Well, I didn’t do any of that. I warned people from the earliest days of C19 that the whole thing was a hoax being perpetrated by the usual suspects. And I lost my 15 year job as a result and the school stole my 707+ hours of accrued sick time. In the early days they allowed healthy employees to use their sick time to stay home if they were fearful of getting C19 at work. But not me. I was “essential personnel” and had to work anyway. So when I wanted to used my sick pay to stay healthy at home from the “vaccinated” who were getting sick repeatedly from C19? Nope. I just got fired.

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As a Registered Nurse in the ER here in Canada...I would like to point out...your RIGHT!!!!! We NEVER put respiratory (pneumonia, broncitis etc ) on ventolators!!! NEVER... re-breather face mask was our chosen treatment. Using a ventolator with increase air pressure pumping in their lungs would explode the lungs eventually!!!! The medical profession literally MURDERED these people, and got away with it!!!!!

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it took Them over two years to kill my mom by repeatedly refusing to prescribe normal antibiotics for the "non koovid related" bacterial pneumonia They'd diagnosed.

apparently refusing to prescribe the standard antibiotic treatment for pneumonia is one of several new "pandemic" triggered hospital protocols which raised the mortality rate.

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As most of you know, my older and beloved husband passed away this February. 3 years ago he was given a good health assessment but then got 2 shots (to my dismay). He ended up in the hospital to discover he had shredded lung tissue and same with his heart valves. He cought whaterver lung bug there that ended his life. I still recall this sadistic doctor who came in every night at 2 AM to suggest him (Johnny was very sharp still) that a ventilator be inserted into his throat - which he refused everytime. As soon as I came back early mornings we were joking : "So, did throat cutter pay you another visit during the night?". We knew the hospital would be paid extra if my husband's test came positive for cov + a ventilator. But anyways, I'm sure the hospital made a whole lot more money than what my husband left me $$.

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Yep, this is true. Neither most of the nurses, nor the doctors knew how to sink up the ventilator with the patient’s respirations. This is very painful, & terrifying to endure, & patients can’t tell you because they’re incapacitated. So they suffered until their deaths. That is beyond evil!

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Good call Paul, they did it with intent and we know that too

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My niece is a respiratory therapist and told her Dad NOT to go anywhere near a hospital! If he needed help, she would take care of him herself. My brother in law was hospitalized, ventilated and subsequently buried.

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Oxygen culls in plain sight! Research oxygen toxicity.

Dehydration is the mechanism of oxygen toxicity and why it causes injury and death.

I have a Substack article titled: We breathe air not oxygen.


Here’s a few points that require thoughtful engagement.

We calibrate air by its moisture content. It’s wetness.

We calibrate oxygen by its dryness. Eg medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination.

Lung alveoli requires air to reach 100% humidity.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill not for breathlessness.

I’ve a new take on lung respiration that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The lungs are rehydrating the RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds. The RBCs act like sponges to absorb the salt plus water that soaks the alveoli capillary bed as bubbles burst upon their walls. Bubbles via the surfactant produced by the alveoli at the mouth of each sac. Watch bubbles in slow motion distribute their liquid content.

The saline drip also acts to rehydrate RBCs.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration not oxygen levels.

Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.

Light/bright RBCs are expanded and hydrated.

Hence the red light is monitoring the % of dehydrated RBCs via their lack of transparency.

Respiratory symptoms arise with dehydration. It is the primary assault. Therefore folk arriving after long plane trips are more likely to be dehydrated and nasal and throat symptoms are some of the first signs of dehydration.

Oxygen dehydrates and this is the mechanism that injures and kills.

Why is flu and colds seasonal?

Cold air holds the least moisture. Folk spend more time inside with air conditioning that can be drier especially when heated.

Respiratory system requires air to be around 30-50% humidity.

The salt gargle, salt nasal rinses were standard care for respiratory distress. They remedy the respiratory distress via rehydration.

Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to utilise the salt air pounding waves provide. The aerosols of salt water aids the healing of lungs.

Oxygen and nitrogen are manufactured gases not found naturally in the air we breathe. To exist they must be contained. I go into their original purpose of invention and manufacture, metallurgy, in my article.

I realise what I’m saying breaks a few paradigms. I trust you can read and ponder.

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Paul and all,

Thank you for your continuing great work educating Americans, presenting solid TRUTHS before it is too late to ‘cut the snake off at the head!’

We ALL want the global psychopaths prosecuted, right?

HOW? Unity!

WHY? This is what your enemy fears most!

Is it past time for ALL patriotic Americans to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to support these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….



2. DEPRIVATION OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW statute…ALL our rights were crushed the past 3 years, right?

Do you know your rights? If not, then you have NO rights!


Aren’t these 2 critical issues highest priority to get right for America AND future generations!

Good always wins over evil…ONLY if you UNITE and do something!

P.S. I pray for ALL brave persons like you AND Gideon’s Army of 300 (Judges) everyday!

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

How about you say Covid Crusadors for once?

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Nov 2, 2023·edited Nov 2, 2023

The use of ventilators and midazolam may be justifiable in some circumstances. If it was judged to be medical best practice, there should be no limit to the number of Fauci-loving, civilian killing RINOS such as Lindsey Graham that it would be justifiable for doctors to inject with midazolam and hook up to a ventilator.

Anthony Fauci enlists Lindsey Graham to warn Trump against easing coronavirus restrictions: report: "You can't have a functioning economy if you have hospitals overflowing," Graham says


Lindsey Graham says there is 'no limit' to the number of civilians it's justifiable for Israel to kill ...


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