I guess that I understand your opinion of Mr. Biden, but I must respectfully disagree. If he were someone else I would share your pity for the man.

The fact is, despite his public persona, he is just a mean, dirty, corrupt old man. He was never competent to be President and should never have run. He has done more to wreck this country than Jimmy Carter ever did.

I don’t wish anything bad to happen to him, I just want him to go away and live the rest of his life in peace and QUIET. As for the people handling him, I think that investigations and trials may be in order.

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He doesn't deserve to live the rest of his life in peace and quiet. He may be impaired but he's still involved in these crimes against humanity and needs to be held accountable.

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He should be hung for treason until dead.

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I never said that he DESERVES to live out the rest of his life in peace, just that I want him to go away. I suspect that he deserves something much worse..... and the way things are going, he may get it......

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The focus needs to be on holding people accountable for their crimes. We have lived a world where seeing criminals ‘go away’ sufficed and justice never followed. Hence we see the same criminals free, re-emerge in other power positions and justice is never served. Holocaust Nazis ‘went away’ out of the public eye in Operation Paperclip after WWII, and were ‘repurposed’ by other nationalities, and continued to harm untold people. Out of Sight - Out of Mind is a MKUltra tool from way back, used extensively all around us and works like a charm. We must maintain focus on bringing justice to these people if we want to get out of this never ending carousel.

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You are probably right. Justice is important.

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I share pity only in that he is a feeble old man, no longer in control. But I also feel he is so dirty and corrupt that I honestly say that the humiliating treatment by the back room operators of this POTUS is in some way Karma. And the destruction of our country will be Biden's legacy. He is in part responsible. The good people of this country who are just trying to work hard and trying to get by don't deserve this and are being harmed. And Biden can't comprehend that. All part of the big plan I think.

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He is feeble because he is corrupt. It takes a toll on the body and the brain.

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Biden allowed himself to be placed in this position. So, there is little pity for him.

Everything that is done in his name has been damaging to the country.

His family supports this abuse. Power is very addictive.

The citizens do not deserve this.

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"rest of his life in peace and QUIET"

No, he committed crimes. He should be tried. His mandates killed people.

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I understand and even agree with you, if he were younger and had a properly working brain. I don’t like him and I truly believe that he is a lifelong “white collar” criminal.....but II don’t believe that a jury would convict him in his current state. His family and flunkies in the White House are another story. They all gave or followed illegal orders and should be investigated and tried........

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Also, I think that knowing and living with the fact that he is the worst president in American history will destroy him....he thinks to highly of himself......

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DeSantis should stay in Florida. They'll do the same thing to him that they did to Trump. People need to try to fix their States.

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DeSantis is a lot smarter than Trump was (or ever will be). Trump was far too trusting and a poor judge of character. Yes, he did a ton of good things for the US, but stop acting like he was a demi-god. As for Uncle Joe, he is as corrupt as they come. Senility is what he deserves for a lifetime of doing nothing except trading on his name. No sympathy. He will get what is coming to him.

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Trump is a smart businessman, but I think he was naive about just how corrupt Washington is.

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The goal is to disguise intentional destruction of the country as incompetence and dementia.

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And to cover for the actual "real" president(s) who are not legally culpable, not only because we don't know who they are, but, because the buck stops with him. The perfect patsy.

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Biden has a history of evil behavior--the way he treated Clarence Thomas during the hearings, using his addicted son as a mule, selling out this country, not to mention his frequent lying and leftist political positions. I don't mock him or take delight in his demise, nor do I make excuses for him. He is an evil shell of a man who has, and continues to do great harm to humanity. If he is humiliated now, that is mild compared to what he deserves, and ultimately that lies in God's hands.

For the next election--Trump/DeSantis. That gives us 12 years to turn this around.

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I read Justice Thomas’s autobiography years ago. He’s an amazing man and a freedom fighter! When he was becoming a lawyer…that’s REAL racism! Some blacks today are clueless about true racism. And many get their views from LIBERAL WHITES. Malcolm X posited that Liberal Whites were the most dangerous entity to black people. He was 100% correct. I would add that liberal whites are a danger to any “free” society .

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agree. & I’m a middle age ‘ white’ lady.

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You sure said a mouthful. Bravo!

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How did this great country end up in such a mess.

I second that motion: Trump/DeSantis

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The old rules are, can’t have 2 candidates from the same state. But Trump could go back to New York residency.

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Interesting. Is that just convention or an actual rule?

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I don’t know, will look it up.

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I wonder if that were just convention, so that more than one state would have skin in the game--a strategic position. If so, I don't think that would hold here---Trump (and even DeSantis) are so much bigger than Florida. MAGA!

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If his family actually cared about him, they never would have let him run. Have you met Lady Jill Macbeth?

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That's what I was thinking. His own family, particularly his wife, Jill, are complicit in this travesty.

