Yes, in the pantheon of stupid things said these past two years, Duclos cemented one of the dumbest and most irresponsible one yet. Can 'never be fully vaccinated' so take it every nine months! Also, he lied about the 'vaccines' preventing transmission and infection. I'm getting tired of typing this.

The EMA is warning against repeated boosters. The province of B.C. is apparently also reluctant now. The Guardian is asking questions of all places. Fauci says herd is not attainable - duh. We've known this for months.

So what in the fucking heck are NACI, Duclos and PHAC thinking? These people are now in malfeasance territory. And they'd indeed better keep notes because we're not going to let go when the time account will come.

They'd better stop terrorizing people with their lies and bull shit because it will make more people angry. Rough times ahead for Canada. We'll see if Canadians smarten up and RESIST.

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How can they, when the msm is still spewing LIES and the sheep have been 'trained' not to believe any other news agencies. I'm still in awe at how stupid they are. I've lost my youngest and my best friend over this damned brainwashing. This is splitting up families and friends en masse. Which, I believe is the point. This is a far bigger conspiracy than the plandemic alone.

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If those shots were effective, there should have been LESS deaths this year compared to last year, now that many more people got vaccinated and boosted. However, in June this year there were twice as many deaths compared to June last year.

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It's fight or flight time.

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it is insane in Canada...

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No. Trudeau is insane in Canada.

Criminally insane.

Supported by the criminal tv networks.

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“I'll die on my feet before I'll live on my knees!” - George Washington

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Yes I know having received a $5000 fine for not providing the 'right' covid test on arrival at Montreal airport. Having to sit for two weeks in 'quarantine'. Having one Public Health company Switch Health to be contracted to do ALL of Canada's PCR test at airports yet the company cant reveal the name of their CEO on their website. -The the PCR test is actually from Lucira


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Sickening! I'm ashamed to be Canadian now, thanks to Turdo!

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Wuhan🎯👈🤡 gee missed, try again.

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Don’t pay the fine, fight it in court, most judges are throwing the fines out.

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it is insane but not enough care. Two plus years without seeing my family and it looks like vaccine requirement at border will never go away since it appears they want you to get it every 9 months. how is this possible?

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Prediction... the purebloods will remain so...the single vaxxed same. The double vaxxed will capitulate if the passes return....they will only resist if there is a massive wave of morbidity. The politicians will persist unless and until they come fearful of consequences.

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They will only stop if we make them stop.

Clearly, three Canadian parties are out of their minds.

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I agree with you. It’s like gambling once you have two or three shots to keep basic freedoms you have too much skin in the game to quit now.

Also the ppl that have 3 and 4 are so far gone they aren’t even concerned that this may be lunacy.

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I know such people...and...guess what? Sick with covid.

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Prediction, those with 3, 4+ shots, 50% of them won’t be here in 5 years time.

Lookup ‘insurance 2021 excess deaths’, ‘birth rate decline’, ‘Athletes myocarditis, fatality’.

‘Cancer rates 2021’.

Getting covid again is the least of their worries.

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Yeah, but mobility and illness will go unnoticed by most under mass formation...which is what? Perhaps 80%?

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Seems higher than average in chinada!

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I think it’s time to fight back. Talk first revolt second.

The people doing this out pure evil

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I will never be fully vaccinated as I have not taken any vaccine if I get covid and die so be it but not from vaccine

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The Canadian 'Health' Minister is not quite right. It is the 'vaccinated' that will, largely thanks to people like him, never be fully vaccinated.

Those of us who had the courage and ability to dismiss his commands to get 'vaccinated' are well on our way to being effectively fully vaccinated against Covid19. Naturally!

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There are many confusions now drilled into public discourse.

If immunization is the goal, vaccination could be a means by which to achieve that. For example, herd immunity is not achieved by a count of shots administered within a population. And immunity is not a matter of the count of injections administered to an individual.

The Narrative has been a hack. They have substituted vaccination for immunization. But first they gutted 'vaccination' of its sigificant and useful meaning. And then they eraised the distinction between immunity and vax status. Vax status became a count of shots; and it was further hacked as a count of days AFTER the shots; and further hacked, again, by the count of shots per individual.

None of that works, scientifically, for these C19 injections that are not vaccines, anyway; these mimick the concept of gene therapy while not being that either. At each turn, they have adulterated our language and thus have hobbled our ability to express ideas and thwarted our capacity to think about the knowledge we have, the knowledge of what we do not have, and the knowledge that we are less wise than God.

We can see creation all around us. We can know how little we know. But when these hacks become endemic, we lose touch with the world and ourselves upon it. We become isolated from the very things we, as a civilization, equipped ourselves to think, to explore, to discuss.

You are quite right to retort that the Minister has gotten things upside down.

The 'control group' is the free group that they wish to control. Without having suffered the shots, we stand aside as a rebuttal of the Narrative's empty assertions.

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Very well stated!

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Right...but that’s only about 20% of us...

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I dispute that figure. I have always suspected the number jabbed was lower than stated. Because if you wanted to coerce people you have to tell them they are in the minority. We proved that wrong with the trucker convoy that we are not a minority. I suspect it is more like 50/50 now that are against the mandates, at least, but no way to find that out.

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Whether we find out or not, it would be great if your suspicion was correct. It is certainly possible in the context of the lies and manipulation deployed and uncovered.

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All you have to do us take a random sampling of the comments sections of the major papers.

You’ll see an overwhelming number of negative reactions to this news and very very few positive ones. Canadians have reached their limit with this gov’t and have had enough.


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i have natural immunity from covid jan 2022 but it does me no good at border. what they have done to binational families living along border is criminal.

