Australian here. The level of brainwashing here truly is something to behold. There are plenty of naive and stupid people everywhere, I get that. But then there are a huge number of otherwise seemingly-intelligent people for who it is almost impossible - like 99% of them - to get them to see sense. No matter how you show them, explain to them, show them the data, they just CANNOT get past whatever brainwashing/hypnotism they are suffering. Actually, I am beginning to think it is like a hypnotism. There are so many sheeple, I really worry for the human race.

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The moment the wife told me that she couldn't wait for the vaccines, knew immediately the entire political climate was evil. The love of my life is an accurate culture spy. I call her my wind political dummy flag. That flag points the way to the highest critical mass thinking denominator. She's had all four, so sounds like Aus lady doubled and thinking of one triple, I guess

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Truth means nothing to those in power who don’t give a shit about anything but expanding their control and protecting their own asses.

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I met a combined liver/ kidney transplant patient that took 6 mRNA shots, still wears two masks 😷 and gloves. I was stunned and I didn’t say a thing because the level of indoctrination is beyond anything that can be repaired. Above the mask, I could see it in her eyes how frightened she was. I felt very sad for her ...

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Ron White said it perfectly, “You can’t fix stupid”.

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WIth each booster there is a drop in neutralizing antibodies... eventually you will have given your self VAIDS if you keep getting jabbed.

The NWO has been very efficient and dumbing down the population and this started several generations back...and the connection with nature has been bred out of the population. If you were connected to nature you would have a very high level of discernment, but now at least half the population has zero discernment.

So, Darwin smiles with each fool who does themselves in with the jab. To me it is a vertical smile.

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She has shit for brains and quite frankly deserves all she gets ..... the stupid woman 😤sadly there is millions of morons like her 😩

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Does she no longer have natural immunity?

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Well...there’s the stupid 🙄, the stupider 😙 and then the stupidest 😳! Doc, you nailed it...dumb as door knobs. They will never, ever be convinced or listen no matter what. Actually, it’s them who’ve sealed their own fate. They have only themselves to blame. One can only do and say so much. The damage is done. The educated (who really listen & understand the science) can only sit back and watch the damage unfold.

Doc A...your passion is admirable. You certainly picked the right profession.

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Well I blame her! For being so damn stupid! Enough said.

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She’ll be gone by Christmas

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Maybe just one more booster 🙄

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The "Covidians", obsessed with being Vaxxed, disregarding warnings, or how their health is failing...

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Lost in Space.

Darwin Awards anyone?

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Amazing so many ignore the documented Probs.

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