all over stomach, maggots, piss, no one would touch them, lay there isolated in shit, false-positive COVID, dehydrated, malnouriched, sedated (propofol, midazolam, diamorphine), Remdesivir, ventilator
Teust me they went full out authoritarian. My daughter was kidnapped by ambulance. Then hospital in LA because she fainted at work. By the time sh came to she kept telling paramedics she was fine, didnt want to go to hospital, didnt listen. I just barely missed her, they took her in. When I told paramedics my concern about her being 18 but not secure with her being alone with hospital staff, they laughed. They also didn't know what anaphylaxis was, scared the shit out of me because she has an extreme history of it. They, 3 nurses, 1 Dr, took turns teying ro gst her naked and do all kinds of tests. Wouldn't let me in, even though they promised her and I. Wouldn't let her out. Then tried forcing her to take a pregnamcy test, even though she wasnt sexually active and advised them so. Finally I threatened the guard and she threatenee 1 of the nurses and they brought doscharge papers. Then they tried to bill insurqnce for a bunch of stufd, evn though we had discharge papers and said she refused treatment. Oh, and thr convid tent city they had in the parking lot, completely empty of staff and patients. I thank God we both hadphones so I could text her and advise her of what to do.
OMG.....I am so sorry. That is so little to say after what happened to you and your daughter.
Why did she faint at work? The medical staff should be reported to the correct authorities who
can do something. What happened to: DO NO HARM.....I am so Happy that your daughter got out safely. They might have given her the JAB and who knows what else.
GOD BLESS.....+ I did hear a sad COVID story months ago. Husband and wife were
sick. She believed it was the COVID virus. There is NO COVID virus. But, she told
her husband that, if she went into the hospital then she would never come out.
They did a number on her in the hospital. Just like your daughter. Her husband
went to see an attorney and got court papers to get her out. Unfortunately, it was
My mother died from gang green septicemia after developing arterial and venous clots in her legs after 2 Covid vaccines, 1 month apart. Her clots were found 2 weeks after her second clot shot. It was a gruesome death..... the facility MD said he had a lot of pts “just like her.. all filled with clots” after the Jan 2021 “vaccine”( death) initiative.
It is NOT THAT I DON’T BELIEVE YOU - but the question is how does this hold up in a court of law?
Have pictures and video been taken to prove this is what happened to your family? These doctors and nurses are 100% getting away with having just injected the depopulation drug into the arms of those who willingly held it up to ensure their own demise!! So they will of course get away with what they did to your families behind cover of “no visitors” because of lockdowns.
Even The most powerful verbal testimony will be shot down in flames by the caliber of the lawyer these hospitals will be able to afford, who are in turn funded by Gates Fauci Pfizer et al. Even if you have video footage, they will plant the doubt in the juries mind that the footage is AI generated!!
What I am saying is I don’t think you can win against evil of this magnitude - even if truth is on your side!
There can only be one winner in the current corrupt court system and that is THEM!!!
So that is why I see humanity eventually rising up en masse against this unabated evil, because nothing else will stop it - not even the justice(?) system!!!
I believe the depopulation agenda needs to be turned back on the cabal who devised this nefarious scheme before normalcy can reign again!!!
I am not suggesting INs\/rr€ct*0n or rebell*0n, what I am saying is if justice does not begin to show a glimmer of hope soon, then this will be a spontaneous reaction from an angry populace!!!
Justified anger with the abuse done to our loved ones. Why we all must fight this battle as they target more like he innocent children. Penetrating every known foundation of our world like rabid termites.
No chemical treatments for them leess we harm our own environment......the jute rope is fine.
Reap what they sow...pushing jabs and masks so folks get sick..
Seen 2 nurses who pushed the agendas start going through paybacks with MS and one lost a loved one in car accident. Sad. Folks lost loved ones. I still flag folks when I see that darn remdesivir on an order. I refuse to give it. I explain to loved ones to question the doctors and get informed. Some do but many dont. Why give it to folks going thru cancer treatments or folks who have organs not working greedy medical teams for big paydays.
Agreed. Plain and simple. Murder is murder. Torture is Torture
Disgusting to think our seniors were treated that way
They were. I lived through this with my father. I could not take him out for his birthday or any holiday.
If you were the guardian, you should have had the right to get your Father out. They didn't own a person.
