I told these idiots this, I told Fauci and these morons this, these incompetent fools this 2 yrs ago; strongly protect vulnerable, & allow rest of society to live normal lives; got media to attack me
While I pack your credentials I share your passion and shared this exact same stance beginning April 2020. The NC Governor called those of us with this common sense based on thousands of years of recorded human history observation “grandma killers.” He kept this up through mid May when he joined the not so peaceful BLM protests with his useless mask on his chin.
It did not take an advanced medical degree to know we would always end up at targeted protection and therapeutics. It just took a willingness to acknowledge coronavirus outbreaks that most harmed the elderly had happened before and destroying a generation of kids was never going to save the old.
I posted this down below, but one thing I don’t think many realize os that the Great Reset being pushed by the World Economic forum is 100% real. I am posting the website below. They aren’t shy about it. They aren’t trying to cover their motives. It’s insane.
Not only are they open about the agenda, the push for the masses to own nothing by 2030, the push to impoverish the western world, they had exercises on how they would use a pandemic to accomplish this in the 4-5 years leading up to this pandemic. This is nothing new. This is not a “hidden” agenda or tin foil hat conspiracy theory. They own it openly.
Happy dystopian reading (like all dystopian fantasies it sounds pretty, but the predictable outcomes in reality would be the enslavement of 99.99% of the human population and total tragedy).
There will be no Great Reset because we have burned through most of the oil, coal and gas.
This is the plan:
1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.
2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://www.ft.com/content/9ac5eb8e-4167-4a54-9b39-dab48c29ac6c
Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.
Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…
What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.
Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’
A pandemic is the perfect cover.
End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous.
“Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.” https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.
The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries? https://thehighwire.com/videos/vaccine-expert-warns-of-covid-vaccination-catastrophe/
The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.
That’s a very misguided and dystopian view. They are still working towards the great re-set. It hasn’t happened because, as it turns out, egotistical billionaires can cause a lot of damage, but they aren’t the super geniuses they think they are.
We have plenty of oil and natural gas. Nuclear power can be built quickly and far more safely. We already have moves towards fission instead of fusion and fuel bars that aren’t radioactive nearly as long.
We are certainly polluting the world harming biodiversity, but we’ve discovered enzymes that can digest micro plastics.
Seriously, let it go. The power of human ingenuity is vast if imperfect. These jabs might end up killing people off, but it’s not going to be a mass extinction event. Many countries have figured out population collapse is bad, even those embracing the jabs, and are actively incentivizing higher birth rates.
You really need to read actual experts on most of what you mention because you have a terribly misguided understanding of the state of our planted and ability to power modern human life.
Lack of capitalism and over involvement of self-serving NGOs has stunted the developing world, not lack of energy or resources. Lake of allowing wealth to grow.
This too shall pass. Much harm will be caused by a single-focus on vaccines.
Most young people around the globe aren’t vaccinated including a huge percentage in the US. Very few additional will get vaccinated no matter how much pressure they bring.
Being distracted by impending doom that isn’t makes one gullible, not informed.
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns. Financial Times.
A fracking binge in the American shale industry has permanently damaged the country’s oil and gas reserves, threatening hopes for a production recovery and US energy independence, according to one of the sector’s top investors.
Wil VanLoh, chief executive of Quantum Energy Partners, a private equity firm that through its portfolio companies is the biggest US driller after ExxonMobil, said too much fracking had “sterilised a lot of the reservoir in North America”.
“That’s the dirty secret about shale,” Mr VanLoh told the Financial Times, noting wells had often been drilled too closely to one another. “What we’ve done for the last five years is we’ve drilled the heart out of the watermelon.”
Soaring shale production in recent years took US crude output to 13m barrels a day this year and brought a rise in oil exports, allowing President Donald Trump to proclaim an era of “American energy dominance”.
Total US oil reserves have more than doubled since the start of the century as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and horizontal drilling unleashed reserves previously considered out of reach.
But the pandemic-induced crash, which sent US crude prices to less than zero in April, has devastated a shale patch that was already out of favor with Wall Street for its failure to generate profits, even while it made the country the world’s biggest oil and gas producer.
The number of operating rigs has collapsed by more than 60% since the start of the year. US output is now about 11m barrels a day, according to the US Energy Information Administration, or 15% less than the peak.
“Even if we wanted to, I don’t think we could get much above 13m” barrels a day, Mr VanLoh said. “I don’t think it’s physically possible, because we’ve messed up so much reservoir. I would argue that what the US was touting three or four years ago, in theoretical deliverability, is nowhere close to what we think it is now.”
