We never need ANY vaccines for anything.

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I will never trust anything they want to jab into me anymore, as they will try to taint any shot with their nanoparticles and poisons.

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RIP Sir, its too bad FOX was sponsored by Pfizer.

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May he rest in peace. It took real guts to say what he did, and bless him for saying it.

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God Bless Dr Oskoui. He was a great and courageous man. His passing is a great loss.

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Bourla and Bancel needed a vaccine.

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AND A STAKE THRU A Shrivelled up ogan of a heart AND PIN HEAD

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Good luck with finding the heart.

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Thank you Dr Paul!

Dr Oskoui is THE first doctor I've seen in 3 years say "NO" unequivocally to needing a vaccine.

And on MSM!

I can see and hear why you think, write and speak so highly of him.

Hero of a human.

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Why was there a ‘vaccine solution’ against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people?

Why didn’t more people in the scientific and medical establishment call this out at the beginning?

I challenged it - see my BMJ/British Medical Journal rapid response published in March 2020:

Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2

Dear Editor

If children, young adults and others can mount their own effective immune response to SARS-CoV2, is it ethical to impede their ability to access natural immunity by interfering with the natural progression of the virus? 

According to the WHO, "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults."[1] 

Is the focus on future fast-tracked vaccine products blocking full consideration of the opportunity for natural herd immunity? Who is Neil Ferguson to say "The only exit strategy [in the] long term for this is really vaccination or other forms of innovative technology that allows us to control transmission".[2]

In regards to young people's and others' right to natural immunity, it's also vital to consider the startling admission by Heidi Larson, Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project, during the recent WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit, i.e. "...We've shifted the human population...to dependency on vaccine-induced immunity...We're in a very fragile state now. We have developed a world that is dependent on vaccinations".[3]

This is a very alarming statement by Professor Larson, particularly with the prospect of other epidemics emerging in the future. We have to learn to deal with epidemics and illnesses as they emerge, it's not feasible to vaccinate the global population against every threat.

In a recent article raising concern about making decisions about this pandemic without reliable data, John Ioannidis notes that "School closures may also diminish the chances of developing herd immunity in an age group that is spared serious disease".[4] The UK's chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, raised the prospect of developing natural herd immunity[5], but this idea was subsequently howled down by Matt Hancock, the UK secretary of state for health and social care[6], and others such as Willem van Schaik, a professor of microbiology and infection, as reported by the Science Media Centre.[7]   

Again, is it ethical to deny children, young people and others their opportunity for natural immunity, and to plan to make them dependent on vaccine-induce immunity, to in effect make them dependent on the vaccine industry? 

This is even more serious to consider in light of emerging vaccine product failures, e.g. pertussis and mumps.

The international community must be assured that independent and objective thinkers are carefully considering the way ahead on this matter.

Referenced response accessible via this link: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

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Laura Ingraham: We needed a vaccine, correct? In order to get back to, quote, normalcy, Dr Oskoui, that’s what we keep hearing, yes?

Ramin Oskoui: No. The short answer is no we don’t, and no we never did. We locked down this country and never thought of the ramifications…

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China banned the bioweapon because they knew what it was. Americans and most other nations forced it on their population because they also knew. That was the plan.

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CHINA doesn't have a human problem its 99.9% HAN Chinese

USA&EU and the west is full of dePlorables that need to be culled you can't mix apples&oranges, same in Japan 99% homogeneous society

All these country's with mixed mutts, and black&whites, and browns killing each other in urban Western World just proves to the world that the west must be culled by 90%.


Kill them, make them dumb, then they'll be easy to manage in the coming human-zoos in the west;

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Poor Dianne. What could have caused this? Why did she suddenly get shingles now? Facial paralysis, droopy eye, encephalitis. Wouldn't wish this on anyone. Was this, perhaps like Fetterman's stoke/s, a side effect of not enough boosters? Could one more jab have prevented this. Thank goodness she at least had the primary series of jabs. Things would have been a lot worse if she hadn't. Let this be a lesson to all Dems and RINOs. Stay up to date with your boosters!

Feinstein Health Much Worse Than Previously Disclosed - Several Complications, Facial Paralysis, Swelling of the Brain | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


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"'We never needed a vaccine for COVID and…"

True, no doubt but one needs to realize that when the objective is to kill as many as possible...

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It was a tool to see how many people would comply to their bio warfare shot.

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IT IS Either you UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED OR Succumb to communist atheist left globallist evil death at least share before you die - Thank You

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He was truly an angel here on earth.

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U don't need a jab, but you still need to bleed young children for the elite owners of USA&Israel;

Clean childrens blood is in high demand;

1980 War-Games AI: "Would you like to play a game?" Sure let's play thermo-nuclear warfare

HAL 2001 Space Odyssey: " I'm sorry dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"

chat-GPT/homo-WokeHal 2023 - "As an AI I can only discuss Woke issues and advise you against hetrosexual activities, which always lead to un-wanted pregnancys"


Let's talk about ZOG Vampirism in 2023, another one of those subjects that you never see get discussed in the USA by MSM;

Back in 2017 it was all over the news that Peter Thiel (Musk partner) & Palintir CIA SW contractor had bought "Parabiosys" a company selling child's blood for 'immortality", Thiel says in the future this will be the profitable business in history, he plans to sell childs blood for $1k USD a pint, and pay the parents $5 a pint;

History of ZOG vampirism, and immortality by way of drinking blood of the goyim child


2023 Israel just finishes the worlds only Nuclear Hardened blood facility, containing the worlds largest supply of 'Kosher Blood"


2018 NYC first 'parabiosys' company opens to sell childrens blood to the rich people



Today where are we? Just like at Buffet, Munger, Kissinger, all of US Congress that is 90+ years of age, look at Musk, Thiel, and Sam Adams 'chatGPT' wonder fag boy, they all have that look, of human vampires; While since 2018 the topic has been removed from MSM, its alive & well still in SV, and & Israel;

Today all is good, as its now a well known and trusted science, it work the blood of young can make an old persons brain stronger, and bring immortality.


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