I don’t think it failed— it did exactly what these nefarious people intended. And it’s not over yet. More people need to wake up. But will they before it is too late?

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I don’t think that the military had a big part in this one. I think that this was Fauci, Daszak, and Baric’s baby, from the very start.

There seems to have been a quest for a universal flu vaccine, a video exists of a panel discussion, with Fauci, talking about this very thing. In that video, Fauci laments the fact that the public doesn’t care about the flu, because it doesn’t scare them. He goes on to say that a real threat is needed to concentrate attention on the subject. He also complains about how long testing takes before a vaccine can be approved.

Daszak asked DARPA for funding, but was rejected because it was too dangerous. Imagine that, DARPA thought it was to dangerous.

One more time, DARPA thought that the program proposed by Daszak was too dangerous.

But Fauci reportedly approved it....

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Exactly! I saw Fauci lament over the elusive universal flu vaccine and thought how strange it was connected to the Covid vax. I think it was made at UNC/Chapel Hill too. Also read twice something interesting: there is no mNRA in the vax.

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I saw that too. The people who examined the vax did warn that the samples that they had were possibly contaminated and old. But they were legit and showed some unexpected contents.

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What gives that a bit of validity is there was a truck full of jab vials that wrecked in WV and they were found not refrigerated. Remember the big stink at the beginning of the roll out that they had to be kept at 22° or the mNRA would degrade? 

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Special freezers (down to -60 Celsius) or something like that so only "special centres" got the Pfizer at first and everywhere else got the AZ.

Now every chemist shop and GP surgery on crazy island is only doing MRNA jabs.

Did they all suddenly manage to purchase one of these special freezers? At the sme time? When there have been immense supply chain issues?


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Absolutely. I think that we must have read the same thing :)

I don’t remember about the truck though ( not questioning you, I just don’t remember).

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I guess most was a big hype to see if we would buy into it.

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Mate, where you have typed 22 you have done a tiny little circle for degrees.

Do you mind telling me how you did that please?

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are you on a phone or a computer?

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Thank you for the reply BTW

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Oh you are very wrong. Fauci not only pulls a salary from NIH he also pulls a salary from DoD and that is why he is paid so much money. Yes Fauci has promised his big pharma pimps a global, mandated flu vaccine and his time was running out plus he joined Gates in the decade of the vaccine and that ended in 2020. No coincidence there. BUT look deeper than just that one incident with Daszak.

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My point isn’t about who is paying whom. My point is that there is ample evidence that this Covid crap started with Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, and especially Anthony Fauci. Fauci is and was running his own little kingdom...... with him as the King.

DARPA refused to approve the grant proposal (because DARPA thought it was too dangerous, let that sink in) that Anthony Fauci later approved. The man has access to millions if not billions of dollars, and he for some reason was given veto power over GoF exemptions.

I’m sure that the military has its own issues, but all available evidence points to Fauci and friends for this one.

Fauci is eighty years old. A ‘universal flu vaccine’ would be the crowning achievement of his life, his legacy so to speak (at least in his mind). I don’t think that he wanted anyone else involved......

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I’m not saying that there is no one else involved. I think that when the original ‘work’ fell apart, Fauci called in a WHOLE bunch of favors.... from anyone who he thought could help (even if they didn’t know why).

Moderna and Pfizer were given the untried vaccine recipe (which had already been developed... using the untested mRNA tech) and the rest is all part of the coverup .

As to the money, no federal employee should have access to that kind of funding.

On a personal level, Fauci won’t even tell the public how much he made from the system that he helped set up.

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Dr David Martin in my view has comprehensively proven beyond all reasonable double the virus was made in the US and the University of North Carolina to be precise with a lineage back to 1999. The patent data is very clear.

Covid has now done its job in that it led to the spike protein bring injected to billions

“They” just sit back and wait now.

The whole charade is is not and never was therefore about disease but covid was the excuse to get the spike protein into people to cause the resultant carnage.

I have now lost count of the number of people I’ve heard of or know simply dropping dead out of the blue . The excess death numbers are steadily rising it seems.

Therefore it appears the spike protein is doing it’s job as always intended.

It’s simple genocide.

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Okay, here we go again.

There was a "mysterious" respiratory outbreak at the Greenspring retirement community in June/July 2019. The CDC could not determine the pathogen but the symptoms were similar to what is now known as "COVID". Coincidentally, Greenspring is 60 miles from Ft Dietrich.