He said operators had carried out “massive fracks” that created “artificial, permanent porosity”, inadvertently reducing the pressure in reservoirs and therefore the available oil.
The comments will cause alarm in the shale patch, given the crucial role of investors such as QEP in financing the onshore American oil business.
Jul 12, 2020 - Shale boss says US has passed peak oil. Parsley Energy CEO: 'I don't think I'll see 13m barrels a day again in my lifetime'.
It's amazing shale has lasted this long considering: U.S. Shale Has Lost $300 Billion In 15 Years
Fortunately, because of Covid, oil consumption has plummeted... for example, with airlines barely flying we have reduced the global burn by close to 8%
The aviation industry represents 7.8% of final oil consumption worldwide, while maritime shipping accounts for 6.7%.Jun 20, 2019
Both are always 50 years away. We don't have another 50 years.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
In 50 years the same thing will be said. You don’t destroy a generation today for something that may, but probably won’t happen, in 50 years. If problems are 50 years away you have 59 years to solve them (and many are). People only destroy children for power. Period. This isn’t about oil and gas, it’s about power and authoritarianism. It’s about human failure that existed long before we started using gas, and will exist long after we stop.
It's not 50 years away - it's now. We've been burned far more thna we find for years now.
Ask yourself - why are they slamming air travel so hard. Air travel burns up nearly 10% of all oil we use. When you are running out - you want to reduce the joy riding to a minimum. You cannot completely eliminate or you collapse the economy.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
The problem is, they've brainwashed enough people with these policies, that should the people in power really push for massive tyranny, like what we've seen in Australia and beyond, about 50% of self-identified Democrats would go for it. They are only 30% of the population, but enough Republicans and independents agree with totalitarian measures that a minority "mass consensus" could drive policies like camps for the unvaccinated.
It's not only about being brainwashed. I've encountered so very very many intelligent enough people who are shockingly uninformed about a great many things. They are complacent and intellectually lazy, and are content to let governmental "experts" tell them how and what to think. They also have a puzzling inability to have any skepticism about what they hear from these experts and in the media. There's a attitude that "if it's in print in nationally accepted outlets or newspapers, then it MUST be true. They don't question much of anything.
Clearly, you've met my family of origin--highly educated, high IQs, and not a lick of sense between them. They are all fully on board with the Covidian agenda. And they all think my family and I are going to die from lack of experimental chemical injections (even though we've all had the 'rona now).
There were plenty of people with good credibility that were warning about these shots in early 2021. Mike Yeadon stands out to me along with Wolfgang Wodarg. The demonization of HCQ was a very early indication that something stunk.
Fauci will probably worm his way out of this one too, he's been dead to rights and has painted himself into a corner before only to pull a Houdini escape act. I fear the sheeple are just as brain dead as they were in the past. They won't remember that it was their Lord and Savior Fauci who told them that the virus stops with the vaccinated, it can't spread from vaccinated people. So everyone just line up and take those shots and COVID disappears forever. Anyone with just a small bit of curiosity with the willingness to dig just a bit would have known this was completely false.
It sickens me that a rag tag team of technocrats have hijacked global government. I believe there is probably something much more sinister at work, the pieces fit together very well. Time will tell on that one. My money is on these shots causing a massive death toll in the next decade with the majority of people succumbing to illnesses caused by these shots. They are probably soft kill bioweapons. Perhaps the virus was created and leaked so they could be used. Really nothing would surprise me.
The director of the great reset may be Klaus Schwab or Kissinger and they got all their young Crapitalists like Gavin gruesome Knewsomething and strAngela Merkel and Sebastian Kurz and so many more to sing the same tune of IsoLa solitary confinement Lockdowns jail Isolation
When the time comes to pay the Piper we won't have no pennies to pitch...all these criminals need life in jail no parole
Smallpox doesn't jump species. There are other variations of the "pox" virus family that can, but smallpox does not. It is specific to humans and not zoonotic. So yep, you're on track. This is why, when the so-called experts talk about all vaccines being the same, they're full of crap.
Forgot to mention a pertinent thing.Small pox was first vaccinated against in 1796 by Jenner...so thats 226 years to get the vaccine tested...compared to what length of time for the mrna vaccines...?
It's time to listen carefully to the representatives of the luciferian elites when they are actually telling the truth about the real goals of the satanic end game:
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
things I stopped short from going further I find myself thinking and listening to more to understand it but reset appears credible...dont know who and how but something is nefarious for this is not about the science.
Reading the great reset website is eye opening. I’ve posted it below. They are not trying to hide this agenda, but far too few people are willing to go to the website and read it.