Teust me they went full out authoritarian. My daughter was kidnapped by ambulance. Then hospital in LA because she fainted at work. By the time sh came to she kept telling paramedics she was fine, didnt want to go to hospital, didnt listen. I just barely missed her, they took her in. When I told paramedics my concern about her being 18 but not secure with her being alone with hospital staff, they laughed. They also didn't know what anaphylaxis was, scared the shit out of me because she has an extreme history of it. They, 3 nurses, 1 Dr, took turns teying ro gst her naked and do all kinds of tests. Wouldn't let me in, even though they promised her and I. Wouldn't let her out. Then tried forcing her to take a pregnamcy test, even though she wasnt sexually active and advised them so. Finally I threatened the guard and she threatenee 1 of the nurses and they brought doscharge papers. Then they tried to bill insurqnce for a bunch of stufd, evn though we had discharge papers and said she refused treatment. Oh, and thr convid tent city they had in the parking lot, completely empty of staff and patients. I thank God we both hadphones so I could text her and advise her of what to do.
OMG.....I am so sorry. That is so little to say after what happened to you and your daughter.
Why did she faint at work? The medical staff should be reported to the correct authorities who
can do something. What happened to: DO NO HARM.....I am so Happy that your daughter got out safely. They might have given her the JAB and who knows what else.
GOD BLESS.....+ I did hear a sad COVID story months ago. Husband and wife were
sick. She believed it was the COVID virus. There is NO COVID virus. But, she told
her husband that, if she went into the hospital then she would never come out.
They did a number on her in the hospital. Just like your daughter. Her husband
went to see an attorney and got court papers to get her out. Unfortunately, it was
too late and she passed away. Terrible
--- L A W S ---
A C T S AGAINST HUMANITY, ••••••• 👀👀👁️👁️👀👀👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
All truth! They did all of that to our loved ones!!
You wrote the TRUTH about these sadistic demons from hell masquerading as “healers”.
Give NO QUARTER to homicidal eugenicists who deemed themselves entitled to determine who had the right to exist on this planet.
These are CAPITAL CRIMES. There will be NO FORGIVENESS ‼️😡🤬
My mother died from gang green septicemia after developing arterial and venous clots in her legs after 2 Covid vaccines, 1 month apart. Her clots were found 2 weeks after her second clot shot. It was a gruesome death..... the facility MD said he had a lot of pts “just like her.. all filled with clots” after the Jan 2021 “vaccine”( death) initiative.
I am so sorry. To think people in our own Country and medical field would act this way.
So sad reading about the many who suffered and those left behind in despair.
The government gave immunity to the big pharma murderers but want to sue gun manufacturers for deaths due to shootings???? Lunacy!
Because, JOEBAMA is running a Communist Government here in the U.S.
I have a problem with this.
It is NOT THAT I DON’T BELIEVE YOU - but the question is how does this hold up in a court of law?
Have pictures and video been taken to prove this is what happened to your family? These doctors and nurses are 100% getting away with having just injected the depopulation drug into the arms of those who willingly held it up to ensure their own demise!! So they will of course get away with what they did to your families behind cover of “no visitors” because of lockdowns.
Even The most powerful verbal testimony will be shot down in flames by the caliber of the lawyer these hospitals will be able to afford, who are in turn funded by Gates Fauci Pfizer et al. Even if you have video footage, they will plant the doubt in the juries mind that the footage is AI generated!!
What I am saying is I don’t think you can win against evil of this magnitude - even if truth is on your side!
There can only be one winner in the current corrupt court system and that is THEM!!!
So that is why I see humanity eventually rising up en masse against this unabated evil, because nothing else will stop it - not even the justice(?) system!!!
I believe the depopulation agenda needs to be turned back on the cabal who devised this nefarious scheme before normalcy can reign again!!!
I am not suggesting INs\/rr€ct*0n or rebell*0n, what I am saying is if justice does not begin to show a glimmer of hope soon, then this will be a spontaneous reaction from an angry populace!!!
And, Doc, what if we can't get the Public Serpents to do their job??? We need to consider this possibility, and how to deal with it.
"Public serpents." How true.
Indeed! I got that from Peggy Hall, who has a substack and puts out videos under The Healthy American. Love her.
Justified anger with the abuse done to our loved ones. Why we all must fight this battle as they target more like he innocent children. Penetrating every known foundation of our world like rabid termites.
No chemical treatments for them leess we harm our own environment......the jute rope is fine.
I disagree with hanging them high. Stand them on a block of ice, take the slack out of the rope and walk away. Low and slow.
malnouriched = malnourished
Can I help? I’ll hold them up! Son of a bitchin assholes.
Reap what they sow...pushing jabs and masks so folks get sick..
Seen 2 nurses who pushed the agendas start going through paybacks with MS and one lost a loved one in car accident. Sad. Folks lost loved ones. I still flag folks when I see that darn remdesivir on an order. I refuse to give it. I explain to loved ones to question the doctors and get informed. Some do but many dont. Why give it to folks going thru cancer treatments or folks who have organs not working greedy medical teams for big paydays.