Well, I didn’t do any of that. I warned people from the earliest days of C19 that the whole thing was a hoax being perpetrated by the usual suspects. And I lost my 15 year job as a result and the school stole my 707+ hours of accrued sick time. In the early days they allowed healthy employees to use their sick time to stay home if they were fearful of getting C19 at work. But not me. I was “essential personnel” and had to work anyway. So when I wanted to used my sick pay to stay healthy at home from the “vaccinated” who were getting sick repeatedly from C19? Nope. I just got fired.

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You will soon have an opportunity to sue for this Injustice... Dr.David Martin and Dr.Reiner Fuellmich’s( lawyer) work. They are on several platforms.. rumble.com.. for example. Also “Critically Thinking” on rumble. 5 Docs discuss up to date information on COViD Issues. So Sorry that happened to you.. You Will.. get Justice

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From April 8, 2020, part 1:

Cui Bono? Who Benefits? If It Waddles and Quacks like a Global Warming Computer-Modeling, Impeachment-Pursuing, Disaster-Yearning, Public-Oppressing, Data-Padding, Dictatorial Lying Duck, then It’s Most Likely the Same Old Deep State Crew

The following is my sum-up what I would call a combination of Fauci-Gates-gate, some foreign help, and bringing in the fifth string of the Deep State, since the first four were completely blown to hell:

1) The first string: Obama and his use of US and foreign intelligence agencies illegally trying to dig up stuff then, failing that, to make up stuff to prevent Trump’s election, but failed

2) The second string: the Russian collusion ploy hatched the next day after the election and leading to the Weisman/Mueller Cabal

A. The investigation part that they were sure and that they promised would uncover serious unlawful and impeachable offenses by Trump, but didn’t.

B. The Mueller Report that was sure to contain smoking guns about Trump colluding with Russia that would finish off what the walls closing in from the investigation couldn’t do, but didn’t.

C. Mueller’s appearance on Capitol Hill to testify about his report that was sure to provide clear evidence of Trump’s obstruction of justice now that Russian collusion was a bust, but didn’t provide clear evidence of anything but the senility of Robert Mueller and the treachery of Weisman et al, up to their old tricks, the crookedness of 1) and 2) all very heavily underscored by IG Horowitz’s preliminary and final report.

3) The third string: the whistle-liar, the crooked IG working with him, the naturalized citizen from Ukraine, Vindman, and their breathless and very concerned reports of the phone calls with Ukraine, that failed after their bluff was called by the release of the call transcripts

4) The fourth string: Pelosi and Schiff jumping the gun—and the shark, with impeachment over the Ukraine phone calls, shot totally to hell by the completely unexpected release of actual transcripts of the phone calls showing Erika Ramadama, his associates, and Adam Schiff to be, each and every one, stinking bags of shit, by Pelosi and Schiff’s violation of the Constitution, by their rejection of all precedent from previous impeachments and basic principles of law antedating even the Constitution, by their shifting articles of impeachment, by their complete lack of any witnesses with firsthand knowledge of what they finally decided to claim were impeachable offenses, by their articles of impeachment that were love child of AOC and John Roberts-level stupid in both reasoning and constitutionality, and then by Nancy’s delay in sending them to the Senate while trying to arrange for what she called a “fair trial,” which actually amounted to obstruction of justice and jury-tampering

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Part 2, from April 8, 2020:


Far into the Fourth Quarter and Down by, like, a Million Frigging Points

So at the end of more than four years of banging their heads bleeding through this series of thoroughly unethical and deeply criminal assaults on the presidency of Trump, this, as of the date of the State of the Union speech, was all they were left with:

1) Having been revealed as the most thoroughly despicable group of assholes in US political history.

2) Having been demonstrated to be utterly wrong about all the catastrophes they predicted a Trump presidency would cause.

3) Increasing popularity of Trump across the electorate with very strong gains amongst black and Hispanic voters.

4) The strongest economy in the world.

5) The highest employment numbers and lowest unemployment numbers since at least WW2 and rising wages, especially in the two lowest quintiles.

6) The highest consumer confidence ever.

7) Return of manufacturing to the US, both domestic and foreign.