To me it reads like satire, but these people are dead serious. Only one with a very low IQ would fail to see its little more than a plan for a bunch of aging egotistical billionaires to literally enslave the world. They actually wrote an article, also published in either Forbes or Bloomberg, talking about “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” It’s the most dystopian bs I’ve ever seen. It could only be written by people who never grew or built anything for human survival. It’s based on a fantasy robots will do all the work and everything we need will just appear. In 2030!!! Are you kidding me????? These people are insane and detached from reality, and the people who make the world run.
Anyone who wants real amusement look at the picture of the “leaders” of this “diverse, anti-racist” dystopian nightmare. It’s a bunch of old white guys. Crazy and mentally I’ll old whiter guys. 🤦♀️🤣😂🤣😂
But then again, they're the same people who thought Miami would be underwater by now, and there'd be no more snow in the Swiss Alps by the year 2000...
It's a spiritual war, everything we are witnessing now was foretold in the Bible 1000's of years ago, the 4Th and last Kingdom, which will bring a one world government and one world leader.
Thus, he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. - Daniel 7:23 ( Daniel lived about 620–538 B.C)
I see what you mean, but the reality is if from a lab, it came at one point from an animal in the wild...a bat likely; so in some sense, it came from bats in the wild and was taken into the lab so the reservoir is animal, the issue here is it was taken from the wild and into the lab and mocked around with, juiced, for a reason...some want to say malevolent, some say benevolent. I think a combination...but this is not the focus here.
also what I was referring to is 'coronavirus' and likely this one, will re-infect animals and will set up shop there stably, infecting them, they then infecting us, likely with a variation, we infecting them back and forth, as it happens...will live with them (I think already are) and thus once here, even if produced (this one in a lab), it will infect animals and will not go away; coronaviruses will always be with us; I am not getting into lab or wet market etc. or theories here though I do think 100% it was made deliberately in the lab and manipulated there and we will come to learn if accidental or deliberate release etc. and for what reasons...the only thing you and I need to know is who did this and why...what was the intent and did it involve US government people or anyone from US...and if China did this and it is proven nefarious, we punish them, we punish anyone who does wrong; point I am making is alike the other 4 common cold coronavirus, this will be with us long term.
I cannot fathom how you sat in that inner circle of stupidity and corruption with your level of expertise yet maintained your sanity. I am grateful. I cannot believe how many MD's, Phd's, RN's etc.. have lost all of their training and critical thinking. At first I believed it was fear of reprisal and gaslighting but that didn't hold up. Straight forward conversations, forwarded journal articles, forwarded interviews with people with expertise like yourself had no impact. I changed my approach completley and am finally getting traction. My response now is simply: how in the freaking world of medicine and science is it advisable during a novel virus, novel vaccine technology and novel vaccine roll out to silence scientific discourse. This is what I have stuck with for several months and the walls are finally penetrable. So now I forward all of the studies again. Your work is not in vain even if it is just 1 clinician or bench scientist at a time getting the lights turned back on!
A friend of mine has long covid for a while . She is terrified her children will get long covid as well. Seems there is a big gap in the discussion and data on it . Please Paul spend time on it
France did an enormous study that showed thinking you had the virus was a greater risk than having actually had it (around 30K people). The only exception is taste smell which was linked with actual infection. The researchers basically said a lot of people are having other health issues because of everything going on and they need to stop blaming Covid and get medical help. Even Malone has said this data makes him question if he really had long Covid or something else. He glossed over in Joe Rogan, but listen carefully and he didn’t stay committed to the line. The research opened his eyes.
Long Covid in kids has been completely debunked. Go search for it in Brownstone Institute. Many articles with links to underlying studies.
Well my sense is that some long term effects are possible , especially with Alpha . I think with a lab created situation anything is possible . And I might even think it has the kind of instability to lead toward a prion type thing as well. Also some evidence of gut reservoir as well .
Though I think early treatment of infection may limit such things .
The prion concern seems to be vaccine related - if the mRNA breaches the blood-brain barrier and causes cells in the brain to produce the spike, the immune system attacks the brain. I haven’t read any indications it could be caused by natural infection.
We have lots of gut problems in this country. A virus could further damage it, but it’s unlikely to unilaterally cause long term effects.
I don’t tend to think things are phscyosematic, but I do think people’s health has been massively impacted, and I do pay attention to replicated data, and both indicate that long Covid solely from natural infection is nonexistent in children, and a lot of people would rather blame health problems on something they can’t control but can blame, like long Covid, than dig deeper.
The French study was early on and largely looked at people with the alpha/ beta variant.
