multi billions of dollars gone missing via pentagon, then a suggested plane hits the part of the pentagon where records related to were kept. I've seen video of the gaping hole. Where's the airplane debris? That takes one heck of a pilot to commandeer a plane to that position.
Explain to me how the most protected border in the world all of a sudden is breached by not just 1 but 100 terrorists, no one sees them coming & the military on the other side doesn't respond for at least an hour after breach. Something isn't right here, and I don't feel like I can take it at face value. Just like the "fire" in Maui.
The concept of others intentionally creating chaos for other purposes is a tough pill to swallow. As often as there is something horrible going on, which lately has been far to often, I'm beginning to consider "conspiracy" theories might not be wrong.
Rumsfeld said TRILLIONS were missing, not billions. And for that scheme, was Dov Zakheim ever prosecuted??? Oh, yes, that brings us back to our "greatest ally in the Middle East", doesn't it? Shhhh. Don't talk too loud about this 'cuz it would show Americans precisely how we are getting raped by the Khazarians.
Furthermore, when you start to follow history of altering events such as pandemics (swine flu, Aids) proxy wars, the play book seems just a little to familiar. You think they would be smarter than that. But we've all been sleeping. Pay attention. You will see what I mean.
Most arab Jews lived with a dichotomy of conflicting ideas - imagine being half civilized and half savage! Sure, they were the children of Jewish Abraham and arab Hagar, but they quickly forgot the nature of the arab side because those who scream the loudest got the attention. And the reason we don't hear about this is because those still talking about it no longer feel the same way. Reality got in the way and it took the real truth a long time to come out. Continue your research, be unbiased, and stop sending me links. Thank you.
We fell for the freak Obama lock, stock, and barrel. So suave, so smooth, so learned. Helped immensely by the puke media, he was created out of whole cloth to save the world. And what does the press do but run articles on how both of Obama's fake daughters were caught smoking......gosh, what a scandal! Oh, horrors.
I had the very same βsenseβ of Obama as I had of βTruttoadβ a very bad feeling. I never took to Obama..and I knew he was not Afro not everyone fell for him.. He is not the AC..Truettoad could be..he is evil enough but will be someone from Middle East I believe..
That was before they knew him and suffered the pain and loss of his anti-American actions. He's a stuffed up toilet today, who continues to work for our Deep State enemies. Phew, that smell!
Obama is a meaningless nothing. His cabinet was selected by citibank group. He is and was always owned by zionist jews. Probably the same type of blackmail they have that they use to control others like Biden and Trump
What can one expect after 23 years of Feeding Communist China for profit while American Manufacturers go with few opportunities. There were only 12% of 1990 (500) level Graduates in 2022 (59) when compared. There are insufficient young American Manufacturers capable of supporting the New World War that began in late 2019 when Covid 19 was released upon the world by The CCP in collaboration with the USA. That is why we never Responded Militarily. C19 and resulting mRNA jabs. It was an Inside Traitor Job from the beginning in 2014/2015 when the Manchurian was in office. #TreasonIsExpensive #EndAPECnow #Send390TraitorConsToGITMO2awaitTrialAndSentencingForTreasonAndCrimesAgainstHumanityBecauseFauciDidntActAlone
Biden is a senile, lying, hair-sniffing, bribe-taking, dog-kicking, racist POS. He doesn't give a damn about America or Americans. He does the bidding of his deep state muslim handlers Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett. He craps his pants, doesn't answer questions from the press, spouts the lies his handlers tell him to say, and wanders off aimlessly.
Well said! Truth. π these puppeteers should be Constitutionaly hanged. π€¨
Dave , you have far more sense than Paul
Well, I respect Dr Paul and his no holds barred articles, but Biden is a straight up traitor, and should be shown no mercy.
Biden is no more the President than I am.
He is a meat puppet incapable of doing anything but the bidding of his masters.
Yes..and that actor is not even the Real do ppl think that imposter is even Biden? I remember real Biden..and this guy isnβt him!
This is the most embarrassing..demonic..evil conspiracy of men ever joined to take down Western Nations esp Canada to get to America! The real target! US & Cnd citizens should join as family to stand against corrupt puppet govts in office illegally!!