8 ) 2020 Democrat candidates finally consisting of:

A. An elderly wealthy white communist who’s not even a member of the Democrat Party and whose first “real” job was being elected mayor of a small city in a tiny state and has never done anything outside government, with campaign workers who were threatening upon his election to send Trump supporters to the gulag or upon his failing to get the Democrat nomination to start busting things up,

B. a two time loser, increasingly demented, wealthy white, plagiarist, thigmophiliac public stroker of little girls and women, public lip kisser of granddaughter, public finger sucker of wife, member of the most corrupt political party in US history, Vice President of the most corrupt administration in US history, a proudly admitting extortionist of a foreign country to fire a prosecutor looking into the company on the board of which his son sat for a lavishly-paid no-show job, who also has done no work in the real world after getting (barely) his law degree, except in government.

9) Reduced to having late night political partisans publicly expressing fervent hope that something would happen to tank the economy to hurt Trump.


10) The certain prospect of the Democrat Party getting totally annihilated in November up and down the ballot, from sea to shining sea, from the mismanaged state of New York, to the deeply corrupt state of Illinois, to the battered, burned, corrupt, fiscally-effed, shit-covered, needle-strewn, number one largest homeless population state of California, and to the bastions of leftist nuttiness since the late 1800s of Oregon and Washington (ground zero of Coronavirus).


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Part 4, April 8, 2020

Just Kidding. There Was No Miracle, just Another Instance of the Same Old Deviltry, Starring the Fifth String of Same Cast of the Usual Deep State Characters

Someone finally got the idea from the news stories of the danger to China’s economy and the resulting impact it could have on our economy:

“Hey, the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus could also have a secondary effect on our economy—wait a second, wait a second, if enough people got sick, it could crash the economy and, yeah, really screw over Trump’s re-election chances.”

“But the number of people affected is so small. What if the total who eventually become infected and hospitalized and die doesn’t amount to but a fraction of those who normally die from respiratory infections every year [as has been the case] and isn’t even noticed?”

“That would be a problem. What to do? What to do?”

“Somehow we’ve got to get it established in the public’s mind that there IS something threatening. But it can’t be just warnings. It’s got to be something concrete, something that directly affects them, like sporting events, yeah, because those flyover people sure do love their sports.”

“And we will start a campaign warning people at the same time we cover up our earlier stories ridiculing Trump for warning people and saying he did it to detract from his impeachment while at the same time we push new stories that Trump didn’t do enough to warn people BECAUSE he was wasting too much time fretting over his impeachment.”

“That uncaring orange bastard!”

“Yeah, and then we can run stories about this being his Katrina.”

“Okay, let’s get right on it. Who do you want to convince, Nancy or Chuck?”

“Geez. I could talk more sense into a pickled herring. I was going to say use their staffers to talk it up so it’ll look more organic, but you know how they treat the hired help.”

“So are you thinking who I’m thinking?”

“I think so, Bill Nye?”

“No, dumb shit.”

“Neill de Grasse Tyson?”

“Geez, where are your brains? I’m talking about big scientists, big money, and big power.”

“So the big money will attract them. The big scientists will justify them. And the big power will, uh...”

“Will convince them it’s in their long term interest to get rid of the Cheeto any way possible.”

“How will we do this?”

“I know people who know the people that Chuck and Nancy will wet their pants over. But listen to all these other problems that pushing a threat narrative would solve for those guys. They’ll love it!”

1) It would relieve them of the ridicule they were suffering over trying to screw Bernie a second time and trying to disenfranchise voters by calling off the rest of the primaries. Now they could say that, yeah, to protect the voters’ health it could be necessary to cancel the rest of the Democrat primaries. But that would be possible only if all the other Democrat candidates suddenly dropped out.

2) It would solve the problem of the Democrat debates REALLY lousy viewership, would solve the problem of them all looking like frigging idiots arguing over things most of the voters no longer had any reason to care about,

3) It would solve the problem of the embarrassingly microscopic Democrat candidates’ campaign rallies, AND

4) it would solve the problem of Trump campaign events that have embarrassingly HUGE even in solid Democrat states.