Yes, I thought it strange to even consider long covid in children . I would have thought it would be reported fairly early in Sweden . That it wasn’t made me wonder about the credibility of the claims . But for adults there is definitely some long term of past 56 day symptoms going on
Can I still develop a natural immunity to COVID if I get vaccinated? It appears that the vaccinated are the ones with the highest breakthrough infections.
“Mexico president says he's beaten Covid for second time“(AFP, 2022.01.17): “Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Monday that he had recovered from a second bout of Covid-19. "What also helps a lot is the vaccine, getting vaccinated and not missing the booster shot," he added. Mexico's 68-year-old president, who has rarely worn a face mask during the pandemic, overcame a first bout of Covid-19 in early 2021. He has since received two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine as well as a booster.“ Who’s a moron? Rhetorical.
“Vaccine destroying AND preventing natural COVID immunity” (Igor Chudov, 2021.11.25) :”But could it be that “Covid vax” unsets natural immunity and actively prevents proper multi-factor natural immunity from forming? The possibility discussed here is that the vaccinated will endlessly catch Covid, needing endless vaccine shots and having endless exposure to repeated bouts of Covid.” https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-destroying-and-preventing
Sorry, but no. I taught English grammar at college level for 31 years. The proper term is hanged. It's the same root sounding verb also known as a homonym. But, one is a regular verb and one is irregular. Hang/hung/hung is for inanimate objects like meat. Hang/hanged/hanged is a regular verb and is used to describe suicide or execution of a human being. I suppose some people might say, "I hanged that darn dog because it kept killing our chickens" but that would be highly unusual lol. Many people have moved to a more general colloquial form of using "hung" for everything. Although incorrect, everybody still understands what you mean by context. It's also indicative of how so many people are now using the European grammar rules for what in American English is considered non-count plural nouns. It goes on and on.
Considering how many so-called trained writers and journalists et al don't even know the correct use of the Oxford comma and use that silly Reuter's rule for objects in a series in a sentence and who also wouldn't recognize a split infinitive if it bit them in the leg, I'm not at all surprised that we're losing the language.
Please go to Webster's or dictionary.com and put in the word "hang." It very clearly gives all the different uses and forms of the root verb, but also gives examples for the regular versus irregular uses to show the difference between hanging an object and hanging a person from the neck until dead.
While I pack your credentials I share your passion and shared this exact same stance beginning April 2020. The NC Governor called those of us with this common sense based on thousands of years of recorded human history observation “grandma killers.” He kept this up through mid May when he joined the not so peaceful BLM protests with his useless mask on his chin.
It did not take an advanced medical degree to know we would always end up at targeted protection and therapeutics. It just took a willingness to acknowledge coronavirus outbreaks that most harmed the elderly had happened before and destroying a generation of kids was never going to save the old.
*lack* your credentials. 🤦♀️😂
I posted this down below, but one thing I don’t think many realize os that the Great Reset being pushed by the World Economic forum is 100% real. I am posting the website below. They aren’t shy about it. They aren’t trying to cover their motives. It’s insane.
Not only are they open about the agenda, the push for the masses to own nothing by 2030, the push to impoverish the western world, they had exercises on how they would use a pandemic to accomplish this in the 4-5 years leading up to this pandemic. This is nothing new. This is not a “hidden” agenda or tin foil hat conspiracy theory. They own it openly.
Happy dystopian reading (like all dystopian fantasies it sounds pretty, but the predictable outcomes in reality would be the enslavement of 99.99% of the human population and total tragedy).
There will be no Great Reset because we have burned through most of the oil, coal and gas.
This is the plan:
1. Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.
2. Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.
Conventional Oil peaked in 2005 http://www.euanmearns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/C-Cdec141.png
Shale in 2018.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times. https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/
Shale boss says US has passed peak oil | Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/320d09cb-8f51-4103-87d7-0dd164e1fd25
THE PERFECT STORM : The economy is a surplus energy equation, not a monetary one, and growth in output (and in the global population) since the Industrial Revolution has resulted from the harnessing of ever-greater quantities of energy. But the critical relationship between energy production and the energy cost of extraction is now deteriorating so rapidly that the economy as we have known it for more than two centuries is beginning to unravel https://ftalphaville-cdn.ft.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Perfect-Storm-LR.pdf
Our fossil fuel energy predicament, including why the correct story is rarely told https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/11/10/our-fossil-fuel-energy-predicament-including-why-the-correct-story-is-rarely-told/
“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://www.ft.com/content/9ac5eb8e-4167-4a54-9b39-dab48c29ac6c
Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/
The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html
Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/fed-repo-overnight-operations-level-to-increase-to-120-billion.html Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed
Oil Gluts – do NOT indicate we have found more oil. We just pumped what’s left too fast.