The CDC shut down the Ft Dietrich biolab in Aug 2019 due to some kind of safety concerns.

The Military World Games took place in Wuhan in October 2019. According to Chinese conspiracy theories, at least one of the athletes was stationed at Ft Meade. On the map, Ft Meade makes an almost perfect triangle with Greenspring and Ft Dietrich.

Some participants reported getting sick at the Military World Games. Among those were athletes from France and Italy.

Wastewater analysis showed that The Virus was spreading in Italy since at least December 2019.

Go figure.

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SHENANIGANS in WINNIPEG, MANITOBA CANADA as well. And OUR DEAR LEADER literally threated the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE - if he dared raise this issue in Parliament. Nothing to see here!!!!

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According to Dr David Martin who's been following the FDA/CDC/Darpa bioweapons trail since the late 90s, including patent history, it's not a fail at all. Dr Alexander, it would be beneficial that you speak with him. He was the first to call out Dasczak publicly. Also Dr Andrew Huff in Michigan, Eco Health Alliance whistleblower who has a lawsuit with attorney Thomas Renz now.

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From my limited reading and knowledge, it appears that this "virus" was of US design and making. How devastating! We are the United States of America. We are the leader of the free world. We are the alpha dog. The whole truth must be uncovered for the sake of the republic. Yes, those who are criminally involved must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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You seriously don't think it will continue to be covered up and then whitewashed if the cover up fails? You seriously think the millions of dead globally will be considered "a bad thing?" There will never be restitution or justice. People will continue to die. Bourla and Bancel will continue to profit. A few scapegoats may be thrown under the bus but the malfeasants who caused the pandemic and coerced the jab will not be held accountable. That's how it goes. The system works.

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As long as we have demon-crap running this country, this will continue. A piece of garbage, college dropout, eugenic proponent, bill gates of hell is listened to like he actually knows something, BS. Then, Klaus (the diktator) Slob, founder of the WEF and head of BlackRock investments, wants to run the world as his personal valet service. Is your employer investing with them?

These are the people who dictate to the WH, CDC, WHO, NIH, on and on.

They will not be prosecuted, if ever, until we have someone in the WH with balls and with the best interests of this country at heart. Get rid of pathetic puzzies like mc commie, mc carthy, the bobsey twins from AK and ME, on an on.

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We know that China wasn’t prepared for this....so what does that tell us?

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Created and funded in the US.

Finishing touches added in Wuhan.

We are the bad guys.

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Another Building 7 moment.

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Somewhere I have footage of that day when the BBC presenter is saying about how it has collapsed and it is still clearly visible in the background.

LIVE footage.

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Indeed. Building 7 unravels the whole narrative, especially Lucky Larry's "Pull It" remark. If 9/11 Unravels, then what about so many other things? For me, personally, those things go back to November 22, 1963 when the Principal came into our classroom and took the teacher outside into the hallway for a a very brief discussion. The Gulf of Tonkin, RFK, MLK, and more recently, the Las Vegas Massacre all demand a "brief," but genuine, discussion for starters. And these are only the plot features (as horrific as they were in human effects) that both hide and reveal the deep and anti-humanistic motives or the more significant actors. No, Dr. Malone, one prominent hypothesis that cannot be ignored among consideration with others, is not just COVID, the restrictions, the police brutality, and the COVID vexines are the result of a simple, "mass-psychotic oopsie."

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I remember that too well. Was working in an ER a few hundred miles away. Had 3 kids come in with gunshot wounds to the head. Two survived. They were re-enacting the assassination. I have my thoughts on that, starting with l b j

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It is very difficult, seeing the amassed evidence, not to consider LBJ.

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I wasn't born until 1979 in the UK and lived here all my life so I am not as knowledgable as I would like to be about things like you are.

I am trying to learn more and I constantly question myself "how do I know this supposed fact?".

So many people have closed minds especially with regards to things they have been "conditioned" to believe, ie. the Queen = good and being an English child of the 1980s, the people of Ireland and the IRA = bad.

Neither of those things are true but I dared to mention to someone in pasing that I wasn't best pleased about Charles being king and everyone in the room stopped and stared at me like I was shit.

As for the people of Ireland, the British elites and Governemnt treated many nations like crap in the 18/19/20th centuries but the Irish were treated the worst of all and yet many British people think that the Irish are to blame.