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Part 5, April 8, 2020

They Crank Up Their Own Personal Deus Ex Machina with a Little Help from Their Down-Ballot Helpers

So, over a period of about three days, everything changed in what could only be called the result of a massive and coordinated effort.

The fifth string of the Deep State was called in push the Apocalypse of Convenience.

1) Certain sports groups, both professional and college, announced suspension first of spectators at their games, then their seasons,

2) Suddenly this became the premier method of virtue-signaling and was a means of convincing the rubes that there really was danger because why would the teams postpone and then cancel the season unless there really was a danger?

3) People were encouraged to engage in “social distancing” because the unprecedented actions they were being called on to do to ward off danger would in and of themselves convince them that there actually existed an unprecedented danger.

A. This is similar to techniques used to induce hypnosis. The subject is told to do various things that almost invariably have certain physical consequences, such as closing and then rolling up the eyes to look at a point on the top of the head indicated by the operator’s touch and being asked to gaze at it intently. Then, while doing so, it is suggested to him that he will be unable to open his eyes while doing so. Or the subject is told to extend his fingers or arm rigidly with all his might. Then, while doing so, it is suggested that while doing so he will be unable to clench his fist or bend his arm at the elbow.

Well, duh. You can’t simultaneously do both at the same time and if you’re concentrating on doing the first, it’s common that you’ll be unable to do the second, unless with perceived great difficulty, which is also useful.

B. But that inability is then interpreted to the subject by the operator as proof that he is entering the hypnotic state. It’s nothing of the sort, but it’s a useful means in those susceptible to induce them to enter the hypnotic state. Why? Because it uses actions they are commanded to perform to get them to believe the operator’s explanations for the outcome of those actions.

C. As people started “socially distancing” to prevent catching the disease, the action reinforced, as intended, the suggested belief that there was a disease that could be caught. Was there a disease? Sure. Could it be caught? Yeah. Did the possibly seem WAY scarier than other outbreaks of respiratory illness. Yep. Why? Because of the illness? Nope. It was because of the physical cues linked to descriptions of possible badness.

D. As soon as some of the more hysterical started hoarding toilet paper and that became a news item, that became a mechanism that reinforced the suggestions.

4) Democrat governors and mayors starting announcing restrictions on citizens’ daily lives. This had bad effects on people and on the overall economy. Those effects were then reinterpreted to the public as being the result of the virus. Bullshit. It was the result of deliberate actions of politicians early on in at least three of the five most populous states.

And so the economy started to suffer. The fear of the possibility of it tanking even more induced people to sell stocks which caused stock prices to fall which were then reinterpreted as having been caused by the virus and used as an excuse to shut things down even more, each successively more negative outcome being used to justify further even more extreme restrictions.

Any complaints are met with, “But we are only doing it for your own good.”

And anyone questioning or defying the restrictions are characterized by the operators as ignorant, given to conspiracy theories, or active enemies of the public health.

5) And keep in mind that this sudden, very large, coordinated, switch in language and emphasis started at a time when there were fewer than 50 confirmed deaths in the US. 77% of them were in one state, Washington, and 75% of those were in a single nursing home facility.

So who benefitted from what followed after China adopted its offensive position toward the United States? It was aided and abetted by the World Health Organization headed by a communist Ethiopian terrorist. And within a period of 24 hours it adopted and promoted by the very same people who, only days before, were ridiculing Trump for talking about Chinese Coronavirus being a threat.

And finally, once the self-reinforcing hysteria is in full flow, to seal the deal with the imprimatur of ultimate authority, they bring in the scientists who will then reify the existence of a threat that they themselves were also pooh-poohing for most of the past four months. They started this by used computer modeling projections of horrifying death tolls.

Gee, they’re doctors and they’re using scientific models. How could they be wrong? *

Again, think: Cui bono?

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Part 6, April 8, 2020:

1) Who benefits from the economic impairment of the United States, the strongest, most creative, and most attractive economy in the history of the world?

2) Who benefits from knocking out the political party and its leader who was responsible for the unprecedented economic turnaround that vastly exceeded all expectations?