Summary In 2019 a second Perfect Storm was approaching – the central banks had been doing ‘whatever it takes’ for over a decade…. Essentially nothing was off the table --- throw the kitchen sink at pushing GFC2.0 into the future. In 2019 the guns were blazing but the beast was no longer held at bay…
What do you do when you are burning far more oil than you discover --- and your efforts to offset the impact of expensive to produce oil push you to the edge of the cliff? You can accept your fate and allow the beast to shove you into the abyss…. Or you can take the ‘nuclear option’ and shut down as much of the economy as possible, preserve remaining oil and pump in trillions of dollars of life support to keep the system feebly alive.
Punchline: The problem global leaders face is that if you unleash the nuclear option without some sort of cover, the sheeple and the markets would be thrown into a panic and you risk blowing things up prematurely. So you need a reason for putting the global economy on ice --- one that does not spook the masses – one that is big enough to justify such epic amounts of stimulus and extreme policies --- and one that allows you to explain ‘this is just temporary – once this is gone --- we will get back to normal’
A pandemic is the perfect cover.
End Game – Covid was foisted on us as cover for the response to peak oil (if we don’t slow the burn oil prices go through the roof and we collapse) but it is also being used to convince billions to be Injected. The Injection is meant to cause extremely deadly variants similar to Marek’s this .. only worse because we are deploying into a pandemic https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous.
“Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.” https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.
The Vaccines and Boosters will Result in a Catastrophic Outcome - From a scientific viewpoint it is, therefore, difficult to understand how booster immunizations using vaccines which are not evolution-proof could prevent a highly mutable virus from escaping neutralizing anti-S Abs while driving the pandemic in a catastrophic direction, both in Israel and worldwide. How can the WHO stand by and watch as this additional experiment unfolds, soon to be followed by other countries? https://thehighwire.com/videos/vaccine-expert-warns-of-covid-vaccination-catastrophe/
The reason for this is that 8B people need cheap oil to live. They would starve without it. And 8B people without food would result in epic starvation, violence, rape and cannibalism. Industrial civilization ends soon after peak oil. Unfortunately we also have 4000 spent fuel ponds that will boil off and release toxic substances for centuries. These facilities cannot be controlled with computers and energy. So even the few remaining hunters and gatherer tribes will die as they consume these toxins in the food, air and water.
The PTB understand all of this and that is WHY every leader is on board with the Injections. There is NO way out of this --- so they have decided to mitigate the suffering as much as possible by putting us down and here is the mechanism https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/why-the-ongoing-mass-vaccination-experiment-drives-a-rapid-evolutionary-response-of-sars-cov-2.
That’s a very misguided and dystopian view. They are still working towards the great re-set. It hasn’t happened because, as it turns out, egotistical billionaires can cause a lot of damage, but they aren’t the super geniuses they think they are.
We have plenty of oil and natural gas. Nuclear power can be built quickly and far more safely. We already have moves towards fission instead of fusion and fuel bars that aren’t radioactive nearly as long.
We are certainly polluting the world harming biodiversity, but we’ve discovered enzymes that can digest micro plastics.
Seriously, let it go. The power of human ingenuity is vast if imperfect. These jabs might end up killing people off, but it’s not going to be a mass extinction event. Many countries have figured out population collapse is bad, even those embracing the jabs, and are actively incentivizing higher birth rates.
You really need to read actual experts on most of what you mention because you have a terribly misguided understanding of the state of our planted and ability to power modern human life.
Lack of capitalism and over involvement of self-serving NGOs has stunted the developing world, not lack of energy or resources. Lake of allowing wealth to grow.
This too shall pass. Much harm will be caused by a single-focus on vaccines.
Most young people around the globe aren’t vaccinated including a huge percentage in the US. Very few additional will get vaccinated no matter how much pressure they bring.
Being distracted by impending doom that isn’t makes one gullible, not informed.
Sorry, fusion instead of fission.
Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns. Financial Times.
A fracking binge in the American shale industry has permanently damaged the country’s oil and gas reserves, threatening hopes for a production recovery and US energy independence, according to one of the sector’s top investors.
Wil VanLoh, chief executive of Quantum Energy Partners, a private equity firm that through its portfolio companies is the biggest US driller after ExxonMobil, said too much fracking had “sterilised a lot of the reservoir in North America”.
“That’s the dirty secret about shale,” Mr VanLoh told the Financial Times, noting wells had often been drilled too closely to one another. “What we’ve done for the last five years is we’ve drilled the heart out of the watermelon.”
Soaring shale production in recent years took US crude output to 13m barrels a day this year and brought a rise in oil exports, allowing President Donald Trump to proclaim an era of “American energy dominance”.
