How about reparations to whites by blacks who destroyed cities that whites built?

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What about the principle that no one shall be punished for any but his own crime and its corollary that no one is responsible for any but his own debt?

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Irish history reveals they were the most enslaved people. of all

The potato famine was a mine field for grabbing children to the colonies as bond slaves. Worked morning till night under the whip

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I took at 23 and me test, I got my results back, 95% Irish, 4 percent danish and a weird less than 1 percent North African. Looks my ancestors were shown the benefits of diversity in the 1800’s... I want my money.

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Most people don’t realize that less than 2% of white men were slave holders. But somehow we hold the entire white race responsible?

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Dr. P., greatly appreciate you noting that all races, unfortunately had slavery. Asians and Latinos as well.

I think the true answer to all of these racial issues, is not even segregation, but complete separation. De-Globalization. Let's all live with our own. By far the happiest, safest nations on Earth, are ethno-states. None are complete paradise, but much closer. Norway, Denmark, Japan, and China are growing, prospering. Women can walk safely with their children, men can go to work confident their family will be alive when they get home.

Not knocking the more violent races and cultures, just really sick of their shenanigans. And of course, there is one MASTER RACE that feels it was CHOSEN to destroy the harmony of others. All the others.

Well, I think there is a special way to deal with that expulsion...

Hail Victory.

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Yep, several ancestors on my dads side were all either murdered or enslaved by the Turks. One wrote a diary in the 1600's. My mom's ancestral village in Ireland was pillaged by North African pirate ships and all killed or shipped to slavery in Africa as were millions until Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson et al and the marines put an end to it for the benefit of the entire world with the Barbary Wars (marine hymn: "to the shores of Tripoli"...) https://www.amazon.com/Christian-Slaves-Muslim-Masters-Mediterranean/dp/1403945519/ref=sr_1_4?crid=GFVHOEL1D0XA&keywords=white+slavery+in+the+barbary+states+charles+sumner&qid=1689261167&sprefix=white+slaver%2Caps%2C568&sr=8-4

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Reports exist of Barbary raids and kidnappings by African muslims for sala as slaves in Africa of whites in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, England, Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and as far north as Iceland between the 16th to the 19th centuries. Entire villages of Italians were captured. Some areas of Italy were reportedly depopulated. There were also mass captures from the Black Sea of Russians and Ukranians. I can only imagine what happened to the Christian women who would have been seen as subhuman but useful jf they were pretty. It appears the muslims didn't seize any Prussians and I'm not sure if they caught any of my Celtic sncestors but they did seize Celts and I have partial Celtic ancestry and that's good enough for me. I'm outraged. As a white person of European descent and victim of non-white oppression I demand reparations from the descendants of these African muslim slavers and the removal of any statues of them anywhere. Where do I lodge my claim?

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What about the children sold into indentured servitude by immigrants from Germany in the early 1800s? Slavery is slavery.

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Muslims enslaved Christians for centuries during the Jihad.

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what about those in slavery now?

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

The most spectacular thing about the world we all live in right now, is each individual can delete their collective past and erase history; and then simply re-invent their present. Fabulous stuff.

Only losers blame their ancestry and look for handouts and moan and complain until kingdom come.

There're worse things than alleged slave heritage or imprisonment - your mind.

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I’m 💯 % European, when do I get my reparations?

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I acknowledge that descendants of slaves of any race, may through their lineage have had disadvantages which are a result of the slaves’ inability to create wealth for their heirs and can pass on the traumas through generational trauma kept alive today by the mental slave owners, the Democrat Marxists who will not let blacks advance and work toward creating cultures of victimhood and violence. Even the word "disadvantage" has its issues. Disadvantaged compared to whom and in what part of the world? A disadvantaged black person in America is still better off than most of the offspring of Africans that remained in Africa. They are better off than those who are currently in slavery today. This is something to be grateful for. Many people around the global live in poverty and conflict (civil war, etc.), but the black descendants of American slavery have access to a free education, health care, rent help, childcare payments and food. Reparations have already been paid through these free services. When disadvantaged people are taught to live in victimhood rather than gratitude for their freedom and the fact that they overcame and survived, their cultures suffer, their people suffer and those around them suffer. If the blacks who have a victim mindset could break those chains they could feel freedom and opportunity and have a beautiful life. It’s all about mindset.

Have we forgotten the plight of the Chinese who built the railroads? They died using dynamite to blow up rock, they died buried under several feet of snow, they died falling from high mountains and women were kept in small cages as prostitutes. Lisa See’s books are excellent.

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My ancestors in Europe were slaves to the Roman's. I want reparation.

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Mixed feelings, as the article specifically addresses racial discrimination against black residents in the town from 1919-1979…

I think reparations for living people who were victimized by government policy is an entirely different topic than reparations for the slave trade.

Yes, we can play the “what about” game with that topic too, and to be Frank, at this point I could care less. The government prints trillions to throw away on foreign countries that could care less about us, at this point I’d rather every American get fake money for their grievances.

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