I’ve had some degree of concern about the disruption of normal nasopharyngeal flora & mucosal damage myself with “ overuse” but I really have no real idea what ( if any ) damage might occur & what “overuse” might consist of . Is it daily , 3 times daily, 1.0 % , 0.5 % ??? How well does the oronasal/ pharyngeal mucosa tolerate various concentrations & frequency? I personally use it pre & post likely elevated exposures & that’s generally it , but do gargle with antiseptic mouthwash twice daily .

Thanks ,

Billy D .

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....but daily mouthwash can also be harmful....

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For illness, you may need to nebulize every two hours or so depending on severity of disease and concentration of HP. We don’t use iodine except during illness as it can build up in the liver over time.

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I would refer you to the articles by Dr. Thomas Levy regarding nebulizing with hydrogen peroxide. Betadine (Povidone iodine) comes concentrated and also in an already diluted gargle product, not to be swallowed.

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Someone else on the FLCCC webinar commented that when she uses Immunemist it strongly burns - it does for me also .. anyone know if this is normal? Or if it means something about the product or our health? With thyroid issues, I don't use nasal washes regularly, just if exposed / sick / or think I might be getting sick. And there's different opinions among the covid docs about diluted hydrogen peroxide ...

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ImmuneMist does not burn for me.

You may want to try XLEAR with grapefruit essential oil and add your own povidone iodine in the bottle.

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I used povidone iodine for a short time, but found the XLEAR much easier. It cleared up long standing sinus issues which was a bonus. I use it about once or twice a week, especially after exposure to a crowd.

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Almost a year ago after I read the FLCCC info about povidone iodine nasal spray, I made some up and used it when I'd been out and around groups of people or think I've been exposed. I made up a new spray recently and used it this morning as something felt a bit "off", and it burned my nasal passages terribly, unlike the original mix I'd made up. I have to think I got the amounts wrong this time...the burning was extreme and my eyes were watering! I'm going to make up a new mix and make sure I've got the ratio correct. In any case, I don't use it regularly. I haven't gotten sick!

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I have used the immunemist for the past year for a couple days before and after large holiday gatherings and weddings, morning and night. Just one time it burned but after I shook it more carefully the burning disappeared. BTW, husband got extremely fatigued at Christmas so we upped the immunemist to four times a day for a week. He got better and I stayed well. He's vaxxed, no booster. I'm unvaxxed.

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Edgar Casey suggested the same treatments 100 yrs ago. I still believe he was a pioneer in common medicine and can be applied today.

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Great information one would think their local #blackhawkcountyia health dept would be interested in reporting. Instead, they promote classroom pictures with attendees and presenter wearing face diapers!

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Does anyone know the actual uptake percentage if the fifth booster? It can’t be that high. I ask because I wonder just how much selection pressure can be exerted by the vax if uptake is relatively low.

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Do you have the literature regarding this? Also the specific dilution of the iodine and H2O2 would be helpful. People with iodine allergies would just be able to use the peroxide. I have seen articles where Listerine mouth rinses reduce the viral load in the oral pharyngeal area.

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022

I hit it with all of them. Nasal wash, iver and hcq with vit d, zinc, etc. Esp the ivermectin is world essential medicines and very safe. It also can be used prophylactically. I've heard Dr.'S say we should take it everyday. It truly is a wonder drug. N I H has also been using it extensively on various cancers, with success. Go to N. I. H and search cancer and ivermectin. I know 4 people dealing with cancer, 2 recurrant, I fear from taking shots. None of them, or their Dr

S knew anything about this and laughed it off, until I printed it out for them. Then we laughed...at them.

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I’ve used colloidal silver nasal spray which is very soothing to nasal airway providine-iodine/saline spray pre mixed “ePothex” brand name. Purchased on Amazon worked the best. Cleared a sinus infection in 3 Days when antibiotics did very little. I’ve also used Xlear which burns quite a bit.

Be careful with betadine /iodine solutions, peroxide needs to be food grade 3%, they can damage healthy tissue if used excessively. Dilute with purified water or normal saline per flccc guidelines. I used it 4 x / day when symptoms were at their worst then tapered off as symptoms cleared. Do not use iodine or betadine if allergic to iodine.

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Could you please provide details of the protocol for those who may have missed and for those of us who are memory-challenged? Thanks!

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Some guidelines:

As per my own research and experimentation, we’ve been mixing as follows:

(Normal Saline Solution 2 1/2 parts)

(3% Food Grade H.P 1 part)

For example, we make up 125ml of saline via syringe together with 50ml of Hydrogen Peroxide into a glass jar to be refrigerated, resulting in 1.2% H.P. Then we’ll extract (with a syringe)7ml into the nebulizer reservoir.

Weaker solutions can be made simply by adjusting the ratio upward (For example: 3:1 or

3 1/2:1, or 4:1 etc). If no syringe, you can use a jigger or measuring cups.

For illness, we’ll add drops of iodine as below:

We add 3 drops of nascent iodine into a 7ml dose reservoir.

Clear iodine is probably best if you can find it but in limited use not necessary.

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It's easy enough to gargle. But a study said that using diluted iodine is harmful to nasal passages long-term. I think they said a few months at the most. So IDK that it's a good idea to use too often...

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CDC? FDA? Fauci? WHO? Bill Gates?

we need to know the source as credibility has been shot over the past 2 1/2 years.

I don't even trust Harvard anymore since the university requires all students to get C19 vaccines and boosters.

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Ironic isn't it? Harvard and Johns Hopkins just released a study finding the shots are 98 times more dangerous than the flu. Go figure? There's too much money to pass up.

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Can’t the virus enter through the eye’s also?

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IF what "they" are saying is true. I've heard that as well. That also would make masks pointless. Otherwise we'd be madated goggles as well.

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Dr A, in your opinion should the povidone iodine nasal/ gargle regimen be used routinely as a prophylactic, or only when symptoms arise? Thank you.

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With the current state of affairs, I would't be surprised if they'll make povidone iodine rx only.

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Where can one get the best video for showing how to use this protocol - step by step?

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You can adjust the ratio to make it easier. Remember, some mouthwashes bite hard. When using hydrogen peroxide, it’s important to pay close attention to arriving at solution of around 1% HP. Yes, HP is an irritant and very strong concentrations can “burn” your mucous tissues. We use 1.2% after mixed with saline. So, to correct my previous comment; a 2 1/2:1 ratio (HP to Saline) is for example

125ml to 50ml. But of course you can weaken it to 3:1 which is for example 150ml (saline) to 50m (HP). This results in 1%.

More dilute concentrations are fine but will require longer nebulizing periods.

We only add the iodine to doses during illness.

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It should feel milder with the nebulizer as the particles are smaller and you can control how much mist you’re taking in.

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