Total US oil reserves have more than doubled since the start of the century as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and horizontal drilling unleashed reserves previously considered out of reach.
But the pandemic-induced crash, which sent US crude prices to less than zero in April, has devastated a shale patch that was already out of favor with Wall Street for its failure to generate profits, even while it made the country the world’s biggest oil and gas producer.
The number of operating rigs has collapsed by more than 60% since the start of the year. US output is now about 11m barrels a day, according to the US Energy Information Administration, or 15% less than the peak.
“Even if we wanted to, I don’t think we could get much above 13m” barrels a day, Mr VanLoh said. “I don’t think it’s physically possible, because we’ve messed up so much reservoir. I would argue that what the US was touting three or four years ago, in theoretical deliverability, is nowhere close to what we think it is now.”
He said operators had carried out “massive fracks” that created “artificial, permanent porosity”, inadvertently reducing the pressure in reservoirs and therefore the available oil.
The comments will cause alarm in the shale patch, given the crucial role of investors such as QEP in financing the onshore American oil business.
Jul 12, 2020 - Shale boss says US has passed peak oil. Parsley Energy CEO: 'I don't think I'll see 13m barrels a day again in my lifetime'.
It's amazing shale has lasted this long considering: U.S. Shale Has Lost $300 Billion In 15 Years
Fortunately, because of Covid, oil consumption has plummeted... for example, with airlines barely flying we have reduced the global burn by close to 8%
The aviation industry represents 7.8% of final oil consumption worldwide, while maritime shipping accounts for 6.7%.Jun 20, 2019
Both are always 50 years away. We don't have another 50 years.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
In 50 years the same thing will be said. You don’t destroy a generation today for something that may, but probably won’t happen, in 50 years. If problems are 50 years away you have 59 years to solve them (and many are). People only destroy children for power. Period. This isn’t about oil and gas, it’s about power and authoritarianism. It’s about human failure that existed long before we started using gas, and will exist long after we stop.
And then there is this: https://i0.wp.com/energyskeptic.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/oil-discoveries-lowest-since-1947-woods-mackenzie-bloomberg.jpg
Hmmm.... https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/oil-and-gas-discoveries-plunge-lowest-level-75-years
It's not 50 years away - it's now. We've been burned far more thna we find for years now.
Ask yourself - why are they slamming air travel so hard. Air travel burns up nearly 10% of all oil we use. When you are running out - you want to reduce the joy riding to a minimum. You cannot completely eliminate or you collapse the economy.
According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources
NCMom, do you live anywhere near the RTP area? I totally feel like you and I could hang out. We're of a similar mind! 😊😊
About an hour west. 😊
Let me guess... you didn't read anything I posted and ignored the links to supporting documentation.
The problem is, they've brainwashed enough people with these policies, that should the people in power really push for massive tyranny, like what we've seen in Australia and beyond, about 50% of self-identified Democrats would go for it. They are only 30% of the population, but enough Republicans and independents agree with totalitarian measures that a minority "mass consensus" could drive policies like camps for the unvaccinated.
It's not only about being brainwashed. I've encountered so very very many intelligent enough people who are shockingly uninformed about a great many things. They are complacent and intellectually lazy, and are content to let governmental "experts" tell them how and what to think. They also have a puzzling inability to have any skepticism about what they hear from these experts and in the media. There's a attitude that "if it's in print in nationally accepted outlets or newspapers, then it MUST be true. They don't question much of anything.
Bubble tests ruined our ability to think as a population.
Clearly, you've met my family of origin--highly educated, high IQs, and not a lick of sense between them. They are all fully on board with the Covidian agenda. And they all think my family and I are going to die from lack of experimental chemical injections (even though we've all had the 'rona now).
There were plenty of people with good credibility that were warning about these shots in early 2021. Mike Yeadon stands out to me along with Wolfgang Wodarg. The demonization of HCQ was a very early indication that something stunk.
Fauci will probably worm his way out of this one too, he's been dead to rights and has painted himself into a corner before only to pull a Houdini escape act. I fear the sheeple are just as brain dead as they were in the past. They won't remember that it was their Lord and Savior Fauci who told them that the virus stops with the vaccinated, it can't spread from vaccinated people. So everyone just line up and take those shots and COVID disappears forever. Anyone with just a small bit of curiosity with the willingness to dig just a bit would have known this was completely false.
It sickens me that a rag tag team of technocrats have hijacked global government. I believe there is probably something much more sinister at work, the pieces fit together very well. Time will tell on that one. My money is on these shots causing a massive death toll in the next decade with the majority of people succumbing to illnesses caused by these shots. They are probably soft kill bioweapons. Perhaps the virus was created and leaked so they could be used. Really nothing would surprise me.