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Yep, same for the schoolkids. Most already had been exposed and shrugged it off BEFORE the shot program expanded to cover them with the inglory of our school teachers, administrators, and political bosses.

Many sacrifices made on the temple of C19 hysteria.

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The evil is so obvious and yet many remain so blind!!!

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This theory explains a lot of what’s going on with those who blindly follow the gov’t narratives.

The MSM tried to debunk the theory and Dr.Malone but his assertions are solid.

“ Studies suggest that mass formation follows a general distribution:

30% are brainwashed, hypnotized, indoctrinated by the group narrative

40% in the middle are persuadable and may follow if no worthy alternative is perceived

30% fight against the narrative.”

Good news, those who resisted are red pilling the undecided crowd, I believe the rebel faction probably stands closer to 55-65% of the population.

You can sense the desperation from the Trudeau regime to enforce its decrees but they’re failing.

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Spot on - short, and to the point.

But there is reason to hope - the following article brightened my day, a bit:


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I know, right?

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Graphene oxide and self-assembling nanobot technology should just about finish the Canadians that already dutifully or coercively took these shots.

If they continue to go along with this genocide they are willfully assisting in dismantling the nation.

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In full agreement Dr Alexander, thank you

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JT needs to get rid of all that stock he bought from his master

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He gets a fucking commission on each one too. 😡

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Eugenics is unethical

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As more and more people wake up to the criminality of these injections, our tyrannical federal government is doubling down. Their narrative is falling apart. We know their narrative is falling apart. and they know that we know that their narrative is falling apart. Seems they have no humility or shame.

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Their doubling down isn’t a matter of humility or shame, it’s a matter of life and death, they know what’s coming and their desperation is showing.

Crimes against Humanity, Nuremberg 2.0 and the penalties which go along with them.

WW2 demonstrated the blueprint for how these people will act psychologically, when the Nazi regime started collapsing in late 1944 and the war had turned against Germany what did Hitler and his gang do? They didn’t sue for peace, they didn’t ask for terms of surrender.

They in fact doubled down on their insanity, even when the German people finally broke out of their mass psychosis and started to oppose Hitler he started forcing even more draconian demands on the citizens.

If they don’t crush the will of the people many of them will see prison and for some the end of a rope. This is happening in most of the western countries infiltrated by the WEF to carry out their Great Reset plans.

They have failed but can’t and won’t admit it just like the Nazis in WW2.

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Health Canada has always been devoted to killing off old people. All of their guidance and protocols have been aimed at promoting and maintaining chronic illness.

They are carrying on the same with covid. The boosters will keep infections and deaths going.

Meanwhile they are still closing beds and cutting medical services.

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All the wasted bucks on covidmania that supposedly was about avoidance of an ovewhelmed emergency care system. And yet what has actually been done, much less expended, to buttress that system's capacity? The count of emergency beds, for example, has shrunk rather than grown.

You are quite right.

The cuts will become far deeper now that our taxmasters have abandoned fiscal restraint and dropped the pretence of accountable efficiencies. The rot is being excelerated.

And this, at a time when the C19 shots have inflicted great harm and suffering and have weakened our society, and yes we unvaxed are afflicted as well one way or another; this widespread and rapid attack on our people has devastated our capacity to respond to the huge tsunami of grief now swelling the seas and racing toward shore to swamp us away.

May God help us.

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It's the same in Australia MRPJ, so much money wasted on rubbish testing, defective jabs and surveillance.

Australia is now in a trillion dollars debt, and politicians keep wasting more and more money, shovelling it off to vested interests, this is pure theft, not to mention the social and economic damage done to the country.

It seems they're deliberately putting us in to debt... I certainly didn't vote for politicians to do this to Australians, how can it be legitimate to deliberately put the country into debt?

All the money squandered, and doesn't seem to have improved the hospital system, which is likely under more pressure from an aging population.

Politicians aren't working in our best interests now, it seems our governments have been taken over by cuckoos - Klaus Schwab boasts of how the World Economic Forum has 'penetrated the cabinets', e.g. with 'Young Global Leaders' such as Trudeau and others... https://twitter.com/jamesmelville/status/1488472558425063430?

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There is no doubt at all, it is deliberate. To do something which is the complete opposite of the correct thing to do in a given circumstance can be inadvertent. To do everything which is the complete opposite of the correct thing to do in a given circumstance can only be intentional.

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I just heard today from my doctor's office that clinics are closing. It is no longer possible to get a doctor. Walk in access is difficult too. There are fewer doctors. The hospital has permanent signs up stating that they are under staffed.

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Dr. I am sure you believe this is possible to have -"a proper government and we can get proper public inquiries" and so forth. I beg the question of when "proper government" last existed in Canada. And since the government has to investigate it's own long running crimes let me kindly observe based on your statements the plaintiff's likely will be deceased. If tribunals are not running by August you will not need them.

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Insatiability. It's all They're capable of.

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As I wrote in my recent Substack article, "Working Toward Our 1946 Moment," we need to be pushing hard for a Nuremberg Trials 2.0 and the minimum sentence needs to be life without possibility of parole—ever. Some may need to pay the ultimate price, just as the Nazi war criminals responsible for murdering millions in the concentration camps. Otherwise, if we let them continue to go free, they will simply "rinse and repeat," killing and injuring millions more. https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/working-toward-our-1946-moment

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It’s been launched, slow going because of the resistance of many western governments and the healthcare sector.


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I see this report in The Exposé is dated December 2021. Any updates on this hearing? Nice that the Polish government has issued such a strongly worded statement but in the absence of judicial action, sadly, it gets us little.

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I haven’t heard anything since and the Ukraine war right next to Poland seems to have understandably overshadowed everything.

But at least a step in the right direction and much more than any of the G7 nations have done.

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