Christianity is under attack, Im Roman Catholic and my religion and church has been taken over by evil starting with pope Francis.

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agree, Francis seems an adversary

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Francis was chosen for that purpose. Judeo-Christian beliefs are under attack. Must be destroyed because the globalists are all demons.

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The POPE is a JESUIT. Not good.

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Bingo! And he took over gave the last guy the boot witbout dying in the position. He is the false prophet.

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I like Rx f off :-)

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Francis is a Jesuit...the military arm of the church. Pure infiltration of the original Catholic Church and Religion.

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My husband came from Communist Hungary. He knows a Communist when he sees one and that includes the POPE.

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Like the Catholic Church at large, Islam has a pedophilia problem as it’s founder Muhammad was a pedophile. Thoughts?

I ask this and a number of other related questions in a more detailed reply post. Many Islam sympathizers seem unaware of the issues I’ve discussed in it or, like mirror images of the Left, unaccountably unaware of various red flags. I consider it fruitful to start a dialogue; I hope to hear from you.

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No "seems" about it. He's proudly flaunts it!

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I KNOW!!! Talk about the 900 Lb gorilla in the room. How does anyone ignore such a strongly documented fact like this!? The fact that in an age of internet access this fact is either not popular knowledge or spoken of very much is truly an indictment of our times.

It’s a common conservative trope to point out the hypocrisy of leftists denouncing sexism, homophobia, etc. but then turning a blind eye when it comes to Islam. How then are we supposed to distinguish ourselves from these leftists who remain silent about all the going-ons at pride parades, in schools, and at “family-friendly” venues out of some tribalistic, partisan instinct if we ignore the very big skeletons in Muhammad’s (and by extension Islam’s) closet out of fear of ourselves offending our would-be “allies”!? By what standard is Pope Francis bad but Muhammad okay!? I can’t make heads or tails of this!

Is he aware of how Muslims have treated Jews and Christians under the concept of dhimmi? And have done even worse to people not of the Abrahamic faiths, which includes the CURRENT genocide of the Yazidi people? What about how Islamic theology repudiates the separation of church and state? Or how the Koran states that Christians believe that Mary is a part of the Holy Trinity? Is Dr. Alexander not aware of Europe? Of France?

When Dr. Alexander iirc spoke of turning down $50,000 at a Canadian event in support of the truckers, I was inspired by his principles and courage. I still think this is a great Substack for all things anti-vax, but the silence in regards to my queries has been disaffecting.

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We are seeing a total breakdown in our White Anglo Sexton world view. This is deliberate manipulation by the evil elites who are satanist and will blame a global pandemic, climate crisis or war on humanity to take over our planet. Christ and the church are what separates us from this evil elite cult. Christian beliefs are tied to freedom from mans control and government control. It must be destroyed to make room for global domination

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We Must Destroy them instead. Call on God to send his Angel's, his Cherubims, Seraphims, and Angel's of Thrones to Remove them.

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As I wrote above, we believe in free will, of course we can screw it up. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely (Lord Acton). Gov't control of housing in the Soviet empire gave lots of high-rise, austere apartment cities, but few kids.

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Good point Hannah. I noticed that the RINO, or at least I presume he is a RINO, who has been arrested for the Long Island serial killings was married in a Catholic church and has done work for Catholic charities. What the Long Island serial killer did was very evil and depraved. Sick, sick, sick. I am relieved to find that the man arrested is not Chris Christie or George Conway as he looks like an ogre and based on that description I had suspected that one of them could be the killer. I had no idea the killer was a Catholic but then again Biden is Catholic.

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He's the first jesuit I believe, and also a false prophet. A complete heretic. Many speculate this. And macron could be the anti-christ. A lot about this on the internet.

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Read old timer Hislop's book, The Two Babylons. Buy the large print. And read the Bible.

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The world is waking up to the fact that the underlying cause of all that we are seeing today, is a war between good and evil, between those who believe in the Creator, and those who worship satan and themselves, and hate all that is right and good.

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This is exactly what is going on

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Since allowing the burning of the Koran, and now burning the Bible and the Torah, it speaks to the Swedish police are supporting globalist desire to condemn all religious worship.

What would happen if protesters then start burning the satanic books of Satan, Lucifer, Bellial and Leviathan? Let’s see who would be outraged by that?

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Every ceo, hollywierd and every government official around the world. It's tbeir devils playground.

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Maybe because it is ideology which is incompatible with civilization and our Constitution & Bill of Rights. 1) Churchill judges them paralyzed in their “social development” and Islam the strongest “retrograde force…in the world.” [https://winstonchurchill.org/publications/churchill-bulletin/bulletin-153-mar-2021/churchill-islam/]. 2) Mo married a 12-year old, i.e., a pedophile. 3) On September 12, 2006, while lecturing on "Faith, Reason and the University" at the University of Regensburg, where he was formerly a professor, Pope Benedict quoted the opinion of Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos, "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Benedict_XVI_and_Islam] 4) When they in a minority, they behave themselves, when in the majority or at least a significant percentage, they assault women (in Cologne, Germany), run over people at Christmas (Berlin), behead a priest (France), burn cars, and don't integrate/assimilate into society. They treat women as 2nd class and a remarkable intolerance for satire and caricature, for example, they get triggered by burning the koran or publishing cartoons especially of Mohammed. Why not expose them for what some of them are and believe in?