The director of the great reset may be Klaus Schwab or Kissinger and they got all their young Crapitalists like Gavin gruesome Knewsomething and strAngela Merkel and Sebastian Kurz and so many more to sing the same tune of IsoLa solitary confinement Lockdowns jail Isolation
When the time comes to pay the Piper we won't have no pennies to pitch...all these criminals need life in jail no parole
Thank you , very happy that I chose not to be vaccinated
Israel is starting to get it...
I think that it was China that the world followed.
Smallpox is, as far as I know, a DNA based virus and that prevents mutations. Am I right?
Smallpox doesn't jump species. There are other variations of the "pox" virus family that can, but smallpox does not. It is specific to humans and not zoonotic. So yep, you're on track. This is why, when the so-called experts talk about all vaccines being the same, they're full of crap.
It mutates at the much slower rate and the vaccines for it did not leak like a sieve as in covid.
Forgot to mention a pertinent thing.Small pox was first vaccinated against in 1796 by Jenner...so thats 226 years to get the vaccine tested...compared to what length of time for the mrna vaccines...?
Things are not what they seem. People are being MOCKED. The entire PLANDEMIC is a prescripted ritual with human sacrifices.
France Detects New COVID-19 Scariant . More of The Satanic Mockery
The Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols
The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation:
It's time to listen carefully to the representatives of the luciferian elites when they are actually telling the truth about the real goals of the satanic end game:
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)
things I stopped short from going further I find myself thinking and listening to more to understand it but reset appears credible...dont know who and how but something is nefarious for this is not about the science.
Reading the great reset website is eye opening. I’ve posted it below. They are not trying to hide this agenda, but far too few people are willing to go to the website and read it.
To me it reads like satire, but these people are dead serious. Only one with a very low IQ would fail to see its little more than a plan for a bunch of aging egotistical billionaires to literally enslave the world. They actually wrote an article, also published in either Forbes or Bloomberg, talking about “you will own nothing and you will be happy.” It’s the most dystopian bs I’ve ever seen. It could only be written by people who never grew or built anything for human survival. It’s based on a fantasy robots will do all the work and everything we need will just appear. In 2030!!! Are you kidding me????? These people are insane and detached from reality, and the people who make the world run.
Anyone who wants real amusement look at the picture of the “leaders” of this “diverse, anti-racist” dystopian nightmare. It’s a bunch of old white guys. Crazy and mentally I’ll old whiter guys. 🤦♀️🤣😂🤣😂
But then again, they're the same people who thought Miami would be underwater by now, and there'd be no more snow in the Swiss Alps by the year 2000...
So true! 🤦♀️
It's a spiritual war, everything we are witnessing now was foretold in the Bible 1000's of years ago, the 4Th and last Kingdom, which will bring a one world government and one world leader.
Thus, he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. - Daniel 7:23 ( Daniel lived about 620–538 B.C)
The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire
You infer there was/is an animal reservoir for covid....there is no paper in the world showing evidence for this.
I see what you mean, but the reality is if from a lab, it came at one point from an animal in the wild...a bat likely; so in some sense, it came from bats in the wild and was taken into the lab so the reservoir is animal, the issue here is it was taken from the wild and into the lab and mocked around with, juiced, for a reason...some want to say malevolent, some say benevolent. I think a combination...but this is not the focus here.
also what I was referring to is 'coronavirus' and likely this one, will re-infect animals and will set up shop there stably, infecting them, they then infecting us, likely with a variation, we infecting them back and forth, as it happens...will live with them (I think already are) and thus once here, even if produced (this one in a lab), it will infect animals and will not go away; coronaviruses will always be with us; I am not getting into lab or wet market etc. or theories here though I do think 100% it was made deliberately in the lab and manipulated there and we will come to learn if accidental or deliberate release etc. and for what reasons...the only thing you and I need to know is who did this and why...what was the intent and did it involve US government people or anyone from US...and if China did this and it is proven nefarious, we punish them, we punish anyone who does wrong; point I am making is alike the other 4 common cold coronavirus, this will be with us long term.
I cannot fathom how you sat in that inner circle of stupidity and corruption with your level of expertise yet maintained your sanity. I am grateful. I cannot believe how many MD's, Phd's, RN's etc.. have lost all of their training and critical thinking. At first I believed it was fear of reprisal and gaslighting but that didn't hold up. Straight forward conversations, forwarded journal articles, forwarded interviews with people with expertise like yourself had no impact. I changed my approach completley and am finally getting traction. My response now is simply: how in the freaking world of medicine and science is it advisable during a novel virus, novel vaccine technology and novel vaccine roll out to silence scientific discourse. This is what I have stuck with for several months and the walls are finally penetrable. So now I forward all of the studies again. Your work is not in vain even if it is just 1 clinician or bench scientist at a time getting the lights turned back on!