NWO'ers knew this punk was very easily blackmailable and complicit in various and sundry crimes, petty and major. He's scum and he's also very well known for his deeds and for these reasons, he's primed for being taken advantage of. Xi has told him, I'm sure, that if "you get out line, we drop the hammer on you". Our presidents take the Zio money and that's when they become toadies of the real controllers of this world. If you want to see some real scum, look no farther than the Bushes, Clintons, Obama. These are the crime syndicate folks who were bought and paid for. Has the mess with the Clinton foundation ever been adjudicated or was it conveniently forgotten?
I concur with everything said about our garbage POTUS. However, we can rail all we wish about how horrendous the world situation is right now, but it is a long established trait of Americans to be utterly nonchalant when considering the horrors that have arisen thanks to the good, ol' USA which has been responsible for 100,000,000 deaths worldwide with our horrific penchant for overthrow of "non-democratic" nations and their governments. CIA is totally out of control and is obviously a tool of Zionism. Under the lying regimes we've had in DC, our imperialistic interventions into nations coupled with placement of too often cruel swine into positions of power, I am speaking to Ukraine, whereby we can aid businesses and neocon smothering of said nations is considered all well and good by our mendacious media. When you watch a talking head on TV, think liar. When you hear the phony espousal of our blessed "democracy", think liar, think hypocrite. We as a nation are the biggest and most murderous regime ever. You think Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot were the worst murderers yet the pontificating liars who run our governments are far worse. Yes, many wise observers see the US for what it really is, a brutal, vicious regime constantly reestablished every 4 years with another toadie who will allow this nation to support another surge of imperialism. And for that support of brutality, what do we get? Duped citizens, that's what. I'll tell you what American politics is all about. A local state representative goes and presses the flesh when running for reelection and says, "I'll bring home the bacon". We'll bring you jobs- we are beholden to the MI complex. Support the war effort, it's good for your family. Nothing is fatter than our MI complex and Senator Schlub is guaranteed reelection as he brings home the bacon and people lap up his "sincerity". That's precisely why our MI complex is so fat and sassy. Americans don't realize they, THEY, are very responsible for acceptance of our war edicts. As long as their needs are met, they are good to go on the war regime's intentions. Sometimes you kill the tiger, sometimes the tiger kills you.
Very sound words..ππ¨π¦
The last real president was assassinated by jews because he wanted to end the fed- the national bank the jews control
What an ignorant retard. The deep state is jews. Zionist jews. The ones who run every central bank in every western nation, who run the media, who control the governments of all western nations. They are jews you ignorant fuck. The same ones who owned the slaveships in the trans Atlantic slavetrade. The same ones who want to open America's borders but built a huge wall around Israel. You are falling for their propaganda dirt
It's time to familiarize yourself with MKULTRA mind control and how it's being deployed in multiple ways to bring on Armageddon.
Russ Dizdar was trying to get us ready for the black awakening.
Where is the military?!? Cross dressing, I forgot.
It is not a religious conflict.
Where should they be? Dying for Israel in meaningless wars for the jews? Ukraine? Where should our troops be? Fighting to preserve jewish control of money and resources? We lost world War 2. the winners now write history. The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history
Biden's a puppet.
That said ..... I don't know what to really think about all of these new developments in the middle east. I need more information because my brain is going crazy. I don't know if it is just me, but I am seeing some parallels. One does not know what to believe any more.
Are these parallels? Have we seen this type of thing play out before? Is it a similar play book? Maybe not. Maybe? It seems to be developing in a similar way to the past. Maybe it's just how things go? Or are all wars really banker wars?
Al- Qaeda terrorists attack on 911 leads to Afghanistan which leads to Iraq. And war on Iraq.
Hamas terrorists attack on Israel leads to Lebanon (Hezbollah) which leads to Iran. War with Iran??
