How’d we reach a point whereby we’d need a gaggle of egg heads at a university to conduct a study to tell us what was as plain as the nose on our collective faces. Fascist dictators posing as democrats used a bad flu to steal our liberty, freedom, and personal sovereignty. They ousted leaders they didn’t approve of, murdered the weak and stole our money. The crime of the millennia.

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Remember recently when the RINOs refused to support the impeachment of traitor Mayorkas, who is behind the invasion on our border by illegal aliens and criminals and jihadists? I heard today that he has issued guidelines regarding illegal aliens. He says they must not be "misgendered". We cannot call them he or she, we cannot hurt their feelings.

But it's okay to allow them to invade the country and plot terror acts and murder people.

But NO, do not use the wrong fucking pronouns when referring to them.


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Almost 100% of mom's giving birth today have "Anxiety" & "Depression" on their chart...

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There Is A Weakness Of Body, Mind, And Spirit

That Pervades The Vaccinated,

And Those That Administer The Disaster.

There Is No Reason For Them, As People

To Me.

Certainly Not As An Equal.

Far - Far From It.


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When you step back and view convid for what it was, a rehearsal for climate lockdowns, it all begins to fall into place and come into focus. It was never about the NIH-China Flu, it was all about climate and Greenie nonsense. The flu was an excuse. An apparition. A crime to cover up the crime to cover up the crime to cover up the crime. The aware, corrupt, mockingbirds and the wilfully ignorant continue to be human shields for all the crimes. The fear of the reality too great for all to face. They pulled the strings and we did it to ourselves. Just like J6.

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