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Jill is having the time of her life traveling the world in place of her feeble-minded husband. From the beginning I thought she should have been the one to pull the plug on this clown show. Biden cares immensely about his place in American history - it’s obvious from things he says (not that he’d done anything to warrant acclaim but since he became Resident he has become an international laughing stock and has arguably destroyed this country.

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They don’t care about him. Research his extended family and you’ll see why. It’s a train wreck.

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Aware. It was rhetorical.

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You mean DOKTOR? An EdD or some such. What a phony 2 bit piece of trash.

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Unless he has been deemed to lack capacity or has been legally declared incompetent Biden can be presumed to be a voluntary participant and complicit with this charade.

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Sorry. Zero respect. Zero sympathy. Zero empathy (and I am a very empathetic person).

Bidan has been corrupt for decades. His dirty deals, and those of his family, were well known even before the laptop was finally exposed. The Deep State and the Security Apparatus have protected him and his family from full exposure. He knew well that he was selling his soul to the Marxist, the CCP and the Obummer cabal. This was nothing knew. He sold out the American people decades ago to the banks, as part of his 40 plus year effort to help crush the middle class.

He is deserving of one thing, and one thing only. Scorn. As much scorn as can possibly be heaped on. Only one person is deserving of more scorn than he. And that is his wife. No explanation needed there.

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Jill should be charged with elder abuse. WE KNEW, SHE KNEW but her climb, at our cost, was worth it to her. I have nothing but hate in my heart for her. She’s a bad mother, horrible wife and an all around crappy person.

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Ambitious. She wanted to be First Lady so badly she would do anything. Now she's in the White House (illegally) and certainly isn't receiving the respect and adoration she sought. Most of us look at her with disdain. She is as guilty as the rest of them.

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It takes two to tango.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

How long has Bye-done been living off the taxpayer dime???? So he’s living off my sweat, while simultaneously taking my job. Nice… Has anyone nominated Bye-done for Sainthood? He’s known his ENTIRE, miserable, evil, life that he’s sub-human garbage (birds of a feather for Hunter). That’s why he’s so easy to control from Obamas’s basement a mile away (the only POTUS that’s ever stayed in DC).

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The “controllers” want someone in this condition...

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Yup, they can do what they want, are not held accountable, and we all suffer.

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Jill is committing elder abuse. 5 years ago, he ex husband video was all over the place. Disappeared now. She cheated on her husband with Joe. His wife was depressed because of the affair when she had her car accident. Nothing but lies and child abuse to their children ever since. I feel bad for Ashley. Hunter joined the dark side and abuses children sexually too. Disgraceful all around.

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I’m sorry- but how can you feel sorry for a pedophile who WAS ABUSING HIS FLESH AND BLOOD DAUGHTER!!!!! And pushes for MURDERING OUR BABIES either through abortion or the bioweapons? You REALLY need to check yourself

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It was blatantly obvious Biden was cognitively unfit for Office prior to the 2020 election. Now it is beyond parody.

The same MSN telling us how good a President Biden would be, were telling us how bad Trump was.

The MSN are filthy, lying, treasonous scum.

The perplexing thing is, just how many people soak up the obvious crap.

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I’m beginning to think that God has sent them a spirit of delusion that they believe the lies. That’s the only explanation. 2 Thessalonians 2 : 11

Same for the useless inoculations.

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I know what you mean. Dr. Naomi Wolf agrees with you and says [about the malfeasance and lies all around us] "It's got an element of sophistication and scale .... that seems beyond the human to me, and to have an element of massive existential evil."

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I know! I am amazed at the number of people who still listen only to the MSN.

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The man is a longstanding pedophile, a compulsive liar and a murderer. He ran shady deals in other countries for personal profit, leading to many innocent deaths and destroyed lives. I feel compassion for his many victims, while he still roams free, eats well and wears fine clothes. In a just world he would have been tried and convicted for his crimes a long time ago - and at the very least put behind bars for life. I can’t relate to the ‘elder abuse’ in his case, he justly deserves much more than being laughed at falling up airplane stairs heading off to fabulous dinners or wandering in fine palaces. Let’s check woke liberalism where it overshadows truth.

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Biden is not sorry for his crimes. He has not been punished. The American people are his victims, and I don't feel sorry for him one little bit. He made his bed and now he can sleep in it.

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I can appreciate your stance on POTUS. This issue has been hard to watch. This frail Sr Citizen being used as a puppet, by Barry no less, who had nothing good to say about VP Biden back in the day.

This Floridian does not want to let go of our Governor in 2024 unless he handpicks his successor and that person will hold the line & be just as accountable to the people of our state. God Help Us. We are in big trouble.

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Yep, we are in VERY big trouble. Just like the frog in the frying pan, most of us will wake up too late.

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