Iraq and weapons of mass destruction
Iran nuclear weapons (already some like Marco Rubio are discussing Iran's nuclear weapon programs amid this Hamas/Israel war)
Iraq was about to begin selling oil using EU currency instead of the US dollar
Iran's recent inclusion into the BRICS and recent BRICS talks of the possible creation of a new common currency, displacing the US dollar
Obviously, they both (Iraq and Iran) had/have near term oil profiting possibilities.
Maybe it's just the old: "never let a good crisis go to waste" type thing.
All wars are bankerβs wars back in 2002 206 countries were privately owned central banks. The holdouts were Iraq, The ran, Nth Korea Cuba, Syria and Libya. Obama always ng with UN enabled Iran and Nth Korea to acquire nuclear weapons . They bombed Iraq Syria and Libya back to the Stone Age all with faked wars now theyβre after Iran. Both sides of the Israeli conflicts ct have the same funding source.
Bankers? Just call them what they are: Jews.
No fear Dr Alexander. We have Justin Trudeau to the north with his rainbow Barrettβs (lol).
It's better if the war is Stopped and not escalated. The satanists are maneuvering so we kill each other for them and their depopulation agenda. We don't need to fall into their trap. They are going broke and want America's money to go to them. Can we not see they are stealing all of our money continuously and then using it against us. Paying off corrupt politicians and paying mercenaries to come kill us. The key is to talk to our military and tell them they need to protect us, not the corrupt government politicians.
Fake news propaganda to get the people riled up in order to divide people and escalate war and appease the blood lust of the globalist nwo planners so they can take over the world. Just say no! Do not play into their hands to be depopulated.
Then what is the real solution? Continue with the occupation?
I'm hearing that flyers were dropped on gaza telling the people to be out of there in 24 hrs. Then I heard Israel will be allowed to do stuff for 3 days, then will have to retreat. We just have to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated to take one side or another by what is shown on the news, because much of it is fake, some is filmed using paid crisis actors, and some is old footage from some other place. In other words, they are trying to divide the people and get them warring against each other so the globalists can come in as our "saviours", but they will instead completely enslave everyone and then kill everyone. Just don't play their game. Love people and use higher vibration emotions and thinking, because as you know, nobody wants to fight. That's basically what the guy in your video said.
Aljazeera showed videos of Israel targeting people in Gaza moving South as they were told to do by Israel
Just like world War one and two. These satanic kabbal of jews want to end the white race
Well said..if only a few good and righteous men would stand up!!
Last time that happened the Americans killed them all and tortured them into giving fake testimonies and then executed them
It is not a religious conflict.
Meanwhile, in Rome, the Antichrist might just getting ready step in.
I doubt it, at the end of 2021 the UN made pope Francis world spiritual leader- he is the black pope. He invented Chrislam -, and rewrote the bible with no mention of Jesus. Go watch the popes world tour 2015, and look out for all the Masonic symbols.
That is correct. Anti Christ about to appear as soon as itβs peaceful. Itβs in G_Dβs time not the βclubβ trying to force it..ππ½
Yeah well, the antichrist wants to kill everyone. Solution: take him out and this junk won't happen...jmo
Youβre a better man than I as I have zero mercy for this joke of an individual!!!! He deserves everything coming his way!!!
It is not a religious conflict.
50 different Christian people describe dreams of WW3--some of these videos are pretty old. They all involve Russia, and China, primarily, and some mention N. Korea, invading the US. Some mention nuclear bombs detonated from our very own buildings, such as the One World Trade Center in NYC. Also of interest: at 1:08:00 a gentleman describes Russia putting nanotechnology in its gas pipelines to other nations.
It is not a religious conflict.
Have you ever studied the "conspiracy" surrounding the 9/11 event (Twin towers) I'm not suggesting it didn't happen of course. But did it happen the way they told us it did? There are to many inconsistencies when you study it to take it at face value. Interesting how Rumsfeld days prior talks about multi billions of dollars gone missing via pentagon, then a suggested plane hits the part of the pentagon where records related to were kept. I've seen video of the gaping hole. Where's the airplane debris? That takes one heck of a pilot to commandeer a plane to that position.