22/11/1963 was when you realised but for me it was Lockerbie and the bullshit trial, followed by the Balkans in the mid 1990s and of course WMDs in Iraq.

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I believe that the comment that I appended to the end of my comment was both unnecessarily and lazily added. I do want to attempt commenting, at my Substack page, on the dispute between Dr. Malone and Dr. & Mrs. Breggin. I need to be thoughtful about this important matter, and this was not the place to make a swiping reference to the mentioned dust up. I gave in to the impulse to voice my concern without doing a thorough review of what is, now, a voluminous amount of writing at Dr. Malone's own Substack page. I need to do this in order to better understand Dr. Malone's current position and whether my assessment of his perspective on the conspiracy model of COVID/mRNA vaccines versus the stochastic, "stuff-happens/Desmet-Malone" mass formation," model is on target. I have both critical and affirming takes on both the Malone and the Breggin positions. I plan to post that here at Substack.

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Moved comment to above position.

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Yup, I remember that. Have you seen the info from Architects and Engineers for 9/11?

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I had not seen it but I have now and I expect I will be somewhere down the rabbit hole until midweek now.

So interesting.

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I see pizza boxes stack by your computer weeks, even years from now.

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Occam's Razor - when all is said and done the simplest or most obvious explanation is often the truth.

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Yes and no. There are who papers, books and dissertations written on this. Especially with historical events, especially those steered, financed and--yes--plotted, there can be multiple layers of explanation. And even when criminal conspiracy or the many collusive machinations of power players are at play, events get out of control and improvisations are introduced.

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DARPA. Has been implicated. Whatever they are/were doing, they should STOP IMMEDIATELY & forever cease this kind of warfare. Obviously it either intentionally or unintentionally came back to kill a million Americans & many more will die & be harmed or unable to reproduce from the bio weapon.

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IT would be nice. Unfortuantely, it looks like biological warfare and engineering is with us going long into the future. The public, if it can, will need to develop a new foundation of savvy. May God help us.

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I don't believe in Gain-of-Function of a virus. A virus is defined as a nonliving particle or molecule so how can nonliving particle/molecule do anything other than nothing? What I do believe is Gain of Function of mRNA jabs to destroy humanity, shorten lifespans, or perhaps slowly sterilize humanity.

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Sorry, Christian. You need to learn some more biology. I do applaud you, however, for knowing that a virus is not an organism, not a cell and is not living. May folks who should know better get these terms confused.

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022

I have taken biology courses in high school and college plus read many books regarding the history of vaccines and how they are linked to Germ and Viral theory. Dr. Rudolf Virchow known as the father of modern day pathology rejected Germ Theory as the cause of diseases. Dr. Virchow was genius and authored over 2000 scientific articles that I believe no one has matched. Then you have Dr. Antoine Bechamp, another genius that also rejected Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory. Dr. Bechamp subscribed Terrain Theory and said it was toxins, parasites, poor hygiene, poor sanitation ,and poor nutrition as primary causes of disease. If Germ Theory or Viral Theory are the cause of diseases why is there so much fraud in vaccine science and research? I recommend you read, The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean as she exposed vaccine fraud and dangers in the 1950s. You can find her book online here https://ia803408.us.archive.org/26/items/the-poisoned-needle/the-poisoned-needle.pdf. I also recommend two other books. Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries M.D. and Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth. Here's a video that I believe everyone should watch. See here https://childrenshealthdefense.org/vaccine-secrets/?fbclid=IwAR0-32EXcZaGF9evB7qF0-WxeI6LpjCll_cHPz7aMoyBc1EgC9MCc7H8X1A

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China has infiltrated all the top labs. They are not water carriers. Their generals are bent on global domination and destruction of the United States who is the chief competitor. They used the resources provided to them thru the US research-pharma-media- industrial complex and took it and have turned it against the US and the world. They know all the West's weakness: our dalience with socialism, our inability to think critically, our lust of global greed and power and the desire to remove Trump and the Republican party and Constitutional patriots.

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I read a 'tidbit' that stated klaus swab (BlackRock) wants china, and the present ruler, to rule the world because of his expertise.

And, my personal opinion, all these clowns in DC are nothing but useful idiots to be discarded when there jobs are done. People like swab have zero respect for butt lickers

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All you have to do is read the 201 documents. It’s all in there.

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China doesn't need to steal technology. We've sent everything useful to them. Very strange when we line up against them calling them adversaries at every other turn.

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