3) Who benefits from taking out the guy who put the screws to the unfair trade practices of one of the largest economies of the world,

A. that also has been paying millions to US researchers under the table in major US universities and funneling back results of research to them,

B. that is also one of the largest pirates of intellectual property in the world,

C. that is also one of the biggest polluters of both air and sea in the world,

D. that is also one of the most brutal abusers of human rights and oppressors of ethnic and religious minorities in the world and has been since its beginning,

E. that is also busily trying to extend its military footprint throughout the South China Sea,

F. that has also been getting its electronic components into sensitive US military and civilian infrastructure for years,

G. that also has visions of being the dominant political, economic, and military power in the world and in space, as described by its name,

H. that also happens to have had paid spies on the payroll of US Congressmen?

So when everything changes on a dime and this country attacks the United States for a problem of its own creation and we then immediately see a corresponding and supportive change in the attitude and actions of one political party, one senator of which had on her paid staff for many years a spy working for this country, we’re supposed to think that all this is merely nothing more than a coincidence?

Cui bono, baby? Cui bono?

There are only two: the Chinese Communist Party and the Democrat Party.

They are active partners in this Apocalypse of Convenience.

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Part 3, April 8, 2020:

Oh, Gee! Whoever Will Save Our Party’s Collective Ass Now that We Can’t Expect a Deus Ex Machina?

In the least probable of circumstances:

1) after Nancy Pelosi and every other Democrat stupid enough to do it had claimed that Trump’s warning of the spreading disease in China was just his racist, xenophobic way of trying to detract from his impeachment and trial,

2) after the Senate trial acquitted Trump of Pelosi’s bogus charges,

3) after Pelosi acted like a petulant, demented bitch by tearing up Trump’s State of the Union speech in which he mentioned the Chinese Coronavirus,

4) after she and other elected Democrats pooh-poohed everything he said and publicly encouraged everyone to ignore it and go about life as usual,

5) after weeks and weeks of the mainstream media doing story after story about what they called the “Wuhan Virus” and the “Chinese Coronavirus,” and especially

6) after China began its campaign to blame the US for their Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus outbreak,

then suddenly, like the spontaneous generation of life, only more unbelievable, a miracle happened.


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As a Registered Nurse in the ER here in Canada...I would like to point out...your RIGHT!!!!! We NEVER put respiratory (pneumonia, broncitis etc ) on ventolators!!! NEVER... re-breather face mask was our chosen treatment. Using a ventolator with increase air pressure pumping in their lungs would explode the lungs eventually!!!! The medical profession literally MURDERED these people, and got away with it!!!!!

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You're right. First time in medical history that a flu/respiratpry virus was treated with a ventilator and the medical community happily jumped on board and cranked them up as high as they could. We need to collapse the government and the medical community asap. If people haven't realized it yet. The government commited an act of war, biologically on THE PEOPLE that pay them to represent THE PEOPLE.

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As aN MD with experience in anesthesia and ICU, I fully agree. I found myself wondering why in the name of God are they advising this and Who is advising it. It could not possibly have been someone who has operated a vent or done intubations or in any way managed patients in respiratory distress. And the most obvious thing was where are thet going to get all the people to operate att these vents and in What venue.

It had the smell of someone like Gates, who makes suggestions based upon ignorance.

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it took Them over two years to kill my mom by repeatedly refusing to prescribe normal antibiotics for the "non koovid related" bacterial pneumonia They'd diagnosed.

apparently refusing to prescribe the standard antibiotic treatment for pneumonia is one of several new "pandemic" triggered hospital protocols which raised the mortality rate.

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As most of you know, my older and beloved husband passed away this February. 3 years ago he was given a good health assessment but then got 2 shots (to my dismay). He ended up in the hospital to discover he had shredded lung tissue and same with his heart valves. He cought whaterver lung bug there that ended his life. I still recall this sadistic doctor who came in every night at 2 AM to suggest him (Johnny was very sharp still) that a ventilator be inserted into his throat - which he refused everytime. As soon as I came back early mornings we were joking : "So, did throat cutter pay you another visit during the night?". We knew the hospital would be paid extra if my husband's test came positive for cov + a ventilator. But anyways, I'm sure the hospital made a whole lot more money than what my husband left me $$.