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For Jews and Christians, in Genesis there is the concept of "free will". That doesn't exist in islam.

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Michael, very interesting comments! Thank you for bringing up such an important point at this crucial time in history. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/06/theres-no-such-thing-as-free-will/480750/

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I'd like to believe Dr. Dockter that Churchill never seriously considered converting to islam but find it disturbing that his family believed otherwise. Perhaps his atheism, and the influence on him of Stalin, prevented him from doing so. He certainly seems to have been an islamophile: "In a letter written to Lady Lytton in 1907 Churchill wrote that he “wished he were” a Pasha, which was a rank of distinction in the Ottoman Empire." It is unfortunate that he capitulated to his fellow atheist in the Kremlin and left as his legacy for several decades a Europe under the Communist yoke.

Atheist Winston Churchill was begged not to convert to Islam


'I Don’t Think I’m Wrong About Stalin’: Churchill’s Strategic And Diplomatic Assumptions At Yalta


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Jabr and Qadar. Both these words are used as formal names but also interpreted by Islamic followers as Power and its Influence. Nothing related to free will and accountability can I find.

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Because to argue with retards makes us one of them. This is how the wolf is making headway into the West

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Muhammad was a pedophile who had a sexual relationship with a nine year old girl named Aisha (source below).

What are your thoughts on that?

Were you aware of that and if not has this changed your perception of Islam, especially its founder?

Muhammad was also a brigand who killed and robbed innocent people until his last days.

Would you also opine on that? I’d be interested to hear what you have to say on that.

It’d be something to criticize the Left for tragedies happening to children at the hands of opportunistic predators, but then turn a blind eye when it’s a religious ideology implicated in the same way.

The Koran teaches that the non-Muslim world is uncivilized in comparison and uses the term Dar-al Harb, meaning the House of War, to refer to us. It advocates waging war on the rest of the world in the name of universal conversion and the waging of war is not meant in some figurative, symbolic, spiritual sense as many an apologist (wrongly) would have it but in a literal way.

Based on the Koran, on the teachings of Muhammad, and on the life he led: Islam is an indisputably totalitarian ideology.

Islam, like Wokism, is having a destructive effect on Western civilization, as is evident in the case of Europe, on nothing short of a foundational level. Would you agree with this point and if so how have they affected your thinking.

Are there any points you dispute and why? What do you think of Islam and Muhammad in light of the points that you do agree with?

I’ve been following you for some time now and I’ve overwhelmingly more often than not enjoyed your content. I’d be very interested in a response from you and to hear your thoughts on the matter.


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‘Arabs… Chechens’: German Swimming Baths Terrorised by ‘Migration Background’ Men [https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/07/15/arabs-chechens-german-swimming-baths-terrorised-by-migration-background-men/ ]. Some of the pools I've been to in years past are no longer safe. Is it their genetics, their culture, or both?

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Rape culture? Of course we can never discuss where these people came from. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764

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All religion is under attack and will continue to be encouraged as the new world order demands that government replaces God. 🙏

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The word of God cannot be destroyed by fire.

Public burning of books and flags makes sense if one is not allowed to start a fire of paper or cloth that has no markings. Otherwise, consistency is the best policy.

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I mean BANNING of Public burning of books and flags makes sense ONLY if one is not allowed to start a fire of paper or cloth that has no markings

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Those books they were burning were promoting ideas that were considered deviant like pedophilia, incest and transgenderism. Looks like you've linked a propaganda site which is misrepresenting the matter.

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The Muslim religion is a non-spiritual psychological terrorist cult not based on any real spiritual understanding or on any real god, as Jesus (called Issa in the Koran) provably never ever really existed in human form, and the god Allah does not exist either, neither is there the slightest proof that Muhammad ever existed as a real physical person.

Neither does the Jewish Yahweh really exist, the real Jewish god is THEMSELVES alone, the Jewish cult that is ultimately behind the other two deceptions is also a political criminal terrorist death cult, read the book 'The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever told', the Bible is a similar criminal terrorist document that threatens all non-Christians in somewhat similar fashion.

Earlier apocryphal writings on hell in the early Christian religions in fact bear some similarities to the hogwash in the Koran on what is going to happen to people after this life who follow other faiths.

