"died suddenly", "died unexpectedly", and now, "from undetermined causes" are the phrases being used to whitewash the real cause of death.

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"following a medical emergency" ...

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Yes, that too.

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Shameful. So many functional medicine practitioners have been railing against the shots and boosters. But Big Pharma continues the lie reaping billions in profits.

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How many is it gonna take?!!!!!!!!

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It will take more of these deaths that the count of Biden gaffes, foolish policies, debacles, and corrupt acts combined, which is a very high number indeed.

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I was watching college football on TV today and the Pfizer murderers were running commercials that wanted to remind people to get their boosters for C-19. These psychopaths are just getting started but hopefully the majority of people will give them the finger.

The more shots you take, the sooner VAIDS will kill you.

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The wholly inappropriate response to Covid by the WHO, CDC, NIH, HHS, Big Pharma, Big Allopathy... may have caused over 300K excess American deaths in 2020.

The Covid vaccines rolled out in the US may have caused over 400K excess American deaths in 2021.

Has anyone done a more precise accounting for 2020, 2021, and 2022? And has anyone done the same accounting for the world?

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Peter McCullough and Denis Rancourt were talking about this in a recent interview. They were ballparking it and wishing there were good data, which of course is scarce. I'll look for a link to their conversation.

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Interesting, from McCullough and Rancourt: www.twitch.tv/videos/1941132307

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I'd like to know that too.

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I’ve read estimates anywhere from 13-20M worldwide excess deaths.

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A young nurse at my vaxx-mandated hospital died suddenly this past week.

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"young" :(

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Last year Pfizer did say they would reduce the population by 50% this year 2023 in Davos, SZ at WEF.

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The Israelis seem pretty healthy and thay are jabbed and boosted to the max. Those who are attacking them are mostly unjabbed. Power of mRNA. Guess who is going to win.

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According to https://swprs.org/israel-why-is-all-cause-mortality-increasing/, deaths in military age Israelis (i.e. ages 20-29) jumped quite a bit in 2021. In 2020, the same age group had less death than the average of 2015-2019.

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Maybe the biggest oxyMORON of the century is that "I have a healthy distrust of authority and I am vaccinated" picture frame.

Apparently, she believed that having a "healthy distrust" meant that you should let the government use you as a lab rat.

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There will be a resurrection. That is the hope for these deceased loved ones.

But those that pushed these poisons on them are accountable to God for "murdering" them!

They will reap what they have sown.

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All these children finding their parents is heartbreaking. The jab that keeps on taking.

Blaze article today: New York City sees spike in tuberculosis cases, possibly caused by COVID fatigue and migrant crisis: Report

New York City is reportedly experiencing a sudden surge in cases of tuberculosis, an illness that ran rampant throughout the early twentieth century. There is now concern that it could be making a resurgence in the U.S. The wrong people are being attacked.

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