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I’m sorry you lost your husband and like so many I believe they will be held accountable for what they did and it’s up to us to not let it go.

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Yep, this is true. Neither most of the nurses, nor the doctors knew how to sink up the ventilator with the patient’s respirations. This is very painful, & terrifying to endure, & patients can’t tell you because they’re incapacitated. So they suffered until their deaths. That is beyond evil!

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They didnt care, thry just shoved them in and cranked them up.

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Good call Paul, they did it with intent and we know that too

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My niece is a respiratory therapist and told her Dad NOT to go anywhere near a hospital! If he needed help, she would take care of him herself. My brother in law was hospitalized, ventilated and subsequently buried.

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Oxygen culls in plain sight! Research oxygen toxicity.

Dehydration is the mechanism of oxygen toxicity and why it causes injury and death.

I have a Substack article titled: We breathe air not oxygen.


Here’s a few points that require thoughtful engagement.

We calibrate air by its moisture content. It’s wetness.

We calibrate oxygen by its dryness. Eg medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Lung alveoli requires air to reach 100% humidity.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill not for breathlessness.

I’ve a new take on lung respiration that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The lungs are rehydrating the RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds. The RBCs act like sponges to absorb the salt plus water that soaks the alveoli capillary bed as bubbles burst upon their walls. Bubbles via the surfactant produced by the alveoli at the mouth of each sac. Watch bubbles in slow motion distribute their liquid content.

The saline drip also acts to rehydrate RBCs.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration not oxygen levels.

Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.

Light/bright RBCs are expanded and hydrated.

Hence the red light is monitoring the % of dehydrated RBCs via their lack of transparency.

Respiratory symptoms arise with dehydration. It is the primary assault. Therefore folk arriving after long plane trips are more likely to be dehydrated and nasal and throat symptoms are some of the first signs of dehydration.

Oxygen dehydrates and this is the mechanism that injures and kills.

Why is flu and colds seasonal?

Cold air holds the least moisture. Folk spend more time inside with air conditioning that can be drier especially when heated.

Respiratory system requires air to be around 30-50% humidity.

The salt gargle, salt nasal rinses were standard care for respiratory distress. They remedy the respiratory distress via rehydration.

Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to utilise the salt air pounding waves provide. The aerosols of salt water aids the healing of lungs.

Oxygen and nitrogen are manufactured gases not found naturally in the air we breathe. To exist they must be contained. I go into their original purpose of invention and manufacture, metallurgy, in my article.

I realise what I’m saying breaks a few paradigms. I trust you can read and ponder.

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Paul and all,

Thank you for your continuing great work educating Americans, presenting solid TRUTHS before it is too late to ‘cut the snake off at the head!’

We ALL want the global psychopaths prosecuted, right?

HOW? Unity!

WHY? This is what your enemy fears most!

Is it past time for ALL patriotic Americans to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to support these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….



2. DEPRIVATION OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW statute…ALL our rights were crushed the past 3 years, right?

Do you know your rights? If not, then you have NO rights!


Aren’t these 2 critical issues highest priority to get right for America AND future generations!

Good always wins over evil…ONLY if you UNITE and do something!

P.S. I pray for ALL brave persons like you AND Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) everyday!

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I am NOT a FREE subscriber...I have paid from dec 30th 2022, WHY OH WHY CAN I NOT ACCESS YOUR ARTICLES

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How about you say Covid Crusadors for once?

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The use of ventilators and midazolam may be justifiable in some circumstances. If it was judged to be medical best practice, there should be no limit to the number of Fauci-loving, civilian killing RINOS such as Lindsey Graham that it would be justifiable for doctors to inject with midazolam and hook up to a ventilator.

Anthony Fauci enlists Lindsey Graham to warn Trump against easing coronavirus restrictions: report: "You can't have a functioning economy if you have hospitals overflowing," Graham says


Lindsey Graham says there is 'no limit' to the number of civilians it's justifiable for Israel to kill ...


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grahams a big creep. There's video of him and mccain talking to ukrainian soldiers about taking out russia years ago. They just couldn't wait. Their excitement and hand wrangling was uncontrollable. Like convid, this "war" was planned years ago.

Matthew 24 6-8

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