A friend of mine has long covid for a while . She is terrified her children will get long covid as well. Seems there is a big gap in the discussion and data on it . Please Paul spend time on it
France did an enormous study that showed thinking you had the virus was a greater risk than having actually had it (around 30K people). The only exception is taste smell which was linked with actual infection. The researchers basically said a lot of people are having other health issues because of everything going on and they need to stop blaming Covid and get medical help. Even Malone has said this data makes him question if he really had long Covid or something else. He glossed over in Joe Rogan, but listen carefully and he didn’t stay committed to the line. The research opened his eyes.
Long Covid in kids has been completely debunked. Go search for it in Brownstone Institute. Many articles with links to underlying studies.
Well my sense is that some long term effects are possible , especially with Alpha . I think with a lab created situation anything is possible . And I might even think it has the kind of instability to lead toward a prion type thing as well. Also some evidence of gut reservoir as well .
Though I think early treatment of infection may limit such things .
Thanks I’ll look up in brownstone .
The prion concern seems to be vaccine related - if the mRNA breaches the blood-brain barrier and causes cells in the brain to produce the spike, the immune system attacks the brain. I haven’t read any indications it could be caused by natural infection.
We have lots of gut problems in this country. A virus could further damage it, but it’s unlikely to unilaterally cause long term effects.
I don’t tend to think things are phscyosematic, but I do think people’s health has been massively impacted, and I do pay attention to replicated data, and both indicate that long Covid solely from natural infection is nonexistent in children, and a lot of people would rather blame health problems on something they can’t control but can blame, like long Covid, than dig deeper.
The French study was early on and largely looked at people with the alpha/ beta variant.
Yes, I thought it strange to even consider long covid in children . I would have thought it would be reported fairly early in Sweden . That it wasn’t made me wonder about the credibility of the claims . But for adults there is definitely some long term of past 56 day symptoms going on
Can I still develop a natural immunity to COVID if I get vaccinated? It appears that the vaccinated are the ones with the highest breakthrough infections.
“Mexico president says he's beaten Covid for second time“(AFP, 2022.01.17): “Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Monday that he had recovered from a second bout of Covid-19. "What also helps a lot is the vaccine, getting vaccinated and not missing the booster shot," he added. Mexico's 68-year-old president, who has rarely worn a face mask during the pandemic, overcame a first bout of Covid-19 in early 2021. He has since received two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine as well as a booster.“ Who’s a moron? Rhetorical.
No you can't
“Vaccine destroying AND preventing natural COVID immunity” (Igor Chudov, 2021.11.25) :”But could it be that “Covid vax” unsets natural immunity and actively prevents proper multi-factor natural immunity from forming? The possibility discussed here is that the vaccinated will endlessly catch Covid, needing endless vaccine shots and having endless exposure to repeated bouts of Covid.” https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/vaccine-destroying-and-preventing
Ummm... It's "hanged" not hung.
<He hung a piece of meat from the tree>
<He hanged himself by a rope and killed himself>
As you were...
The child hung himself while in isolation is proper grammar……. I think
Sorry, but no. I taught English grammar at college level for 31 years. The proper term is hanged. It's the same root sounding verb also known as a homonym. But, one is a regular verb and one is irregular. Hang/hung/hung is for inanimate objects like meat. Hang/hanged/hanged is a regular verb and is used to describe suicide or execution of a human being. I suppose some people might say, "I hanged that darn dog because it kept killing our chickens" but that would be highly unusual lol. Many people have moved to a more general colloquial form of using "hung" for everything. Although incorrect, everybody still understands what you mean by context. It's also indicative of how so many people are now using the European grammar rules for what in American English is considered non-count plural nouns. It goes on and on.
Considering how many so-called trained writers and journalists et al don't even know the correct use of the Oxford comma and use that silly Reuter's rule for objects in a series in a sentence and who also wouldn't recognize a split infinitive if it bit them in the leg, I'm not at all surprised that we're losing the language.
Please go to Webster's or dictionary.com and put in the word "hang." It very clearly gives all the different uses and forms of the root verb, but also gives examples for the regular versus irregular uses to show the difference between hanging an object and hanging a person from the neck until dead.
Have a most excellent day :-)
Thanks! Learned something new today
You're very welcome! I do miss the classroom... I don't miss the idiot administrators lol.