The Koran says clearly that all non-Muslims will be burned alive unceasingly for all eternity after this life, also that they must continually have boiling water forced down their throats so that the flesh on the inside of their bodies melts, also that they must be continually beaten with hooked iron rods, the rods with hooks also being used to drag them back for continued punishment should they try to run away from the torture. When one body is destroyed by such inconceivably agonizing eternal torure, another body immediately replaces it for the torture to begin all over again, what sick minds these people who invented these tales really have to consider terrifying people with such insane notions that are nothing to do with any real God, but only with the very lowest and most evil of all demonic souls who are hungry for political and occult power by any selfish means at all.

I can consider that any person in their right mind would not like that cult being introduced to damage their society in this life and in the next, ditto Christianity, ditto Judaism. The ONLY way that Christianity was spread, like Islam has been, was by mass forced conversion at sword point, draconian laws, mass burnings alive, mass garrottings, mass slaughters to wipe out adherents of older religions, some of which actually had some genuine spiritual understandings. Libraries containing thousands of ancient manuscripts with valuable spiritual knowledge thousands of years old were burned by religious zealots, setting civilization back thousands of years. Terror and violence, not love and peace, spread these religions, and their root is entirely evil and demonic, not any real God.

The Chabad Lubavitchers have had Noahide Laws officially accepted by the UN that are intended to be physically enforced when one world government under Jewish authority comes in, that is twinned with the WEF that wants to annihilate 7.5 billion human beings, the Noahide Laws will mean the same number being scheduled for death if you follow my drift, and Trump and JFK Jr are self-declared as being very intimate with the Chabad Lubavitchers. It does not matter what these politicians say, they will say one thing, then another, anything at all, just to get POWER, then they will show you what they really intend along with the Chabad Lubavitchers.

All Gentiles are ultimately to be killed under Noahide Law, it is a major military attack to take the entire planet for themselves, posed ridiculously as a mass culling 'to save the planet', when in fact the ecosystems and environments of the planet are being very deliberately completely wrecked in the process and the genomes of all humanity being permanently ruined beyond repair so that no soul will be able to incarnate again as a human being here any longer, unless those in power make some genetically-altered hatchling slave in a laboratory incubator in an artificial womb as they are seen to be working on now, though under false pretences of course, that is why they are sterilizing everyone, so that not even any breakaway community will ever be able to survive by propagating independently, and of course they will only die out as TPTB intend.

If the next life is not really real, then the Koran has no basis in reality anyway and should be banned as a terrorist cult brainwashing document. Rabbis say it is a good thing that Muslims are being introduced into Europe as they are doing their job for them, as rabbinical teachings hold that all white people especially must die, and Muslims are to be an agent in that intended destruction by both miscegenation and mental brutalization and even physical conflict.

Christianity has lost its power to truly terrify any longer and cause communities to slaughter each other in millions like in the 30 year's war in Europe in several nations including Germany where 30 percent of the entire population was wiped out by the fighting. Now Islam is deliberately being introduced to replace that element of total terror and mindless obedience, as a proxy in an ultimately Jewish-controlled terrorist world government to veil the ultimate Jewish nature of TPTB, as Islam still bares the power to incite total terror and murderous sentiments in peoples, and that is suitable for the Jewish agenda, like Barbara Lerner Spectre said, if European peoples do not race mix with other races, then "Europe will not survive" an obvious euphemism for "damned if you do, damned if you don't".

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golly, FGS, please don't check out the crazy-in-yer-face pictures...or look behind the curtain...all at this obnoxious, shameful & horrid Goyim Defense League website... https://gtvflyers.com/

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The burning of holy books and tearing down of statues is demonstrative of a psychologically enfeebled modern world.

History simply cannot be eradicated by a fire or an explosion or destruction of artifacts.

These holy books, in the hands of nutters, are representative of nothing really. It's the equivalent of me setting a box of cornflakes on fire - it means diddly squat to me - but I only do because I know all the other cornflakians get wound up. Juvenile really.

To all those who watch YouTube videos of people getting injured or maimed or killed; or property being destroyed, I say: "ok you cunt, let me punch you in the face and break your nose - how does that feel? Or how about I torch your house or vehicle or computers or cellphone? Nice to watch your earthly possessions turn into charcoal right before your eyes, isn't it?"

The only law these types know is an eye for an eye - no mercy. Kill them yourself if you can get away with it.

As for Sweden, they'll reap what they sow - in fact they already are.


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This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer (Qur'an-Burning Rage Edition)


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What are you talking about? You don't know why? Because, the Muslims want to take Christians over.

You don't know that in the Quran it talks about killing Infidels. That BTW are Christians.

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Burning the sacred books of any religion is heinous but futile. True believers won’t stop believing or proclaiming the gospel and I’m sure the muslims suffered tremendous persecution during the crusades yet their religion hasn’t ceased.

If you are a Christ follower, you might kick your scripture memorization up a notch in preparation for the times ahead.

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The jews and the christians will not care one bit. This is about to demonstrate, which religion that is violent and threatening. So they should absolutely burn the quran.

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Violence begets violence? I think I read somewhere about an eye-for-an-eye. Seems pretty violent to me.

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Burning a book isn't violence. You're speaking like a muslim.

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