What data strongly suggests that a bio weapon saves lives? Where is such data?

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Maline is an effing liar. These two twitter posts are ongoing proof.

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This was a never ending comment. Fauci, Walensky, Siegel, Birx and many more- they all pointed to “the data” as why the entire world’s population should take a gene altering bio weapon. Those are powerful words coming from clinical leaders. These words resulted in pain, suffering and death. They must be held accountable.

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When I was a teen it only took documented harm of a little over 30 people for them to scrap the entirety of the swine flu vaccination program. Someone should ask Malone how much human harm from mRNA is acceptable against a virus with an infinitesimal fatality rate?

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There is none. Peoplr likr them lie like other people breathe.

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That's what we keep saying, where is the evidence that it saved lives?

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Say 10 out of 11 people die within two weeks of vaccination. 1 o 11 dies after two weeks of vaccination. The deaths in the first two weeks of vaccination are listed as unvaccinated. The government creates a statistic that you are 10 times more likely to die if you are unvaccinated. The reality is that all 11 deaths are a result of vaccination. Yet the falsified statistic creates a false basis for more deadly vaccinations. This is the type of data Malone refers to, and he knows better.

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One is a loser mentality. It’s that elite - “we need to kill off those people” bullshit. Apparently, he subscribed, probably to get ahead. And the second seems to fall in the same camp - looking to get ahead because of his connection to those piece of shit “vaccines”. Has he apologized for either? I have no idea…

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Of course he hasn’t apologized, and he never will. He’s been admitting he was wrong, which he knows is impossible.

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Kirsh is depop as well.

Let’s get them to volunteer first.

Such hubris and hypocrisy!

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It bent his mind when he realized that he was a target too. Guess he thought it was ok if it's "other"people.

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Really? Wtf?😢

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Dr. Paul, I've been preoccupied what with having two stents placed in my RCA reopening a previous stent from 2006 while continuing to assist my wife with a recent breast cancer DX, but I'm back for the moment....

Dr. Paul, the first BIOWEAPON was deployed in December of 2020. December 11th to be exact. See link below 👇


The date on Malone's post is 2021-06-21. That's June 21, 2021. I'm not real good at math but that looks like exactly 6 months.

Exactly what "data" could he possibly be referring to that could have possibly been collected in a 6 month period? The Pfizer data was locked up tight until Arron Siri wrenched it from their criminal hands 2, that's two years later. So what "data" could he possibly be referring to?

I sure hope through back channels your pointing your fellow truth tellers to these obvious lies.

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Maybe you could enlighten us as to how the first ever Covid vaccine went into a soldiers arm in 2014? .. this has DArPA fingerprints all over it.

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I'm fully aware of the DARPA/DOD connections. Project veritas revealed docs two years ago. I'm also aware of patents going back as far as the 1960s 70s 90s 2000s that were revealed by Dr. David Martin. This rabbit hole is very long, winding and deep. There no need to get snippy with me. What I was simply pointing out is that as far as the "public" deployment of this BIOWEAPON the evidence he claimed was available certainly couldn't have been if you believed the narrative that this was just now created.

Maybe Malone was unconsciously referring to all the years he'd been involved in this thing?😉

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We need Malone and Ed Dowd in the same room, stat!

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Dennis Rancourt would also do.

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Having listened to him on Doc Malik's podcast, I don't really trust him any more. Insisted there was a deadly pandemic, and there is a continued risk of deadly pandemics. Claimed that the virus existed and cited a paper where he was the author that demonstrated the virus existed. I looked up the paper, there was nothing in there proving the existence of a virus, just that he used whatever sample he had been given. Claimed everyone else was controlled opposition. Claims that he works long hours on a farm, yet still has time to publish massive substack articles regularly, publish books and papers. It doesn't really add up, or he is superhuman.

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Malone's a money grubber; a media whore who'll say anything, do anything for the limelight.

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https://rumble.com/v2u2jym-dr-rashid-buttar-murdered-last-interview.html Amazing how one of the most honest Dr's pushed so hard to get the information out and proven correct from the start and marked as one of the disinformation dozen. He was and still is admired for his dedication in getting the truth out, as well as Dr Vladimir Zelenko and the others pushing truths. They are and will always be remembered for their fight against these traitor's lies in the US and around the world. He touches off and the video he showed within this interview is priceless. For his last interview I still find it amazing that he talked of such a variety of agenda's in the works and again he showed his mission was complete to be carried on by the next fighters to spread the truth. He even says if your alive right now, there is a reason for it, because God has a mission for each one of us to make sure we do our part and we can leave this world a better place and right now the planet is not a better place and that's because he believed this is an important time and he had a great life. Of course even in the end of this video, he went on to say he was asked what if you die while your trying to do this and it cuts off. He even said his life was the way the Creator designed. May he continue to rest in peace. A man of his word.

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Well Dr A.. Dr M wrote this sometime in 2021… when everyone thought this was the solution to the Fauci made virus … (he funded it.. so the title sticks) fast forward to 2024 … and every one with critical thought still operating can see what a silly silly idea it was to eff up a perfectly working immune system.. the disaster is worldwide and still unfolding… and only an arsehat with half a brain would still believe this muck saved lives… present data shows every life saved meant 14 had to die… not a good result.

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Maloney even looks evil. Look into his eyes.

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He is so full of himself! He’s a jerk!

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It is so refreshing when "their" masks fall and truth is revealed. He's amassed quite a following. Surely, we can hope that the scales will fall from his fans' eyes. What is underneath the mask his horribly ugly - Eugenics.

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It means the vaccines save lives, but saving lives is not desirable because of overpopulation.

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Paul, what if we pray for Maline’ssoul? Think the scales could fall off? Bigger miracles have happened.

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I am part of several prayer teams. We always pray for evil to be exposed. My prayer for Malone is the same. He has been exposed but those who promote and condone his unethical behaviour have to be made accountable, too. God 'hates' sin and it is sinful to condone depopulation.

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Amen . & thanks for the comment.

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I have been doing just that for several months. For all of those who are in positions 'of power or authority'.

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