Explain to me how the most protected border in the world all of a sudden is breached by not just 1 but 100 terrorists, no one sees them coming & the military on the other side doesn't respond for at least an hour after breach. Something isn't right here, and I don't feel like I can take it at face value. Just like the "fire" in Maui.
The concept of others intentionally creating chaos for other purposes is a tough pill to swallow. As often as there is something horrible going on, which lately has been far to often, I'm beginning to consider "conspiracy" theories might not be wrong.
Rumsfeld said TRILLIONS were missing, not billions. And for that scheme, was Dov Zakheim ever prosecuted??? Oh, yes, that brings us back to our "greatest ally in the Middle East", doesn't it? Shhhh. Don't talk too loud about this 'cuz it would show Americans precisely how we are getting raped by the Khazarians.
I corrected myself on Rumsfeld in the reply space. Doesn't seem to be a way to edit?
I had to look this Dov guy up. Had never heard of him. Reads like a spy novel. Pretty easy to become dirty in US government.
Sorry.... it was trillions.... not just billions
Furthermore, when you start to follow history of altering events such as pandemics (swine flu, Aids) proxy wars, the play book seems just a little to familiar. You think they would be smarter than that. But we've all been sleeping. Pay attention. You will see what I mean.
The sinking of the lusitania, pearl harbor, 911,
The truth does not fear investigation
Is it illegal to say that 9/11 did not happen? Of course not! We all know it happened. Why then is it illegal to say the Holocaust did not happen?
Times were always destined to become more dangerous. Now is the time. It Is Written.
Most arab Jews lived with a dichotomy of conflicting ideas - imagine being half civilized and half savage! Sure, they were the children of Jewish Abraham and arab Hagar, but they quickly forgot the nature of the arab side because those who scream the loudest got the attention. And the reason we don't hear about this is because those still talking about it no longer feel the same way. Reality got in the way and it took the real truth a long time to come out. Continue your research, be unbiased, and stop sending me links. Thank you.
You are the Savage one. I do not accept you saying savage for a jew or arab.
You should do you diligent research.
These people shouldn't have started it.
Zionists and British started it 73 years ago. Even before the Belfour declaration. You are really ignorant.
I wonder if Obama is THE Antichrist?
He certainly qualifies. But I suspect it will be someone with more charisma. Obama can't fool us any more - we're on to him.
It is not a religious conflict.
The whole world worships the ground he walks on.
We fell for the freak Obama lock, stock, and barrel. So suave, so smooth, so learned. Helped immensely by the puke media, he was created out of whole cloth to save the world. And what does the press do but run articles on how both of Obama's fake daughters were caught smoking......gosh, what a scandal! Oh, horrors.
I had the very same βsenseβ of Obama as I had of βTruttoadβ a very bad feeling. I never took to Obama..and I knew he was not Afro not everyone fell for him.. He is not the AC..Truettoad could be..he is evil enough but will be someone from Middle East I believe..
It is not a religious conflict.
That was before they knew him and suffered the pain and loss of his anti-American actions. He's a stuffed up toilet today, who continues to work for our Deep State enemies. Phew, that smell!
It is not a religious conflict.
Obama is a meaningless nothing. His cabinet was selected by citibank group. He is and was always owned by zionist jews. Probably the same type of blackmail they have that they use to control others like Biden and Trump
It is not a religious conflict.
Should have gone with Jim Jordan for speaker. The one chosen is part of the established regime. π‘
You are saying Jim Jordan does not get reelection money from the Talmudians?
Thank you for unmasking yourself
What can one expect after 23 years of Feeding Communist China for profit while American Manufacturers go with few opportunities. There were only 12% of 1990 (500) level Graduates in 2022 (59) when compared. There are insufficient young American Manufacturers capable of supporting the New World War that began in late 2019 when Covid 19 was released upon the world by The CCP in collaboration with the USA. That is why we never Responded Militarily. C19 and resulting mRNA jabs. It was an Inside Traitor Job from the beginning in 2014/2015 when the Manchurian was in office. #TreasonIsExpensive #EndAPECnow #Send390TraitorConsToGITMO2awaitTrialAndSentencingForTreasonAndCrimesAgainstHumanityBecauseFauciDidntActAlone